Signed Shirt winner
Date: Monday, 26th Jan 2004John Carval wins a Pars signed Top.
John, is 48, married with 2 children and has been in the army (Royal Artillery) since 1971.
John says, `I have been a staunch Pars fan all my life and went to almost every match before joining up. Being away a lot, I don`t get to see the team anything like as often as I would like.
That is why this web site is such a big bonus for me, keeping me right up to date with everything that is going on.`
John wins a Pars signed top for the Player of the year competition from the summer. Somebody else had originally won it but I never heard back from them, then I forgot, so recently we picked a new name out of the hat. sorry for the delay John !

p.s. the Top is signed by the whole team and not a top worn by Noel.
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