Going Up - The Video
Author: Douglas Scott Date: Saturday, 1st Jul 2000One e-par who was quick to view it thought it good but the only annoying thing about it was Richard Gordon's "commentary".
It seems so obvious he's never seen the highlights before watching the footage for the video and he tries too hard to pretend that he's excited about a goal opportunity..
So having seen this quick retort DAFC.net asked ever present Pars fan Brian Donovan for a more detailed analysis. -
It's a rare event when a Pars video is produced, so from that point of view the release of 'Going Up' is very welcome. However, those who purchased the 'Champions' video of some four years ago, will quite rightly view this new addition to a small family with some trepidation.
Well I'm delighted to say that this is not a bad effort at all. It's very professionally produced and given some of the disappointing performances on the field, it has actually managed to make last season look reasonably exciting!
Showing footage of a good number of the games throughout the season, it tends to gloss over many of the times when the going got tough. Nevertheless, there are some good interviews with JC, Jimmy Nic, Stevie Crawford, Owen and Fergie which give a reasonable insight into the events of the last year. Covered in some detail is the departure of Dick Campbell from the club.
As well as interviews, there is footage from the training ground, and JC's dressing room talk prior to the last home game of the season against Airdrie.
Given some of the poor play we had to put up with, there were a surprising number of good goals scored. Stewart Petrie and Stevie Crawford v St Mirren, Lee Bullen v Livvy and Clydebank, Richard Huxford v St Mirren, Coyle and Fergie v Ayr Utd are all well worth seeing again.
So although 1999/2000 wasn't a classic season, I can recommend the video which manages to capture those moments which are well worth remembering.
If I have a criticism, it's that it doesn't touch upon some of the more controversial events of the season, such as the unjust sending off of Owen Coyle at Raith, and the game against Airdrie when the Pars were reduced to just nine men.
Retailing at £14.99, the video is available from the club shop (tel 01383 626737), and WH Smith etc.
Brian Donovan
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