Lemonaid update in Haiti
Date: Wednesday, 14th Apr 2010Lemonaid team of 20 plus medics , tradesmen and photographer returned last week from another successful trip to Haiti.
Delivering one and a half tons of emergency supplies , treating 1200 patients and repairing vehicles and properties.
Throwing parties for orphans and laying plans for new hospital all went very smoothly indeed .
Travelling over rough terrain from Dominican republic and working in intense heat added to the challenges.
The Lemo team arrived back in the town in time to welcome aids orphans from Uganda. £2,000 was raised at a charity concert at the Vine with 30 performers in the Watoto choir .
Three of the orphans and there guardian are seen in the caption with Jimmy,Elma and Zara Dowds .
Having the children whose parents all died with aids stay in our home was a humbling experience as they were able to still laugh and play together joyfully .
A big thanks to all the Dunfermline folks who hosted the kids and made contributions, to keep the work of Lemonaid charity going.
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