Dunfermline Athletic

Meet the Manager Night.

Author: Jason Barber Date: Wednesday, 31st Aug 2005

DAFC personnel turned out on the evening to talk to Pars fans who came along to the Kingdom Suite at East End Park.

Peter from the forums wins a home top.

Jim Leishman was otherwise engaged and put his apologies in, however Hamish French was along from the management team to share his thoughts with the members who came along on the night.

DAFC Chairman, John Yorkston, also came along and spoke openly about the recent signing speculation and the team’s performances to date this season.

Club captain, Scott Thomson, was along to represent the playing staff, as well as helping out with the raffle prizes on the night.

Pete Campbell, chairman of the Centenary Club, opened the event in the Kingdom Suite and thanked those in attendance for coming along.

Granda from the forums wins a bottle of white wine.

Over 50 people came along to sample the free wine and buffet that was on offer, including many well known faces from dafc.net!

Neil Farrell was in attendance, as ever with camera to hand, and took pictures on request for anyone who wants their mugshot added to the rogue’s gallery.

Hamish French was first up to the microphone and was asked questions about his 14 years at the club to date. Signed by Jocky Scott, Hamish has worked with a number of different management regimes at East End Park and spoke about the differences between them all. Having also played under Jim McLean at Tannadice, Hamish was not giving away many dressing room secrets from his time in Dundee!

The difference between a “player’s manager” such as Jocky Scott, and the more outgoing managers that followed him was clear. Whilst Jocky Scott may not have been popular with the fans, he was with the players at the time.

A fan of the artificial surface, Hamish also echoed the thoughts of many when he questioned the thinking behind the banning of the XL Turf.

Hamish then went onto thank the Centenary Club for the continued financial support of community coaching activities. With funds hard to come by from other parties, a recent donation of £700 has bought the required bibs, footballs and other kit required for the community coaching for the forthcoming season. This donation was in addition to a similar amount handed over last season for equipment used by younger groups.

Hamish then took the time to speak to each table of guests individually throughout the evening.

John Yorkston was next on the microphone and the Stevie Crawford situation was still fresh in everyone’s thoughts. The chairman informed everyone that Bill McMurdo, Crawford’s agent, had called DAFC on Wednesday morning to confirm that his client would be working towards his contract release that afternoon and a phone call would be forthcoming as soon as that had been finalised. The chairman pulled out his mobile phone and confirmed that he was still waiting on that call! Agents, don’t you just love them?

The four new signings were spoken about, with each having their merits in being offered a contract at the club. Liam Horsted is apparently as fast a winger as we could hope for, whilst every report about Yannick Zambernardi has been a positive one. Allan McGregor is seen as a future Scotland first choice goalkeeper and Jamie McCunnie has captained the Scotland under 21s. With Scott Morrison is Colorado receiving treatment on his recent ligament injury, the chairman did question if McCunnie’s involvement was a good thing or not!

A free raffle was organised on the night, with a number of dafc.net posters winning the prizes! Peter is pictured receiving his freshly signed Pars top from Scott Thomson, whilst Neil won the final prize of the night having pictured everyone else receiving their prize! Pete Campbell took charge of the dafc.net camera and managed to capture Neil’s moment of glory!

old-bendo wins erm, a jar of brandy with peaches inside!

The purpose of these events is to keep awareness of the Centenary Club high in Pars fan’s thoughts, with membership on the increase, it means more cash donations can be made to the club. Membership has not risen in cost since the club was established in 1985, just £100 a year. Matchday hospitality prizes have now doubled for this season, with a table of 10 in the private pitchside box for every single home game. £250 and £500 cash prizes are also awarded to members each week.

The next big event is the Sunday afternoon Sportsman’s Brunch, being held on the 9th of October at Lauder College BLCC. Over 200 tickets have been sold, with more remaining if anyone is interested in coming along and having a Sunday afternoon with a difference.

Jim Leishman is hosting the event, with top class after dinner speakers to keep people entertained. Full breakfast menu will be available, with prize raffle and a sporting auction to try and raise funds for DAFC on the day. Hopefully as many members can make it along as possible!

Any queries re this event, or the Centenary Club in general, please email Jason@dafc.net

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