Site Adverts
Author: Date: Wednesday, 14th Aug 2002You will have seen the adverts at the top of the pages. Please click on them and support our advertisers. What can you do ? has been developed for Pars fans. Its takes time and effort to keep the site running and money to pay for web space. We also like to have regular competitions. We have had quite a few Pars Tops, signed football and miscellaneous other prizes won by Pars fans around the world.
What can you do to help keep the site going. We recommend that everybody clicks and follows through the adverts on a regular basis. We suggest at least one a week. will then get paid advertising revenue from your participation in clicking adverts.
Its not much to do and certainly better than those pesky pop-ups that were so annoying on Rivals.
We will also be selling advertising space down the left hand column, so if you wish to advertise, or know someone who might, then email
As usual if you have any suggestions or comments then please email us.
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