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 New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 03:46

I`ve been working with a manufacturer on a new top.
Feedback i`ve had so far has been positive but adjustments can be made before starting production.

I can literally get any design onto a shirt or Polo Top.

If you do have a design you`d like produced there is a minimum order of 10 tops in either football tops or Polo Shirts.

Production will start in the New Year.

I don`t have a selling price yet as i need to get postage costs sorted out.

Also looking for where proceeds should be directed to, Disabled fund, youth development or just a direct gift to the club coffers.

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 07:20

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 07:27


JamesAndrew74, Thu 29 Dec 07:20


Thaipar, Thu 29 Dec 03:46

I`ve been working with a manufacturer on a new top.
Feedback i`ve had so far has been positive but adjustments can be made before starting production.

I can literally get any design onto a shirt or Polo Top.

If you do have a design you`d like produced there is a minimum order of 10 tops in either football tops or Polo Shirts.

Production will start in the New Year.

I don`t have a selling price yet as i need to get postage costs sorted out.

Also looking for where proceeds should be directed to, Disabled fund, youth development or just a direct gift to the club coffers.

Remove the back part and the pars to the front and I think it looks quite good. You’ll need permission I presume from the club on the badge use

Got permission already.
Cheers for putting the pictures up
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: parsloyal98  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 10:48

The back makes it look cheap and tacky but the front is smart! Any chance of long sleeves being produced?

We love Dunfermline We do!
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: eastendalloapar  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 10:50

I really like the lower one, I`m not sure about the stadium image on the back, also I would prefer THE PARS logo on the back. The front club log looks good.

matt forsyth
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Kaiser  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 11:07

No need for The Pars on the front of shirts. Looks good with just badge and 1885.
The kdm stadium pic on back of shirt is also a NO from me.

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 12:21

I agree kaiser, lose the stadium picture and all the writing - but then what you’re left with is essentially an alternate pars shirt
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Thu 29 Dec 12:40

I`m behind the KDM sponsorship but I`m not wearing an unofficial top with their name on it.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 10:41

Tops will be priced at £40 including postage.
Polo shirts will be £45

Regarding the image of the stadium on the back it looks better in the flesh not tacky at all.
If there is demand I can have some made with long sleeves.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: gthyde  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 11:08

Don’t like the stadium on the back. Would prefer The Pars on the back as well.

Also what sizes will they go up to?
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 11:20

Nothing here that`s that different and at £40 its a bit steep.

Do you have any of the shirts with the whole badge on it that you done a few years back, there would be demand for that again I would think.

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 11:35

Both look smart but would be better with "THE PARS" on the back. Don`t mind the stadium on the back but would drop the KDM part (no offence to KDM!) as it feels a bit like a sponsorship, which it isn`t.

£40-45 feels a bit steep given the proper strips can be bought for that. I`ve still got one of the Copa tops from a few years back and I`m sure it was lower priced than the official tops. I could be wrong though.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 11:59


Par, Fri 30 Dec 11:20

Nothing here that`s that different and at £40 its a bit steep.

Do you have any of the shirts with the whole badge on it that you done a few years back, there would be demand for that again I would think.

Like I said in OP anything can be produced,but the price will remain the same.The badge top some 5 years ago was also priced at £40 and although u will all agree manufacturing cost for everything has gone up. I`ve found a new supplier and they`ve agreed a price which I think is still reasonable.
Regarding the stadium some may not like it but EEP is now the KDM GROUP East End Park.
I will be sending a version of both the strip and polo shirt to KDM GROUP EEP where I would hope the club shop would be happy for you to see it in the flesh.
As the unofficial strip sponsorship thing there is no sponsorship, although I have contacted KDM directly and hopefully they will place an order which will further boost the KDM Group EEP further.
The front of the shirt looks bare in the flesh without the pars on it and the back more so with nothing.
With a litte wiggle room am sure I can get personal names written on each top for you also.
These will be in the print not a stuck on version.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 12:06

Also as said in OP give me a design and if you have demand for 10 I can get them made in either polo shirts or dry fit for you.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 13:54

Expect this thread to disappear soon
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:06

Why would it disappear?
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: back oh the net  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:08

Fingers crossed

Come on ye pars ⚽️
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:12


Post Edited (Sat 31 Dec 09:28)
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:19

That`s a shame. These permissions can be complex tbh.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:25


jake89, Fri 30 Dec 14:19

That`s a shame. These permissions can be complex tbh.

As the gentleman that I am Al proceeds from these tops will be gifted to the club whether they want it or not.
If they don`t want it I would ask they donate to cancer research in the UK as opposed to disabled or youth fund
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:27


Post Edited (Sat 31 Dec 09:29)
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:37

I think it`s a complex situation for selling
But you should try and find a solution

contact: email me
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 14:38

How about an agreement to sell the badge shirt at the club shop, you could sell them at cost and the club add a profit margin I`m sure anything that the fans want and makes money can be accommodated.

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 15:10

Commercial activities are always going to be complex, but what about removing the Pars badge, which I assume is copyright or a trademark, and replace with the classical "DAFC" logo?

Post Edited (Fri 30 Dec 15:11)
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Grant  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 15:35

I`d imagine the club wants quality control on anything with the badge?
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: JoshPars4life  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 15:43

Seems fair to me that the club want control of the badge and products displaying the badge. Just because permission was given for a one off edition doesn`t give future use of the badge.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 15:58

Whilst I admire your intentions I think the shirts look terrible, like something from kinross market. Not surprising that the club wants nothing to do with them.

Strap yourselves in folks

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 16:02

No offence to anyone, but these do look like a bit of a cheap n nasty knock off product, like one of those fake Barcelona shirts you see on holiday. It doesn`t look like the height of sartorial elegance.
It is a nice touch by Thaipar to try and raise some money for the club but I do have some concerns about something resembling the kit, using the badge and the club sponsor. That sort of thing should be up to the club and the club only.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 16:11

Hats off to Thaipar for giving it a go but I can complete understand (to the extent I`d expect it to be the default position) where the club is coming from. Particularly with a new sponsor also in the loop now.

The ship may have sailed with the sharing of the email (probably best if that`s removed in my humble one), but it would be interesting to hear how the club is getting on with selling branded kit and if there is latent demand that could be addressed with some other stuff. Of course, like all businesses, it may very well be that they just don`t have the time to spend making a grand here and there.

I take this as a positive that we`re not in quite a desperate place as before.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 16:55

Was in the Club shop last home game and was sure I heard that all home and away tops were sold out, hence the introduction of the 3rd strip.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: TAFKA_Super_Petrie  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 18:18

Fair play trying to get ball rolling with this and taking initiative. Don`t think it would ever be viable at £40 regardless of licensing / legal constraints; to be honest i thought even half that would be pushing it a bit but just my opinion.

Also a bit poor sharing a private email, doesn`t benefit anyone.


"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: back oh the net  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 22:05

So let me get this right you previously had permission which was granted by a chairman who has since stepped down you then put your shirts into production without checking with the current chairman first to see if said permission was still granted only to find out that the computer says no 😂😂😂 only you thaipar could mess up then somehow try and blame the club

Come on ye pars ⚽️
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: DBA  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 22:59


Thaipar, Fri 30 Dec 14:12


jake89, Fri 30 Dec 14:06

Why would it disappear?

David Cook has just emailed saying the permission Ross gave has been revoked.
The badge top shirts made £1000 for the club so obviously David is doing such a great job the club doesn`t need any more income.

As I`ve paid for production already I will still sell these privately if anyone wants to buy as they will be limited edition.

Why on earth have you paid for production already?

Sharing personal emails is a poor show. This is your issue, nothing to do with David Cook or anyone at the club.

Also, how can you sell privately if you don`t have permission to use the badge? Are you changing the design?

Post Edited (Fri 30 Dec 23:03)
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Fri 30 Dec 23:30

Give the guy a break .
He was simply teying to make funds for the club .
He mentioned all profit would go to DAFC
I dont see an issue with ginm sharing the response he recieved he was being transparent .
He tried its not been accepted so.move on.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 08:01

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: incognito  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 08:51

Im not surpised that after seeing them David Cook has decided to not give permission.

In the nicest way possible they are horrific looking and at £40 completely pointless.

They are merely this seasons home kit with a collar, slightly different layout and a chalkit big photo on the back.

"Did you see what happened to the magic car?

It turned into a street!"
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 08:54


LochgellyAlbert, Fri 30 Dec 16:55

Was in the Club shop last home game and was sure I heard that all home and away tops were sold out, hence the introduction of the 3rd strip.

Thanks LA.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: dd23  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 10:41

Kudos for trying to make money for the club and provide a service to fans, Thaipar. Unfortunately for you it’s not worked out this time, it’s a pity too many others have to be so hateful about it.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 11:45

I believe the low stock on strips this year is due to our partnership with Joma coming to an end this season. It looks as if we`ve asked for more, got turned down so got an off the peg yellow and blue number and tried to package it as some sort of tribute to our badge.

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: par-91  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 13:15


Athletico, Sat 31 Dec 11:45

I believe the low stock on strips this year is due to our partnership with Joma coming to an end this season. It looks as if we`ve asked for more, got turned down so got an off the peg yellow and blue number and tried to package it as some sort of tribute to our badge.

Yep. I’d heard last season that the Joma deal was up this year and the club were very unlikely to renew. Relationship with them apparently nowhere near as good as it used to be. When I heard about the stock issues, it certainly seems to be the end of this partnership.

My only hope is that we can continue to get bespoke kits with whoever the new supplier is. Not keen on having a home kit that is worn by other teams all over the world. It’s been nice having our own unique kits.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Ben,D.A  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 13:20

Do you have any of the shirts with the whole badge on it that you done a few years back, there would be demand for that again I would think.

Does anyone own one of these shirts?

only 11 make the team,the rest can just but dream.
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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 20:59

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: theparsman1885  
Date:   Sat 31 Dec 23:53

Ormiston_Par wrote:


Ben,D.A, Sat 31 Dec 13:20
> Par
> Do you have any of the shirts with the whole badge on it that
> you done a few years back, there would be demand for that again
> I would think.
> Does anyone own one of these shirts?

> I`ve got one - never worn it.
> Read in to that what you will.

Was the XXXL size still too tight for you?

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sun 1 Jan 00:22

Might have went downhill since Andy Barrowman left his position at Joma.

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: Ormiston_Par  
Date:   Sun 1 Jan 00:22

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 Re: New Custom Tops
Topic Originator: 1885thepars1885  
Date:   Sun 1 Jan 00:39

Unfortunately I’m glad these will never see the light of day, look terrible and just tacky.
Mistake the OP seems to have made is to assume he had permission to produce any sort of pars stuff he wished, without any QC from EEP. This right should never be given to anyone.
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