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 Commodore 64 mini Boxed and unused.
Topic Originator: kozmasrightfoot  
Date:   Wed 10 Apr 15:02

I bought this a couple of years ago when I was working but I`ve never gotten around to ever setting it up to use it. It also comes with a separate USB attachment that apparently includes every single C64 game ever made on it (i bought this on Ebay) . I`m pretty desperate for pennies so make me an offer I can`t refuse for some glorious nostalgic entertainment. (Ideally around 30 - 40 earth coins).

Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
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 Re: Commodore 64 mini Boxed and unused.
Topic Originator: PARSTASTIC  
Date:   Sun 5 Jan 21:19

Off chance do you still have this?

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 Re: Commodore 64 mini Boxed and unused.
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 12 Jan 20:13

If Kozma doesn`t have it or doesn`t get back to you, you could take a look at some of the retro game sticks. You just plug them into an HDMI port and they usually have consoles from 8 - 32 bit. There used to be a local guy who sold them on TikTok under the username RetroSega. They`re obviously not as cool to look at but would scratch that retro gaming itch. Alternatively, buy a PiZero for a few quid and install RetroPie on it. Can then run a whole host of emulators.
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 Re: Commodore 64 mini Boxed and unused.
Topic Originator: kozmasrightfoot  
Date:   Tue 14 Jan 13:54

Sorry for late reply, I do still have it,still in the box with an extra USB that has every single c64 game on it (I personally can`t attest to this as I`ve never plugged it in.

Contact me on kgsinclair@yahoo.co.uk if you want it. I`ll check out how much it`s worth and sell it for less. It is completely brand new and unused.

Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.
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