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 Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: saudi  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 18:08

Sunday paper round. Two weekends, only, at the totties - backbreaking stuff.

Packing shelves at Coopers Fine Fare [now Farmfoods] in Cowdenbeath. Soup area, Thursday evening and Saturday morning.

2 summers at Hills Laundry in Halbeath Rd - washhouse assistant.

Not all at the same time !!!!!!

Over to you, boys ...............
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Blackandwhiteblood  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 18:18

Think we got two weeks off school to go to the totties.
Cleaned the terracing at East end park on Sundays after home games. About a dozen of us. We got a season ticket as our wage.
Had a paper round as well. Canny mind the pay.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Parplod  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 18:22

Paper round when at school. When at Yooni spent the summers in a big bakery in Glasgow. Hard graft at the bottom of the ovens. 146 degrees during the summer of 1976. When no oven work the fallback job was to put lids on pies. After 20 minutes your mind was numb. Didn’t eat a pie for years but 40+ years later I have been known to revisit the joy.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: helensburghpar  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 19:15

Milk round and evening paper round. Done some gardening for an old woman on Saturday mornings .Totties as well. I liked money.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 19:29

Paper boy.... Cairneyhill post office. early til mid 80s.
Started when it was owned by Mercers then they retired and Mr & Mrs McNab took over.
Best gaffers I've ever had.
The McNabs... Not the Mercers... They were hard work they pair.


Post Edited (Wed 03 Oct 19:29)
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 19:39

Up at 3.30 to deliver milk every morning from 2nd year on.
Worked in coopers Finefare Tuesday's and Thursdays to boot.
Collected milk money on Monday and Friday nights.
I didn't sleep much....except in the prefects common room.

Worked in The Well on weekends from 4th year too. Just cleaning glasses ye ken ;)

Also did the totties every school year.

I did the EEP stadium on Sundays too. I reckon we must know each other Blackandwhiteblood.

Post Edited (Wed 03 Oct 19:41)
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 20:15

I didn't have any jobs #lazybas
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 21:15

Rent boy.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: shrek par  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 22:56

Paper boy and done the coca cola merchandising for ellert in fine fare . Sold the coca cola yoyos wholesale one summer, made a fortune no shop ever said no.

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Blackandwhiteblood  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 23:09


PARrot, Wed 3 Oct 19:39

Up at 3.30 to deliver milk every morning from 2nd year on.
Worked in coopers Finefare Tuesday's and Thursdays to boot.
Collected milk money on Monday and Friday nights.
I didn't sleep much....except in the prefects common room.

Worked in The Well on weekends from 4th year too. Just cleaning glasses ye ken ;)

Also did the totties every school year.

I did the EEP stadium on Sundays too. I reckon we must know each other Blackandwhiteblood.

Were you at the disabled supporters club meeting last week. I was the guy in the wheelchair that came in late.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Big T Par  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 23:14

Picking strawberries, raspberries gooseberries every summer, for about £30 a week 😫😫😫

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: PARrot  
Date:   Wed 3 Oct 23:58

Yep I was sitting next to Dave. I dont know you from school days I don't think.
Must have done the EEP gig at different times. We did it round about '74, '75. We only did the old stand.
Played snooker and 5 aside afterwards in the old bowels of the stadium. We also got a season ticket.

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 00:33

Done paper rounds with Menzies when I was 11-15 (was the marker for 2 years)
Then done the coop milk cannae mind the name of the flats behind where the dairy was but started the round there at 4.30 finished at Urquhart at 7.30. The milk was much better than the paper round mind in 85 we got £500 each in tips driver and 2 delivery boys.

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 01:40

I took a summer job when I was 15 at a large old brickworks. Those six weeks were a real wake-up call. I learned very quickly that heavy labouring in a grim Victorian industrial environment was not a career option I should be seeking when I left school the following year.

Throughout my working day, I stood at the top of a large hopper (no safety cage) and threw broken bricks still hot from the kilns into a crusher at the bottom of the hopper. Every afternoon a tipper truck would come along and add to my pile of bricks, making redundant all my efforts to lessen its height.

Despite this, I gained a lot of positives from the experience that I have taken with me my whole life; that every job has meaning and value to someone, there is tremendous camaraderie to be found in adversity and nothing matches the gallows humour that results. Most of all, there is the knowledge that we all live complex lives and have dreams, and some people face incredible obstacles just to get by.

The big hit back then was 'In the Summertime' by Mungo Jerry and whenever I hear it today I find myself standing by that brick stack.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: GG741  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 02:40

I grew up on a farm, so there was no shortage of jobs. Every day. Before school, after school.
And school holidays were just longer working days, except for two weeks at the beach in a (crowded) caravan.

My siblings and I always have stories to recount when we catch up.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Blackandwhiteblood  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 08:25


PARrot, Wed 3 Oct 23:58

Yep I was sitting next to Dave. I dont know you from school days I don't think.
Must have done the EEP gig at different times. We did it round about '74, '75. We only did the old stand.
Played snooker and 5 aside afterwards in the old bowels of the stadium. We also got a season ticket.

I went to School in Kelty. A guy called Willie Craig from Kelty organised the cleaning at that time. That was in the early sixties.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Malcolm Canmore  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 08:37

Delivering briquettes from Tam Crawford’s coal lorry (I was far too wee to carry a bag of coal). Probably in breach of several H&S laws today.

My dog eats meat
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Hail2Crail  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 11:14

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 11:47

Paper round and with all the usual jokes it was probably one of the most ridiculous routes in the town covering from Brucefield right up to townhill road over to baldridgeburn. Also the odd shift.

Couple of holiday jobs on building sites and in warehouse.

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: parbucks  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 12:12

Summer of 61 at the age of 16 between my fifth and sixth years I worked for the Cleansing department of the council as a relief “street orderly” or scaffy as some called it.
I had 3x two week stints filling in during the holidays. Townhill, Chalmers /Grieve street areas, Woodmill/Blacklaw Road. My lock up for my barrow, brush and shovel was a small space in the public toilets in Townhill Park and Blacklaw Road plus some waste ground on William Street.

It was an eye opener on society and the way my role was perceived.
Some people treated me like the dirt I was sweeping up.

I remember I would sweep Chalmers Street first thing in the morning. The bus stop was the worst for the fag ends and packets lying around and it would be busy with people waiting on the bus with their khaki haversacks. They would wait until I had swept up then throw their dog ends in the gutter and tell me I had missed some.
Others would ask me if, at my age, I couldn’t get a better job.

There were some bright spots.
I vividly remember one lady stopping and complimenting me as she appreciated I was doing it as a summer job and then came back with a chocolate biscuit.
Others complimented me on how the street had never looked so clean. That made my day!

All for the union rate of £4 10/- a week at sixteen. The full adult rate was around £10 from memory so the council got a bargain for six weeks.

It was character building and I quickly realised the value of money.

Post Edited (Thu 04 Oct 12:17)
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 12:47

Papers every morning, had a running battle with the milk boy bawbags who thought they were hard, Aitkens bawbags if i remember , maybe wilsons ?
Sold totties off pete divers? van over in Edinburghs worst schemes, sold eggs on legs, sold meat for castleblair, sold rolls for those bams from Airdrie? delivered the extra on fri nights, stripped lead off roofs of old factories, gilbert ray & up mill st to name a few, basically nothing to really put on a cv, but got me a couple of harp and demijohn of woodpecker from agnews of a weekend 👍
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 12:58

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: parbucks  
Date:   Thu 4 Oct 20:47

In addition to my previous post holiday jobs included berry picking around Alyth, paper rounds for Menzies and beer deliveries at Christmas/New Year for Woodrows.The last one was a hoot. Every delivery we were given a drink on the house. How the driver and myself got home is a mystery.

I did as a seven year old help(?) the local milkman with his horse and cart with deliveries on a Saturday morning in the local street. Unfortunately one day I dropped a bottle and in trying to pick up the glass fell and cut the tendons in my hand resulting in a week’s stay in the West Fife. Still have the scar to prove it after 66 years!

Post Edited (Thu 04 Oct 20:53)
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: KirklistonPar  
Date:   Sun 7 Oct 05:42

I used to deliver the Herald & post on a Saturday morning around Crossford. £3.14 I used to get for delivering about 200 of the bloody things, I’m sure I got a bit extra if there was leaflets as well. I remember saving some of it up for Xmas & felt so proud that I’d been able to buy presents for my family with my own money.
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Bouncer  
Date:   Fri 12 Oct 00:26

Got no pocket money as a kid and wasn't allowed to work before school in the morning.
A multitude of jobs after school hours meant I had to give up playing different sports for the school as couldn't attend practice.

Delivered Evening News & Pink, potatoes, paraffin.
Tray boy who used to walk the perimeter of the pitch then canteen hand at EEP.
Done tatties & berries they were murder.
Bob a job bag packing at Asda so I could take my "cut".

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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Fri 12 Oct 07:21

I worked at the Brunswick Café for a couple of years. I could tell you a few stories....

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: Jobs you had when you were at school ?
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Fri 12 Oct 16:00


parbucks, Thu 4 Oct 20:47

In addition to my previous post holiday jobs included berry picking around Alyth, paper rounds for Menzies and beer deliveries at Christmas/New Year for Woodrows.The last one was a hoot. Every delivery we were given a drink on the house. How the driver and myself got home is a mystery.

I did as a seven year old help(?) the local milkman with his horse and cart with deliveries on a Saturday morning in the local street. Unfortunately one day I dropped a bottle and in trying to pick up the glass fell and cut the tendons in my hand resulting in a week’s stay in the West Fife. Still have the scar to prove it after 66 years!

Interesting parbucks, I worked for Woodrows Xmas 1967 whilst still at Dunfermline High, same scenario of being offered a drink at every delivery. The East Coast around Methil and Leven being the best area although the Miners Clubs were special as well, remember filling up a room in Crosshill Club through a window, was scared we'd be trapped like the workers that built the Pyramids.
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