Dunfermline Athletic



Tuesday 30th Nov 1999

  Crowd: TBA

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Link to DAFC Official website

Link to DAFC Official websiteThe Clubs Official Web Site (COWS) is found at

DAFC Archive site

DAFC Archive siteThe clubs old website of list of archived stories, match reports, fixtures, players, managers are found on this link.
Archive website .

You can also refer to the Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Site. (link below)

Pars TV

Pars TVParsTV stream video and audio of live matches from East End Park and at away grounds (depending on conditions).
ParsTV is found at https://ParsTV.co.uk

Pars Supporters Trust

Pars Supporters TrustThe Pars Supporters Trust is found at http://parssupporterstrust.co.uk/

Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust

Dunfermline Athletic Heritage TrustThe Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust is found at daht.org.uk

Dunfermline Athletic Supporters Club

Dunfermline Athletic Supporters ClubThe Dunfermline Athletic Supporters Club is found at http://dasc.fife.net

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