DAFC.net Site Features
Date: Wednesday, 5th Feb 2003DAFC.net has been put together for Pars fans to keep up to date with activities on and off the field.
DAFC.net started as an independent site in 1996 and in 2000 joined Rivals.net. In May 2002 Rivals dropped all their Scottish web sites (dot com boom bust).
This site was put together to make it easy to get information but just as importantly is was developed to make it easy for the site administrators to manage.
Site features include:
- Stories and regular News
- Competitions
- Photo Gallery
- Message
- Email story to friend
- Weekly Poll`s
- Match reports
- Photo`s of matches and events
- Player profiles
- Home and Away dates automatically updated
- List of popular Top Stories automatically generated
- Audio clips easily added and integrated
- popular message boards for fans
- Over 2,500 stories added since May 2002
- Over 8,400 pictures in the gallery
- chat room
- Easy Story Input
- Easy addition of links for each story
- Easy selection of links to other web sites
- WYSIWYG editor (no more HTML necessary)
- Front Page automatically updated when new stories added
- Story placed on Hold until ready to release
- Match Reports automatically added to Match Report list, with scores and links to the story as well as the Official web sites of both teams
- Photo Gallery with easy upload of pictures
- Automatic addition of copyright message to each picture
- Picture descriptions changed as required by the story
- Automatic generation of thumbails on site
- Easy picture selection for each story
- Audio clips latest stories links automatically generated.
- Match Previews automatically show the last set of results and scores played by the teams
- archive of all stories since site opened
- story search based on subject
- picture search based on subject
- Admin staff only messageboard
If you need a web site that requires an online Content Management System any of these features then why not e-contact: email me.
views: 26,971