Season ticket for an OAP
Author: Brian Duncan Date: Wednesday, 25th Jun 2008Do you know of an avid OAP Pars fan that would like his season ticket bought for him next year ?
Charlie Butler, a lifelong Pars fan living in Perth, Western Australia always follows the results and news of what`s happening at East End Park over the Internet.
Charlie receives the majority of Pars news via and travelled back to Scotland especially for last year`s Scottish Cup Final. Charlie would like to help a deserving old aged pensioner and buy them a season ticket for the forthcoming 2008/09 season.
Do you know of a pensioner who follows the Pars and would like their season ticket bought for them this coming season ?
Email (brian at me details of who you would like to receive this and why they would benefit from it.
We think this is a great idea so get back to us by Saturday July the 5th (or actually Monday 7th July as I`ll be on holiday until then )with your suggestions.
[I`m back from Holiday now, but I`d hoped that Charlie would pick the recipient, unfortunately he`s now away on holiday, will sort out as soon as I can, Brian]
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