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 Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 16:34

There will be no streams from Ayr on Saturday

Despite there being SPFL rules clubs like Arbroath and Ayr seem to have differing rules to the rest of the SPFL

We apologise as it`s out of our control

Post Edited (Thu 28 Dec 16:42)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Socks  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 17:05

Not having a go at you or anyone who gets these streams set up, but it sounds to me that DAFC needs to clear up what the rules are on this. Obviously it`s to the home club`s advantage if the away team does not stream the game as away fans then have to look at the home club`s stream for the game. As far as I remember, it wasn`t possible to stream the away game at Stark`s Park, and now we`ve had these issues at Arbroath and Ayr.

If the home club must allow the away club access to stream, what`s happened is obviously wrong and against the rules, and this should be reported to the SPFL. However, if it`s the case that only the home club has the right to stream the game and can allow the away team to also do so, as a courtesy, then the clubs who haven`t allowed proper access when we have been away should not be allowed access to stream from our ground. Whatever the setup, it has to be reciprocal. It`s not really acceptable for Raith Rovers and Ayr to have been able to steam from East End and profit from that if we aren`t able to do so at their grounds.

Here are the SPFL rules:

The relevant sections seem to be from rule I22A.1 at the bottom of page 115. The only mentions I see are to the home club streaming the game and I don`t see anytinhg about it being reciprocal, but I`ve only searced for particular words and not scanned the whole lot.

If it`s not mandatory for the away team to be given access, then Ayr, Arbroath and Raith Rovers should not be given access at East End.

I don`t have any bakground on the rules other than reading what`s published, but in my view it makes far more sense just to have one stream from every game anyway, provided by the home club.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 17:23

You have to buy a monthly subscription from the away club, to view the game?

That`s how they want to make their money!
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 17:48

The "subscription" for the most part just replaces a one off fee to clubs for streaming. I think most clubs were charging around the same monthly fee for a single game before the rules changed (last season or season before) where a subscription had to be in place.

FWIW Arbroath were very good in that they refunded my request for one very quickly and smoothly, but it was disappointing that yet another stream option is fraught with problems.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 18:57


Socks, Thu 28 Dec 17:05

Whatever the setup, it has to be reciprocal. It`s not really acceptable for Raith Rovers and Ayr to have been able to steam from East End and profit from that if we aren`t able to do so at their grounds.

If it`s not mandatory for the away team to be given access, then Ayr, Arbroath and Raith Rovers should not be given access at East End.

I don`t have any bakground on the rules other than reading what`s published, but in my view it makes far more sense just to have one stream from every game anyway, provided by the home club.

Totally agree with all of this.

Presumably, the pricing of ParsTV season tickets for overseas fans assumes that away matches will be shown, so the present arrangement is a double whammy for those fans as they have to pay again to the home club.

I must admit I quite like the different styles and quirks of the individual clubs` commentators, so one stream per match would be fine for me.

However there might have to be an obligation on the home club to make a recording of the whole match available to the away club within 48 hours for analysis by the away management. This should either be free (reciprocal) or the fee capped.

ParsTV could still carry out the post-match interviews if it was thought worth the effort.


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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 19:25

Agree with all of the above .. as long as all our overseas fans can watch live and not 48 hours later

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:11

The system in place says for home games and perhaps some away games

It is extremely frustrating when away clubs turn down access!

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: pars4life1  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:42

Stanza, I believe the analysis footage is completely separate and rightly so, you want to see different things as a coach or a fan.

I believe there isn’t any requirement for clubs to provide away access, I’ve seen some implication that Raith TV make sure reciprocal agreements are in place before giving away clubs access to starks, it would be naive if we aren’t doing similar.

If an agreement was already in place and it’s been broken that’s completely different obviously

Post Edited (Thu 28 Dec 22:43)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:52


brian, Thu 28 Dec 22:11

The system in place says for home games and perhaps some away games

It is extremely frustrating when away clubs turn down access!

All the years I`ve used parstv ,my understanding was as Brian mentioned all home games ,and whenever possible away games.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 10:35

Page 126
press and Media facilities - seems pretty clear to me.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: fergie  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 11:01


Rigger Al, Thu 28 Dec 22:52


brian, Thu 28 Dec 22:11

The system in place says for home games and perhaps some away games

It is extremely frustrating when away clubs turn down access!

All the years I`ve used parstv ,my understanding was as Brian mentioned all home games ,and whenever possible away games.

Agreed, streamed away games were always a bonus when shown.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 11:18

Agreed. However, the move to charge overseas away fans 20 pounds and more for a month`s subscription is a scam. Why should I pay more for an unpredictable live stream on my Macbook than a fan who walks through the gate and attends the match live?

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 11:38


OzPar, Fri 29 Dec 11:18

Agreed. However, the move to charge overseas away fans 20 pounds and more for a month`s subscription is a scam. Why should I pay more for an unpredictable live stream on my Macbook than a fan who walks through the gate and attends the match live?

£23/21 for a single match.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 12:55

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: RhinoPars  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 13:43

“Just pay the gate cost and attend the match if you’ve a problem with it…..oh wait, you can’t. In that case you’ll have to pay a slight premium for the service. Not hard.”

No need for such snarky comments. Watching a stream (while great when you are thousands of Km’s away like Oz and me) is not the same as watching a game live. Using your logic a cup of instant coffee should cost more than a barrista made espresso coffee.

Post Edited (Fri 29 Dec 13:44)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 13:50


RhinoPars, Fri 29 Dec 13:43

“Just pay the gate cost and attend the match if you’ve a problem with it…..oh wait, you can’t. In that case you’ll have to pay a slight premium for the service. Not hard.”

No need for such snarky comments. Watching a stream (while great when you are thousands of Km’s away like Oz and me) is not the same as watching a game live. Using your logic a cup of instant coffee should cost more than a barrista made espresso coffee.

It was a clever move to stop folk choosing to watch the stream instead of rocking up to the ground as it was cheaper.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 14:09

I`m sure it was mentioned here (maybe it was Pie and Bovril) that we`d agreed to a reciprocal agreement with Raith Rovers so it was sad to hear that they blocked access for our service at Stark`s Park. Hopefully we do the same on Tuesday, and given it`s outside the Saturday 3pm blackout, you`d hope a fair few UK based fans who can`t make it will buy the stream and it might make us a few quid.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 14:13

Aye bollox to the wee team if they`re not allowing our crew in.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 15:24

Are the club planning on blocking access to clubs who have done the same to us?

Maybe worth clubs or clubs Media teams meeting and trying to either come up with a fair cost per game that only home teams can stream or allow access to visiting teams media outlets.

I`d imagine that the teams with the subscription model will opt for the latter option.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: TAFKA_Super_Petrie  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 17:42

Could it not just be an agreement for it to be the home team only to do the streaming?

Then in an ideal world the home team could focus their time/money/effort into improving their own setup and production values , etc.

Personally think £14 for a one off tier two match in Scotland is still too much but that is a seperate argument.

However the finger pointing and blaming other clubs on a fans` site regarding access and accountability (regardless of who is at fault) all comes across as a bit amateurish. Just my opinion.


"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 17:48

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 18:00


JamesAndrew74, Fri 29 Dec 17:48


EastEndTales, Fri 29 Dec 14:13

Aye bollox to the wee team if they`re not allowing our crew in.

Raith TV are showing the game as far as I’m aware

I`m petty enough to tell them to fck right off if our lads aren`t given access at Starks

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 18:08


EastEndTales, Fri 29 Dec 18:00


JamesAndrew74, Fri 29 Dec 17:48


EastEndTales, Fri 29 Dec 14:13

Aye bollox to the wee team if they`re not allowing our crew in.

Raith TV are showing the game as far as I’m aware

I`m petty enough to tell them to fck right off if our lads aren`t given access at Starks

Aside from petty why would anyone enable their income stream when they have diminished our own?

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 18:20


P, Fri 29 Dec 18:08


EastEndTales, Fri 29 Dec 18:00


JamesAndrew74, Fri 29 Dec 17:48


EastEndTales, Fri 29 Dec 14:13

Aye bollox to the wee team if they`re not allowing our crew in.

Raith TV are showing the game as far as I’m aware

I`m petty enough to tell them to fck right off if our lads aren`t given access at Starks

Aside from petty why would anyone enable their income stream when they have diminished our own?

Agreed, rrtv can gtf
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 18:52

I’m taking one for the team and discarding the hibernation jammies for the Christmas jumper (and quite possibly a jaiket).

Mon the travelling fans

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 21:37

Why do people keep saying the stream is more expensive? It`s cheaper than a single game for a whole month, which may include away games.

Rather than a coffee analogy, watching a film on Netflix is better. If I watch at the Odeon in Dunfermline it`s pretty much the same price as a monthly sub to Netflix. The difference on Netflix is I can watch multiple films and multiple people can watch.

If nothing else, count yourselves lucky that you`re watching in a nice warm place rather than freezing your private bits off at East End Park!
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 22:22

Can get a beer anytime you want as well.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 23:47

JamesAndrew74 said:

Just pay the gate cost and attend the match if you`ve a problem with it…..oh wait, you can`t. In that case you`ll have to pay a slight premium for the service. Not hard.


I pay a costly premium every week to see the Pars. It is called getting up at 2 o`clock on a Sunday morning to watch the game.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: RhinoPars  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 05:04

Cammypar wrote “It was a clever move to stop folk choosing to watch the stream instead of rocking up to the ground as it was cheaper.”

I think this may well be the case given that some who could go to the game may try to watch a stream using VPN. If you make the cost differential small you would expect more to attend live. As an expat it is great that I can watch streams of most games (thanks ParsTV in particular), but nothing beats watching a game in person.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: RhinoPars  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 05:19


jake89, Fri 29 Dec 21:37

Why do people keep saying the stream is more expensive? It`s cheaper than a single game for a whole month, which may include away games.

Rather than a coffee analogy, watching a film on Netflix is better. If I watch at the Odeon in Dunfermline it`s pretty much the same price as a monthly sub to Netflix. The difference on Netflix is I can watch multiple films and multiple people can watch.

If nothing else, count yourselves lucky that you`re watching in a nice warm place rather than freezing your private bits off at East End Park!

Jake - for us expats who have a ParsTV season ticket the monthly fee we have to pay would be to see some away matches and hence last week one needed to buy a ticket to watch the Arbroath game. While a ParsTV subscription for a local on holiday abroad can allow you to watch more Pars games as an expat buying a month pass from another club (where ParsTV unable to stream) you are unlikely to watch more than one match because for other matches that month Pars will probably be playing at the same time. In the event that Pars TV are prevented from streaming two away matches in a month you may end up having access to three games at the same time and we obviously will pick the Pars game to watch. Thus effectively while a monthly subscription, an expat is likely to just watch one away stream (v Pars). Granted more people could watch a stream. I however suspect Oz doesn’t have many queueing up to join him at 2am! As for watching in a warmer place - that is a bonus (except on cold winter days when we too may need to put heating on).

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 05:33)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 05:43

Blocking access to the teams who didn`t allow access wouldn`t be part of our new club identity on sportsmanship and fair play..
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: adampar1  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 08:32

Brian - what reasons have the likes of Rovers, Ayr and Arbroath given you for not allowing Pars TV to stream?

If it’s a clear case of thinking about £££££ and hoping Pars fans will subscribe to the home stream then surely, as said above, the club should not be allowing them access to EEP! Are the club aware of these issues?

Pars TV do a great job and it’s a real shame when issues like these crop up. Sounds like not everybody is playing fair.

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 08:35)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 08:57

Are the clubs jealous of the amount of viewers Pars get?

Are Dundee Utd getting similar restrictions?
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 09:26

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 09:39

ParsTV should do what needs to be done and lead the way.

To be fair, Raith didn`t actually prevent ParsTV streaming, the issue was caused by poor connectivity.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 09:52


JamesAndrew74, Sat 30 Dec 09:26

So surely it’s a simple case of using Ayr TV for anyone watching it?

Pretty much.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: davepars  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 10:12

I can`t seem to find the game to purchase (or a sub option) on Ayr TV.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 10:15

Streams should just be done by the home team period 🤷🏻‍♂️ you dont pay the Pars for an away ticket, so why should you pay the Pars for an away stream? That way it keeps it fair!
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: McNaughton Scores!  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 10:35

I can`t find a subscription for today`s game on the Ayr Utd TV site. If anybody has had more success can they please post a link? Thanks.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 11:03


One quick search found it first time.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla


One quick search found it first time.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 11:16

Thanks for the link, EET. I have just paid 15 pounds for the livestream. Interestingly, it doesn`t seem to be a monthly subscription but access to a single match.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 11:48

Maybe I`m missing something here, but presumably most clubs want fans to use their own TV service in the same way they want you to buy tickets for their ground if attending in person?
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 11:58


jake89, Sat 30 Dec 11:48

Maybe I`m missing something here, but presumably most clubs want fans to use their own TV service in the same way they want you to buy tickets for their ground if attending in person?

100% this.

And we should concentrate on getting the best quality service we can provide on our stream at EEP

As at the moment its not the best. Far from it.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: McNaughton Scores!  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 11:58

Thanks for the link, appreciated.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: GJS93  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 13:42

Ayr United
The Club can confirm that today`s match v
will be streamed live on Ayr United TV for those that are unable to make it to Somerset Park.

Stream access here ⬇️


sounds as if its available in the UK? which if it is might be why they only want themselves streaming it.

edit: Ayr fan on pie and bovril says it is available in the UK

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 13:50)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: yorkiepar  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 13:50

Follow this link and it quite clearly says that users within the UK cannot sign up. And - whether this is the case or not - anyone using a VPN may not be able to view the stream. Just saying.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 13:54

"Thanks for the link, EET. I have just paid 15 pounds for the livestream. Interestingly, it doesn`t seem to be a monthly subscription but access to a single match."

No 3pm blackout today I think (England - except Premier League - playing on Monday rather than today, so less than the 50% of games criteria). Good that they`ve realised this and set it up as a one-off and it also means UK based fans can buy it today.

edited to add:

"Follow this link and it quite clearly says that users within the UK cannot sign up. And - whether this is the case or not - anyone using a VPN may not be able to view the stream. Just saying."

Ayr fan on P&B saying just to ignore that message.

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 13:55)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: davepars  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 14:11

Appreciated. It wasn`t listed earlier, that`s all.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 14:20

Fawa it’s worth i definitely won’t be trying to watch it on any streaming site, no siree

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 14:34

Unofficially you can try a fire stick

Don’t shoot the messenger (after talking to the Ayr media team!)

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:03


EastEndTales, Sat 30 Dec 11:03

One quick search found it first time.

Hee-haw chance of me paying Ayr if they are refusing to allow ParsTV access.
(Watch for free on Bet365)
I would also be expecting DAFC to refuse them access on their next visit to EEP.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:05

FWIW I`m not even able to watch today so no money for Bully`s special prize in January.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:20

there are a few championship games pirated from the Pixellot system.

incredibly poor though.

you will also find that the firestick ones get booted off or even show an old video ;o))

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:27


brian, Sat 30 Dec 15:20

there are a few championship games pirated from the Pixellot system.

incredibly poor though.

you will also find that the firestick ones get booted off or even show an old video ;o))

Just you concentrate on getting our stream up to the standard that we can pirate without any problems
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:31

he he good one !

I`m not sure I agree with your comments regarding the quality of stream at EEP. think you`ve been watching too many pirate streams :o)

please email support@parstv.co.uk with some comments and they will be looked at.

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 15:33)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:33


brian, Sat 30 Dec 15:31

he he good one !

I`m not sure I agree with your comments regarding the quality of stream at EEP.

please email support@parstv.co.uk with some comments and they will be looked at.

Naturally you wouldn`t, but being honest it`s not the best. Not anywhere near it.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:34

your feedback would be welcomed.

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: dd23  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:46

What kind of feedback do you want Brian? You always seem dismissive of anything that’s not positive. I’m watching the Ayr stream and the picture clarity is better than anything I’ve ever seen live from Pars TV. Plus over the years there’s been numerous different problems which affect the stream.
And just to say I agree with the majority of others on here that we should not provide streaming services for clubs that don’t reciprocate it to us.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 15:49


dd23, Sat 30 Dec 15:46

What kind of feedback do you want Brian? You always seem dismissive of anything that’s not positive. I’m watching the Ayr stream and the picture clarity is better than anything I’ve ever seen live from Pars TV. Plus over the years there’s been numerous different problems which affect the stream.
And just to say I agree with the majority of others on here that we should not provide streaming services for clubs that don’t reciprocate it to us.

He`s too busy making sure it`s not getting pirated,

I get that it`s your baby Brian but you only need to look at the rest of the leagues streams to see that ours is sub-standard.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:00

It was already covered in the supporters meeting that the club and ParsTV are in agreement that they are working to make things better

So why don’t you allow them the time to do this instead of sniping at them on this forum.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:04


buffy, Sat 30 Dec 16:00

It was already covered in the supporters meeting that the club and ParsTV are in agreement that they are working to make things better

So why don’t you allow them the time to do this instead of sniping at them on this forum.

We are entitled to complain about a product we have paid for.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:09


weemike, Sat 30 Dec 16:04


buffy, Sat 30 Dec 16:00

It was already covered in the supporters meeting that the club and ParsTV are in agreement that they are working to make things better

So why don’t you allow them the time to do this instead of sniping at them on this forum.

We are entitled to complain about a product we have paid for.

This 100% - you wouldn’t watch a movie in the cinema and not complain if the film kept stopping or went fuzzy halfway through would you?

People have paid good money for Pars TV for years now and the quality is worse than some youtube videos from Sunday league teams….
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:10

I`m only trying to see what you think could be improved, you are entitled to your opinion.
I see posts on the forum saying that the streams are good.

I will give you one issue that happened a couple weeks ago, one of the cameras seemed to have a problem with focusing when zooming in close - this seemed to be caused by the cold.
we are looking into getting a new camera though, we have new computer intalled so that helped with the video production.

I did see someone post about a poor stream they said it was poor quality and blurry. When I was watching the same stream it was good though I would agree that there were occassions when the focus was a bit slower to react.

my point is that if you see room for improvement then it would be welcomed.

ParsTV are also short on resources so that is one are where people can help.

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:21


buffy, Sat 30 Dec 16:00

It was already covered in the supporters meeting that the club and ParsTV are in agreement that they are working to make things better

So why don’t you allow them the time to do this instead of sniping at them on this forum.

In fairness Buffy the points made above are valid. It`s good that pars TV has an offer of help from the club we are all wanting the same thing here which is a good product for the price.

I think sometimes when people speak about their experiences of pars TV not being great they are usually met with negatives or that their equipment or signal is to blame (which it could be) although not in all cases.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:24


This 100% - you wouldn’t watch a movie in the cinema and not complain if the film kept stopping or went fuzzy halfway through would you?

People have paid good money for Pars TV for years now and the quality is worse than some youtube videos from Sunday league teams….

I`m really finding it hard to believe that, there have been the odd post on .net about this but no messages to ParsTV or concrete information to support these comments. Perhaps this happens to one or two people who have specific connections/hardware ?

I think everyone will be happy discussing it and seeing how to improve, but it needs some more information.

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: dd23  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:26

No ones sniping Buffy, Brian asked for feedback and got some. Simple as that. And time? These problems are long standing.
Brian, you mentioned at the start of the season you were getting new kit. What did you get, out of interest? Thanks.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: The moose  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:28


cammypar 1995, Sat 30 Dec 16:21


buffy, Sat 30 Dec 16:00

It was already covered in the supporters meeting that the club and ParsTV are in agreement that they are working to make things better

So why don’t you allow them the time to do this instead of sniping at them on this forum.

In fairness Buffy the points made above are valid. It`s good that pars TV has an offer of help from the club we are all wanting the same thing here which is a good product for the price.

I think sometimes when people speak about their experiences of pars TV not being great they are usually met with negatives or that their equipment or signal is to blame (which it could be) although not in all cases.

I`m watching the game on my iptv.
Perfect stream but commentary is from Ayr tv. Very biased. 😂😂

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:30


brian, Sat 30 Dec 16:24


This 100% - you wouldn’t watch a movie in the cinema and not complain if the film kept stopping or went fuzzy halfway through would you?

People have paid good money for Pars TV for years now and the quality is worse than some youtube videos from Sunday league teams….

I`m really finding it hard to believe that, there have been the odd post on .net about this but no messages to ParsTV or concrete information to support these comments. Perhaps this happens to one or two people who have specific connections/hardware ?

I think everyone will be happy discussing it and seeing how to improve, but it needs some more information.

I find it hard to believe that you haven`t seen the other clubs streams and seen that ours is no where near as good,

Even today ayr have replays.

The sound quality at eep was shocking the other week as well.

We should be aspiring to have a Premier service.

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 16:30)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:32


The moose, Sat 30 Dec 16:28


cammypar 1995, Sat 30 Dec 16:21


buffy, Sat 30 Dec 16:00

It was already covered in the supporters meeting that the club and ParsTV are in agreement that they are working to make things better

So why don’t you allow them the time to do this instead of sniping at them on this forum.

In fairness Buffy the points made above are valid. It`s good that pars TV has an offer of help from the club we are all wanting the same thing here which is a good product for the price.

I think sometimes when people speak about their experiences of pars TV not being great they are usually met with negatives or that their equipment or signal is to blame (which it could be) although not in all cases.

I`m watching the game on my iptv.
Perfect stream but commentary is from Ayr tv. Very biased. 😂😂

Is that not the point? I`d say the commentators have been quite fair about the game.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:37


Even today ayr have replays.

don`t wish to be picky, but you are complaining about ParsTV having no replays ? have you ever watched it ? :o)))

ok, I think perhaps one week we had an audio issue at some point during the game, but that was a one off instance. we had some new kit and had issues connecting the wireless mics (our resident expert was off that day!)


I find it hard to believe that you haven`t seen the other clubs streams and seen that ours is no where near as good,

I won`t even explain how far off the mark you are with that statement ;o)

Post Edited (Sat 30 Dec 16:43)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:41

Brian, theres plenty of comments on your ParsTV streams on here about issues in game - do you only focus on direct complaints to Pars TV email?
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:43


brian, Sat 30 Dec 16:37


Even today ayr have replays.

don`t wish to be picky, but you are complaining about ParsTV having no replays ? have you ever watched it ? :o)))

ok, I think perhaps one week we had an audio issue at some point during the game, but that was a one off instance. we had some new kit and had isues connecting the wireless mics (our resident expert was off that day!)

I`m saying the service currently provided is not as good as other championship teams.

If you can`t admit that then the service provided will never be of the quality the club deserves.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:50

I only focus on real issues, not heresay without evidence.
(i.e comments on a forum without backup information is of no use - though I understand people believe said comments)

I think everyone is looking for suggestions where you think it needs improved, a generic statement saying not good enough is not helpfull. IMHO

contact: email me
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ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:51


brian, Sat 30 Dec 16:50

I only focus on real issues, not heresay without evidence.
(i.e comments on a forum without backup information is of no use - though I understand people believe said comments)

I think everyone is looking for suggestions where you think it needs improved, a generic statement saying not good enough is not helpfull. IMHO

Still not prepared to admit the standard is better at other.clubs in the championship
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:52


brian, Sat 30 Dec 16:50

I only focus on real issues, not heresay without evidence.
(i.e comments on a forum without backup information is of no use - though I understand people believe said comments)

I think everyone is looking for suggestions where you think it needs improved, a generic statement saying not good enough is not helpfull. IMHO

So people commenting on issues, on a thread about the live stream, is hearsay?

Jesus wept 🤦🏻‍♂️ the service will never improve with an attitude like that…..
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:54

The Rovers stream is perfect at the moment, like watching a professional broadcast. That is the level we should aspire too.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: DBA  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:57


brian, Sat 30 Dec 16:50

I only focus on real issues, not heresay without evidence.
(i.e comments on a forum without backup information is of no use - though I understand people believe said comments)

I think everyone is looking for suggestions where you think it needs improved, a generic statement saying not good enough is not helpfull. IMHO

With all due respect Brian, we should be looking at improving our offering rather than just focusing on issues. The repeated "tell me what`s wrong and I`ll look at it" is missing the mark IMO.

There are many ways the service can be improved, no less improving the basics of focus, audio volumes, commentary etc.

One watch of the other Championship offerings, never mind the Premiership, should give us plenty of options to improve rater than only focusing on technical issues.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: dd23  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 16:59


Dave_1885, Sat 30 Dec 16:52


brian, Sat 30 Dec 16:50

I only focus on real issues, not heresay without evidence.
(i.e comments on a forum without backup information is of no use - though I understand people believe said comments)

I think everyone is looking for suggestions where you think it needs improved, a generic statement saying not good enough is not helpfull. IMHO

So people commenting on issues, on a thread about the live stream, is hearsay?

Jesus wept 🤦🏻‍♂️ the service will never improve with an attitude like that…..

Agreed Dave, I think that sums up the whole situation and why it hasn’t improved sufficiently.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 17:04

Perhaps we could provide a list of potential improvements and do a poll on which ones are most important? Like a New Year wishlist.

I`ve not used ParsTV in a while but I`ll start with:

Refresh of the website. It could be more visually appealing and the login feels a bit clunky.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 17:12

Brian what kind of suggestions do you want people to make?
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 17:15

The quality of the live stream from Ayr today was excellent. And the commentary was fine. I was particularly impressed with the lady commentator Lauren (?), who made astute observations about Dunfermline`s play.

Regarding Pars TV, it has not advanced at the pace it should have, considering the years it has been going. It has been too prone to technical faults, which never seem to be totally resolved. But my primary concern is the commentary. I would like Ray and Jordan to swap roles for a while; in other words, I would prefer Ray as the lead commentator and Jordan as support.

This move might bring some fresh impetus to Pars TV. The current commentary style is quite flat.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 17:32

I`m sure I`ve said before but the Arbroath one during COVID was brilliant and I heard the commentators without hearing them breathing through the microphone.

Also had highlights and post match interviews. The simple little things can make a massive difference.

I totally understand these guys are volunteering which is great. BUT when we are charging the prices we are it has to be improved as the product wasn`t a fair reflection of the price.

Guys are genuinely giving feedback to try and help achieve this but more often than not, are met with either a sarcastic remark or that it`s a them problem.

We won`t get a perfect one all the time but I don`t see anyone asking for that. When we have fans reliant on a stream to support their club it`s only fair we aim to give them value found at other teams in our league.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 19:26

Issues with Pars TV which make it a poorer offering than other Championship clubs:

Website look, speed and log in issues
Reliably (often drops out - plenty examples on here of Brian asking people to refresh, or to wait while he reboots, or asks viewers to drop to lower resolution etc) which may be related to...
Access points (seem to have to rely on 4G wireless dongles quite a lot rather than dedicated access points, which is perhaps understandable away from home but not at home)
Commentary (people talking too close to microphones meaning we get a lot of Darth Vader during quiet periods, audio cutting out)
Camerawork (too much close zooming, camera pans very quickly at times)
Unclear if Pars TV is a part of DAFC or not, making it difficult to get answers from either party about different topics - IMO it should be totally in-house - and a marked difference between live output and "behind the scenes", new player interviews, etc.

Issues with Pars TV which aren`t major but by making improvements would go a long way to making it a superior product:

Commentary again (commentators needing to talk less - although I get this is related to using the audio feed for audio only listeners - and avoiding asking questions then answering it themselves), perhaps could also include former players from the FPA as guests or have guests from opposition clubs where appropriate
Graphics, etc (could be a bit better and more in hoise style [again highlights how DAFC and Pars TV seem to be separate entities)
Replays (a bit hit and miss in terms of timings but far from a big issue IMO)
Different camera angles (Raith in particular seem to have a 2 camera set up showing replays from different angles and use the other camera at half time)
Alternative footage after the game (several clubs at Championship level and below [I think Stenhousemuir in L2 and East Stirlingshire in the Lowland League do this] do a "story of the day" feature which has the team boarding the bus, behind the scenes stuff like team meetings, footage of the warm up from on the park, alternative angles of goals (fans reactions, dug out reactions, low camera from the opposite side, whatever) which adds something and again would be a benefit from a totally in-house situation. We`ve seen some of this with the Go Pro during the trophy lift (Andy Geggan I think?) and some fan reactions but it could be so much better IMO
Customer relations (some of the replies on threads here can be a bit snippy)

A lot of these are maybe ambitious but are done by other similar sized (and smaller) clubs who also rely on volunteers and are the sort of things we should be aspiring to IMO

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 19:50


kelty_par, Sat 30 Dec 19:26

Issues with Pars TV which make it a poorer offering than other Championship clubs:

Website look, speed and log in issues
Reliably (often drops out - plenty examples on here of Brian asking people to refresh, or to wait while he reboots, or asks viewers to drop to lower resolution etc) which may be related to...
Access points (seem to have to rely on 4G wireless dongles quite a lot rather than dedicated access points, which is perhaps understandable away from home but not at home)
Commentary (people talking too close to microphones meaning we get a lot of Darth Vader during quiet periods, audio cutting out)
Camerawork (too much close zooming, camera pans very quickly at times)
Unclear if Pars TV is a part of DAFC or not, making it difficult to get answers from either party about different topics - IMO it should be totally in-house - and a marked difference between live output and "behind the scenes", new player interviews, etc.

Issues with Pars TV which aren`t major but by making improvements would go a long way to making it a superior product:

Commentary again (commentators needing to talk less - although I get this is related to using the audio feed for audio only listeners - and avoiding asking questions then answering it themselves), perhaps could also include former players from the FPA as guests or have guests from opposition clubs where appropriate
Graphics, etc (could be a bit better and more in hoise style [again highlights how DAFC and Pars TV seem to be separate entities)
Replays (a bit hit and miss in terms of timings but far from a big issue IMO)
Different camera angles (Raith in particular seem to have a 2 camera set up showing replays from different angles and use the other camera at half time)
Alternative footage after the game (several clubs at Championship level and below [I think Stenhousemuir in L2 and East Stirlingshire in the Lowland League do this] do a "story of the day" feature which has the team boarding the bus, behind the scenes stuff like team meetings, footage of the warm up from on the park, alternative angles of goals (fans reactions, dug out reactions, low camera from the opposite side, whatever) which adds something and again would be a benefit from a totally in-house situation. We`ve seen some of this with the Go Pro during the trophy lift (Andy Geggan I think?) and some fan reactions but it could be so much better IMO
Customer relations (some of the replies on threads here can be a bit snippy)

A lot of these are maybe ambitious but are done by other similar sized (and smaller) clubs who also rely on volunteers and are the sort of things we should be aspiring to IMO

Wasted effort KP, they dont take feedback from the forum….
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 20:54

How does the Parstv equipment compare to the Ayr TV equipment?
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Parca_Par  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 22:35

Very poor pars support today. Less than 400 fans, is that got anything to do with streaming? Football without fans at the game is nothing…
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: arpar  
Date:   Sat 30 Dec 22:44

Not sure why any club would allow away clubs to stream live. All foreign away supporters and all UK subscribers via VPN get to watch the game and the money goes to the away team. That makes zero sense. Last week Arbroath streamed the game live and obviously the footage was made available to the Pars as we had a highlights package. Don`t think many clubs do away streams.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 12:22

thats good we got some real points to focus on. all I was asking was additional information why you had issues.

the pars TV team are looking at further improvements. new powerful desktop was purchased which will help with the video production, additional cameras, more vidoes, images etc

I`ll provide some of my feedback on these (In my opinion)

Website look, speed and log in issues
Brian> I`m not aware of any speed and login issues. what is the speed issue ? website response, payment response or streaing reponses.

Reliably (often drops out - plenty examples on here of Brian asking people to refresh, or to wait while he reboots, or asks viewers to drop to lower resolution etc) which may be related to...
Brian> I will also dispute drop outs. I went through the log one day and reviewed users access, in 95% of the ones I checked there was no issues. in a couple of follow up to people who`s stream appeared to drop they ahd said they had moved equipment due to work to home.

away from home is different, some places are good others are poor. we can stop going to away grounds but I think we should continue to go so that at least we are covering games as best as ParsTV can. my impression is most people are fine with it.

Access points (seem to have to rely on 4G wireless dongles quite a lot rather than dedicated access points, which is perhaps understandable away from home but not at home)
Brian> we use a LAN connection at home. no 4g dongle except for testing on icoming stream. Albeit there was an issue at the start of the season with the LAN and the club immediately got the issue sorted within a couple days. (so that impacted one game)

Commentary (people talking too close to microphones meaning we get a lot of Darth Vader during quiet periods, audio cutting out)

Brian> I would dispute that too, but would need to check. new mircophones were purchased at start of season and I belive they made a massive difference.

Camerawork (too much close zooming, camera pans very quickly at times)
Brian> you can`t please all the people. some say zoom in more others say zoom out more.

Unclear if Pars TV is a part of DAFC or not, making it difficult to get answers from either party about different topics - IMO it should be totally in-house - and a marked difference between live output and "behind the scenes", new player interviews, etc.

Brian> IMO ParsTV is the club and under control of the club

people attending or not attending has very little to do with streaming. covid proved people wanted to attend matches where they can.

somebody above was complaining about Ayr having replays, intimating ParsTV did not. so that was wrong information yet people would likely belive it if I didn`t respond :o)

Post Edited (Sun 31 Dec 12:25)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 12:26

I`d posted too much and some of it got lost, so I`m retyping :o)

with regard to pricing, you need to discuss with the club.

however, if I recall PPV used to be £12 per game and a subscription is £20. so on average two home games give you a stream cost of £10 which is less than last season. and as we say we will do our best to do away games as a bonus.

if you had 2 away games then it takes it down to £5 per game, a bargain !
however during December the away games and not able to stream or a connection issue at Raith didn`t help.

Post Edited (Sun 31 Dec 12:28)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 12:30

we got a new desktop and I`ve been trying to test IP cameras (similar ones to those that Raith use) but I have just not had the time to get tested.

the laptop couldn`t cope with extra graphics, more cameras but the desktop will handle it one everybody gets time.

IMO getting a stream out is more important than some fancy things around the edges.

please, ParsTV needs help ;o)

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 12:50

Why is there such a gulf between your opinion and that of others?

Why does a similar gulf appear between the quality of our product and other clubs offerings,

Raith and dundee utd to name a couple.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 13:31

I can tell you have had serious issue with ParsTV.
if you email me I can check through the logs and try and identify what the issues were.
I can then look at and resolve the problem

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 13:34


brian, Sun 31 Dec 13:31

I can tell you have had serious issue with ParsTV.
if you email me I can check through the logs and try and identify what the issues were.
I can then look at and resolve the problem

My issue is the general quality is less than the rest of the league`s. You don`t seem to accept this
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 13:56

I don`t wish to ding dong back and forward, but trying to get to the bottom of it.

Does ParsTV work for you, does it drop all the time, let`s concentrate on home games, when has it not worked

As I said I can check logs to see any issue

Post Edited (Sun 31 Dec 13:58)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 14:29


brian, Sun 31 Dec 13:56

I don`t wish to ding dong back and forward, but trying to get to the bottom of it.

Does ParsTV work for you, does it drop all the time, let`s concentrate on home games, when has it not worked

As I said I can check logs to see any issue

OMG Brian.

The service is not as good as other clubs in the league!

Raith and dundee utd for example have a an almost professional broadcast. We are miles off the mark.

I`m asking you why are we not at that level?

What do you need?

You don`t want to admit we are falling short!

That`s before we even look into the fact nearly everytime pars tv is live this forum thread has complaints,

It Is off putting to pay for a service that`s rubbish compared to our rivals,

TLDR our service is rubbish compared to our rivals.

Not befitting of our club.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 14:37

You are completely exaggerating what you see as issues.

I`ll get time later you disprove your point

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 14:54


brian, Sun 31 Dec 14:37

You are completely exaggerating what you see as issues.

I`ll get time later you disprove your point

OK Brian. Good talk. 👍
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 14:55

Appreciate the reply, and I`ll quickly reply to the replies to which you can reply or not reply, depending on whether you want to reply or not (but of course you should have a right of reply) ;)

Brian> I`m not aware of any speed and login issues. what is the speed issue ? website response, payment response or streaing reponses.

KP -- it`s more the response time and general look of the landing page, navigation to get to the game itself (looks a lot less modern than other clubs, clicking on things then having to refresh etc rather than going straight to the feed, a little unclear where to log in, where to view the fees etc)

Brian> I will also dispute drop outs. I went through the log one day and reviewed users access, in 95% of the ones I checked there was no issues. in a couple of follow up to people who`s stream appeared to drop they ahd said they had moved equipment due to work to home.

KP -- you can dispute as much as you like but when I use it, feeds have dropped quite regularly; when I`m not watching online there are multiple people on here and many more (both Pars fans and away fans) on Pie and Bovril saying that the feed has crashed or its buggering or they need to refresh etc.

Brian> we use a LAN connection at home. no 4g dongle except for testing on icoming stream. Albeit there was an issue at the start of the season with the LAN and the club immediately got the issue sorted within a couple days. (so that impacted one

KP -- good to hear there is a more stable connection, although from memory there have been a few "cable has fallen out, isn`t stable, needs secured" etc messages in the fairly recent past which is a bit concerning!

Brian> I would dispute that too, but would need to check. new mircophones were purchased at start of season and I belive they made a massive difference.

KP -- again, you can dispute that if you like but I hear it, it`s also commented on multiple times on here and on Pie and Bovril

Brian> you can`t please all the people. some say zoom in more others say zoom out more.

KP -- appreciate that but as we saw with the game yesterday, getting the Camerawork right is paramount!

Brian> IMO ParsTV is the club and under control of the club

KP -- good to hear, although a bit odd to see "IMO" when you`d be the one to know!

Would appreciate it also if you can look at the other suggestions and ask the people behind Pars TV if it isn`t actually yourself and see what they think.

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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: weemike  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 15:00

KP......stop exaggerating,

The service is perfect compared to our rivals.

We should be proud to pay for it.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 15:09

For the past year I've constantly had issues with either the quality of the stream (fuzzy, patchy and jumpy) or that it jumps and I miss several seconds( between 1 and around 30 seconds) of action at a time.

I`ve tried a couple of laptops and I`ve even tried my neighbours WiFi instead of my own as a source of issues, but nothing changes.

Around a year or two ago the quality had improved measurably but its declined again. Its an investment in the only service showing us, otherwise I`d probably go for a rival stream as the quality is normally far above ours (e.g. Raith, Falkirk, Dundee Utd, Inverness, QotS, Montrose and Morton off top of my head).

Arbroath`s service was pitiful last weekend, so it`s not just us.

I don`t know the solution though. I have no technical prowess when it comes to these things. I`ve tried changing things at my end without success as mentioned. I stream other services completely smooth all the time.

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla


Post Edited (Sun 31 Dec 15:09)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: dd23  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 16:26

When the requested feedback is met with “I dispute that”, then you know you’re banging your head against a brick wall.
I’ve said several times before that I believe the club need to get a consultant in to review the whole set up and give recommendations as to what is required.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 17:20

I very rarely get the chance to watch a match on ParsTV so I cannot comment on its quality, but clearly there are some users who are unhappy.

I presume our Hamburg-based board members and other investors use ParsTV to watch DAFC matches, and it would be interesting to know if they are happy with the service, which is effectively showcasing their company.

I am sure those involved are doing their very best, and in the absence of anyone else coming forward to provide a service there`s a risk that volunteers might just decide they`ve had enough if they are facing what they perceive as unfair criticism.

Like so much in Scottish football I find it sad that in so many areas the 42 clubs often operate in 42 silos, each developing and implementing its own solutions to problems without appearing to learn from each other`s successes and failures.

For TV, I can understand that the big city clubs can probably afford bespoke offerings, but the mid-sized and smaller clubs would surely benefit by operating similar technical solutions, offering a similar quality of service.

If in fact (as has been suggested) some clubs offer a much better than average TV coverage, their technical solution should be adopted by others as the standard all should adhere to (or at least aspire to). There may be environmental reasons why a one-size-fits-all solution wouldn`t work, but it seems to do so in lower-league English football, where Sky seems to have the same coverage everywhere.


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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 18:48

I have been a member of parstv for a long time ,And yes, there have been issues many beyond Brian and the volunteers control .

Yes, like everyone else I get p----d off, but I don`t attack the guys trying their best to provide .

There seem to be a lot of complaints on here ,are they actually from posters who subscribe or keyboard warriors .

If you do subscribe of coarse you have a legit to complain .

Let`s give Parstv team a break and stop busting their B---s

We are 4th In the league with a lot to look forward too.There is no other team that have had the number of injuries we have had to deal with.

For the record, I don`t know any of the parstv team ,but I thinK some on here need to give it a break .

For Brian

Is it possible to show how many complaints you receive from people who actually subscribe

Anyway Happy new year to all pars family
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 19:56

dd23 I dispute that!
The club and ParsTV team know what is required to progress certain aspects of the stream
If you have suggestions we`d be happy to get you on board.

If people would like to look at the figures would be happy to show whether there are real issues on a stream or not.
Nobody so far has indicated that they have a specific problem, so far it`s all here say
We can verify your complaint by checking our logs.

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ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: neilholland999  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 21:13

Brian et al,

Surely you can understand people`s frustrations when one minute you are saying you will happily take onboard feedback/suggestions and then the next minute you dismiss them and say you haven`t received any complaints (or don`t see anything in the logs).

It is very rare these days for businesses etc to assume everything is going well simply because they have not received any complaints. Indeed, most successful organisations proactively seek out and act on feedback to try and continuously improve their service.

Regrettably, there have been a few occasions this season where I was tempted to purchase a PPV stream, but i decided not to in the end as I didn`t have much confidence that I would have a good viewing experience.

It makes me a bit sad to say this, as I would genuinely love to see Pars TV performing consistently well and I would use it regularly if not for the Saturday blackouts etc.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Mon 1 Jan 09:07

of course I understand people frustrations, all I`m trying to do is get facts to investigate the issues

No real issues found so if anyone has issues please use the support option as you will get little response from posting on a forum. :o)

You will see from my initial check that there seemed to be issues at the Ayr United game, yet quite a few posters commented that they had a good stream

I did ask at the time for them to get in touch so I can check the logs to see where the issue was - NO reply
I just need to know if they are watching on a Firestick ??

Happy New Year

Dunfermline - Partick
0 issues

Airdrie Dunfermline (away game)
there appeared to be a bit of buffering at the Airdrie game as couple comments

Dunfermline Raith Rovers
there was a brief issue with audio at this game due to the new microphones

Dunfermline Inverness
0 issues

Dunfermline Ayr United

is it just me or is the stream now failing? It just stopped a few mins ago and now freezes constantly
Very poor today

Perfect pars tv here in Houston
All good watching stream in 🇹🇷 No issues 👌
Had a perfect stream today here in SA.
There was no problem in Oz either...
Good video and audio for the second half here in Lux. (only watched 2nd half)

contact: email me
File Share: https://share2.co.uk
ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Mon 1 Jan 09:10


Regrettably, there have been a few occasions this season where I was tempted to purchase a PPV stream, but i decided not to in the end as I didn`t have much confidence that I would have a good viewing experience.

It makes me a bit sad to say this, as I would genuinely love to see Pars TV performing consistently well and I would use it regularly if not for the Saturday blackouts etc.

I don`t understand you point about PPV, there have been very few occassions we have offered a PPV and where we did there have been no issues.

the statement about the blackout on a Saturday is nothing to with ParsTV or Dunfermline so it`s hardly our fault !!

I think by the very nature of this thread and me asking questions I`m pro-actively looking for information.

regardless of your point, if people are having issues it is at their end. but I would still like to find out more information from those users, but up until now none of them have given me anything concrete.

contact: email me
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ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Mon 1 Jan 10:27

please note that using a VPN can give buffering and from the logs I would say that is the prime reason for problems.

and completely out of our control. as mentioned if someone has an issue the first place to go is support so that we can look into/sort issues directly. please supply an email address

Post Edited (Mon 01 Jan 13:01)
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: rikaka  
Date:   Mon 1 Jan 13:34

When I have used the service it`s generally been stable enough.

The major criticism I have is the video resolution. The equipment used is clearly up to scratch as the uploaded highlights are very good, however the live stream is really poor.
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 Re: Pars TV Ayr no streams
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Mon 1 Jan 14:33


next time can you check the setting bottom right of the video and ensure it is at 1080 or 720p

on some occassions on startup it starts at say 360, but should automatically revert to the 1080 setting.

if still an issue can you try the Stream B option

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ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk
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