Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Thu 13 Mar 23:56
Aston Villa`s most famous supporter has been opening up about his favourite club.
"I like going on the forums, I can be on there for ages," he said.
"I listen to what other fans have to say and give them my opinions. I get quite into it, definitely. It`s important to have that debate."
It seems we`re in royal company when we contribute to our forum. I hope he hasn`t strayed on here by mistake and been accused of being a `happy clapper` or of `looking for an argument`!
Topic Originator: Jeffery
Date: Fri 14 Mar 08:35
Brian needs to check the IP logs now to trace whether posts are being made on here from Windsor, the White House, etc
Topic Originator: vasco
Date: Fri 14 Mar 08:53
Those to55er5 will be using VPNs
Topic Originator: parsmad68
Date: Fri 14 Mar 11:13
So if you were to have someone famous on your forum who would it be and why. I know this isn’t great but I will start the ball rolling.
Trump would clearly be on the Rangers forum because he is Orange.
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Fri 14 Mar 11:49
I don`t know what the origins were of William`s love affair with Aston Villa but maybe we missed a trick when he was studying at St Andrews. We should have been bombarding him with offers of Pars` merchandise and maybe we could have invited him to put in a guest appearance as Sammy the Tammy.
Topic Originator: CitizenPar
Date: Fri 14 Mar 11:49
Pierluigi Collina and Sir Alex.