Topic Originator: neilholland999
Date: Sat 15 Mar 13:08
Here`s hoping there are comprehensive victories for Livvy (vs Airdrie) and Morton (vs Hamilton). 🤞🤞
Topic Originator: dafc-chris1
Date: Sat 15 Mar 13:53
It might be a good thing if both Airdrie and Hamilton win as it will leave the club in no doubt that we are in trouble
Topic Originator: wulliepar57
Date: Sat 15 Mar 14:15
No we need Morton and livi to win
It`s not rocket science to know we are in the deep shi* at present
Topic Originator: neilholland999
Date: Sat 15 Mar 14:15
If they can`t already see that we are in trouble, then what hope do we have??