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 ??????…… Out
Topic Originator: DrumRoad  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 12:26

I will add our next managerial appointment once we know who is next in line but thought I would start the next “manager out “thread in advance of the appointment

He would join an illustrious list of recent failures @ DAFC ie Grant, Hughes, McPake & now Tidser

If we weren’t the laughing stock of Scottish football before, we will most certainly be now

This current situation isn’t just down to the aforementioned manager’s surely! & I would love to see the current owners getting to the bottom of this!

Post Edited (Mon 17 Mar 12:34)
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 Re: …….. Out
Topic Originator: CitizenPar  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 12:34

I agree, DrumRoad. Four managers hired and fired since Stevie Crawford left. The Club is becoming a shambles and the job a poison chalice. Our reputation will soon be in the gutter, if it isn`t already. They really have to get it right this time.

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 Re: …….. Out
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 12:39

In hindsight, Stevie did well with a few troublemakers and a threadbare squad. Managers seem to struggle here but given the squad 5 years ago is different to now, it can`t just be the players.
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 Re: …….. Out
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 14:37


jake89, Mon 17 Mar 12:39

In hindsight, Stevie did well with a few troublemakers and a threadbare squad. Managers seem to struggle here but given the squad 5 years ago is different to now, it can`t just be the players.

I still think back to the "meet the manager night" at EEP when Stevie Crawford was in charge and he talked about how he had never seen a dressing room like it in his entire career. He didn`t talk specifics but hinted that the squad he inherited were full of bad apples. I think it`s something we have never really sorted, playing squad needs totally emptied
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 Re: ??????…… Out
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 14:58


DrumRoad, Mon 17 Mar 12:26

I will add our next managerial appointment once we know who is next in line but thought I would start the next “manager out “thread in advance of the appointment

He would join an illustrious list of recent failures @ DAFC ie Grant, Hughes, McPake & now Tidser

If we weren’t the laughing stock of Scottish football before, we will most certainly be now

This current situation isn’t just down to the aforementioned manager’s surely! & I would love to see the current owners getting to the bottom of this!

Post Edited (Mon 17 Mar 12:34)

Credit to the new owners for taking the decision quickly to remove him. They clearly don’t want us in Div 1 next year!
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 Re: ??????…… Out
Topic Originator: hurricane_jimmy  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 15:00

The thing with Crawford though, was that he had a seriously good eye for a player but really couldn`t get the consistency out of a team to turn them into a force that could grind out results and win the league. Never struck me as the leader type that is needed in the managers role.

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 Re: …….. Out
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 15:01


red-star-par, Mon 17 Mar 14:37


jake89, Mon 17 Mar 12:39

In hindsight, Stevie did well with a few troublemakers and a threadbare squad. Managers seem to struggle here but given the squad 5 years ago is different to now, it can`t just be the players.

I still think back to the "meet the manager night" at EEP when Stevie Crawford was in charge and he talked about how he had never seen a dressing room like it in his entire career. He didn`t talk specifics but hinted that the squad he inherited were full of bad apples. I think it`s something we have never really sorted, playing squad needs totally emptied

I think the same but then I don`t think there are many players from that period left. Are we just really bad at identifying players who aren`t wallopers? 😂 For me Stevie came across as someone who was probably too nice and fair when some guys needed a boot up the bottom . Tidser felt a bit like Hughes with a "sort yourselves out!" attitude. Truth is you need a bit of both. Easier said than done though and not easy when you have people who don`t play ball (literally!)
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 Re: ??????…… Out
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 15:16

Is Jocky Scott still looking for a job?
Or Iain Munro?

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: ??????…… Out
Topic Originator: Parahandy  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 17:23

This is Liz Truss territory

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 Re: …….. Out
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 18:08


red-star-par, Mon 17 Mar 14:37


jake89, Mon 17 Mar 12:39

In hindsight, Stevie did well with a few troublemakers and a threadbare squad. Managers seem to struggle here but given the squad 5 years ago is different to now, it can`t just be the players.

I still think back to the "meet the manager night" at EEP when Stevie Crawford was in charge and he talked about how he had never seen a dressing room like it in his entire career. He didn`t talk specifics but hinted that the squad he inherited were full of bad apples. I think it`s something we have never really sorted, playing squad needs totally emptied

There are no "bad apples" in the current squad, Red Star, and there haven`t been since McPake was appointed. Some of his signings may not have set the heather on fire, but due diligence was done and they were all of good character. Players who have come in recently talk enthusiastically about the "great bunch of lads" they`ve teamed up with, without any prompting.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: …….. Out
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Mon 17 Mar 18:21


GG Riva, Mon 17 Mar 18:08


red-star-par, Mon 17 Mar 14:37


jake89, Mon 17 Mar 12:39

In hindsight, Stevie did well with a few troublemakers and a threadbare squad. Managers seem to struggle here but given the squad 5 years ago is different to now, it can`t just be the players.

I still think back to the "meet the manager night" at EEP when Stevie Crawford was in charge and he talked about how he had never seen a dressing room like it in his entire career. He didn`t talk specifics but hinted that the squad he inherited were full of bad apples. I think it`s something we have never really sorted, playing squad needs totally emptied

There are no "bad apples" in the current squad, Red Star, and there haven`t been since McPake was appointed. Some of his signings may not have set the heather on fire, but due diligence was done and they were all of good character. Players who have come in recently talk enthusiastically about the "great bunch of lads" they`ve teamed up with, without any prompting.

They might be all nice lads, but they haven`t shown much in the way of character, desire, will to win. They need to man up, and get their fingers out. They can hide behind their managers failings but they can`t hide the fact that they haven`t done enough
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