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 Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: Monkmyster  
Date:   Mon 6 Nov 22:43

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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: char  
Date:   Mon 6 Nov 22:56

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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: Par in Luzern  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 01:03

Apparently Walter Zenga want's the job!!!
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: WApar  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 02:52

Great find...thanks for sharing
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: par_t_par  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 03:41

..And apparently the new manager will be allowed to brin in his own side-kick.

The Herald

Yorkston insists the new manager would be given freedom to appoint his own assistant.

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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: Pompey_Par  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 04:00

cheers monkmyster, great site

Just Here 4 The Banter
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: aberpar  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 04:12

Excellent article from The Herald - I certainly feel more positive about the whole thing after reading Yorkston's comments. A little bit of openess towards the supporters goes a long way.

The Zenga application is pretty intriguing, but you have to question why he's been at so many clubs in a short period of time, and can a "serial applicant"(quote from The Herald) be taken seriously?
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: sPARky77  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 08:34

Conflicting comments coming out of EEP.

Leishman is banging on about there only being one vacancy and that Robertson has done nothing wrong to lose his position as assistant.

Now we have Yorkston saying that the new boss can bring in whoever he chooses to be his assistant.

I just hope Yorkston is telling the truth.
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: BoAPar  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 10:29

Livvy wanted £120,000 in compensation???

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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 12:30

did leishman not say that robertson would be retained on the staff in some coaching role though?? I may be wrong but i cant remember seeing a quote from leishman promising CR a assistant managers job.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: Superally  
Date:   Tue 7 Nov 17:53

Good site this, it deserved to be bumped to the top

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It's a well known medical fact that some men were born two drams below par.
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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: Buranokan  
Date:   Thu 9 Nov 10:38

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 Re: Site to keep track of what's happening
Topic Originator: PudseyPar  
Date:   Fri 10 Nov 09:53

Admin, any chance of sticking this on the "Sticky" forum. Seems too good a link to disappear into the ether !


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