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Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 11 Jun 06:04

Has anyone else seen the movie VICE?

I watched it last night and found it very enjoyable. It stars Christian Bale as Dick Chaney and Steve Correll as Donald Rumsfeld as they plot over time to develop a means to take control of the key power functions of the US Government.

It's a cleverly told tale that leaves you hoping that most of it is untrue, but suspecting that almost all of it is actually based on fact.

For instance, the extent to which Chaney took decision-making control and sidelined George W on 9/11 is genuinely concerning. All the more so when one considers the level of competency on display in the current administration.

The worrying thing is that a good number of the movers and shakers featured in this movie are still very active in Republican circles.
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Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Tue 11 Jun 17:47

I haven’t seen the film, but it would seem to support the theory that the USA has been run by an oligarchy which has been enriching itself from the military/industrial contracts since the 1950s. The only thing they need fear is world peace, since that would impoverish them and erode their political power.

As the following photos indicate, there is a thread that runs from Prescott Bush and Nixon in the 1950s through to Gerald Ford and the younger Bushes’ henchmen such as Rumsfeld and Cheney. There people have always opposed or undermined welfare programmes aimed at improving schooling or medical care, while shouting for a bigger military budget. They seem to have convinced the US electorate that military spending is unrelated to tax.

Gerald Ford was a member of the Warren Commission which investigated the assassination of JFK. He supported the theory of the magic bullet and Oswald acting alone. His specialist area was Jack Ruby yet Ford seems to have been the only person in America who did not acknowledge a close link between organised crime figures and the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald. It is widely accepted that throughout the enquiry Ford was keeping the FBI fully informed of developments.

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Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Tue 11 Jun 21:41

Most of the points you make are addressed and covered in the movie - all the way from Nixon through to today. It is a real eye-opener.

On the JFK assassination, these days it is pretty much accepted that the second gun belonged to a member of the protection squad who was behind and to the left of JFK. Allegedly, he accidentally fired the fatal shot when he lost his balance. For obvious reasons, the FBI wanted this covered up.
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Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Tue 11 Jun 23:18

Just for clarification, that is George W Bush's grandfather tilting Nixon's hat and Gerald Ford is in between Rumsfeld and Cheney back in 1975, a good 30 years before the Iraq invasion.


I am aware of that theory but it holds little water. JFK was shot in the shoulder (not the neck as Ford wanted us to believe) and the head. I cannot see how a protection officer could have accidentally have hit the President in that manner, especially since it is universally acknowledged there were (at least) three shots with a gap in between the first shot and the two others.

A tragic accident would have been acceptable to the American public, especially given their embarrassing record of ‘friendly fire’ killings during wartime. Except that the problem of perception remains as it did on the day of the assassination: JFK was in hostile territory in Dallas and the man who succeeded him, LBJ, was a Dallas man who decided not to travel in the same car as JFK.
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Topic Originator: OzPar  
Date:   Wed 12 Jun 02:03

If confronted by a choice between a conspiracy theory and a monumental stuff-up, I would opt for stuff-up every time.

However, having had my eyes opened to the conspiracies in this film, I don't doubt for a minute that you could be right.

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Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Wed 12 Jun 09:11

Do a Google image search for Nikita Khrushchev and Nixon. If a picture paints a thousand words then make up your own conspiracy about those ones.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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