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 “No DSS” ruling found unlawful
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Tue 14 Jul 15:57

Shelter have tweeted that they’ve won a court case involving a woman on disability benefits who was unfairly discriminated by private landlords whose rental adverts and agreements stated “No DSS claimants”.

The judge in the case has ruled that all of these adverts by both private landlords and letting agents are unlawful. This will also means mortgage lenders will have to remove this from their buy to let wording agreements.

A huge boost to unemployed / low income private renters.

Now all we need is for councils to raise the LHA rates in line with average private rents instead of being £100 less ie Fife Council LHA rate is £320 pm for a one bed flat but average rents are £80pm more....

ETA Of course the term DSS is out of date. UC or DWP should be used.

It won’t stop landlords from changing their own wording of course, “income should be over £X...”

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

Post Edited (Tue 14 Jul 16:00)
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 Re: “No DSS” ruling found unlawful
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 14 Jul 18:44

Great news. It's hard enough on benefits as it is.
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 Re: “No DSS” ruling found unlawful
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Wed 15 Jul 13:30

Just means that they can't put it in writing.

Landlords can still choose the tenant that they prefer without actually giving a reason.

Long time ago, it was actually preferable to rent to DSS with housing benefit - as the rent assessment gave a fair valuation, and the cheques were sent directly to the landlord every 4 weeks,

This changed around 2001/2002, and the tenant was given the money, and expected to pass on to the landlord :-/

I had two DSS tenants who happily paid the first few months, then started being later and later, giving excuses that the HB hadn't arrived etc etc.
Then simply refused to pay up, and refused to move out.
Ended up with me flying back from Lux and physically (and yes, illegally, I know) turfing them out on threat of an 'Adam Warlocking'.

BTW - it's worse out here.
BEFORE you even get to view a rental property, one is required to give the letting agent:

1. Copy of ID (passport or ID card only)
2. Proof of income (last 3 salary slips)
3. Proof of PERMANENT employment (copy of employment contract)
4. Proof of sufficient cash savings to pay the 2 or 3 month deposit AND the 1 month agency fee (bank statement) - bearing in mind that the cheapest studio is 1k per month, less than that and you're renting a bedroom in a shared flat...
- so an absolute minimum cash holding of 3k...

Don't supply this, they won't even allow you to see the apartment, far less apply to rent it!!

Oh - and after they have shown the apartment to a 'suitable number of acceptable applicants', they give the pack of all your details to the landlord to choose which tenant they prefer!

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