Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 24 Sep 12:46
Some things never change. We continue to support compensating people for their own stupidity. The original union, and beginning of the UK debt mountain, began because some rich Scots wanted paid off when they tried and failed to establish a colony. That set in motion the union of crowns and Scotland taking on England`s debt. Fast forward 300 years and a bunch of bankers lost a bet and then we, the taxpayer, coughed up again. The UK is screwed because it`s drowning in debt now. Don`t worry that lots of that debt is a result of giving deals to really rich people. Don`t focus on them as they rip you off for billions. Focus on Mohammad the guy who came over on a boat or on Jenny who`s fiddling her DLA to get an extra £20 a week.