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 PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Fri 12 Jul 18:47

Anyone playing at the moment and what games?

After polishing off the plat for RDR2, went back and did Batman Arkham Knight and then the new Spiderman.

Now in the midst of Yakuza Kiwami which is proving a challenge..

Post Edited (Fri 12 Jul 18:55)
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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: DayMan  
Date:   Sun 14 Jul 09:33

Over the past few weeks I've gone back and been working my way through the Uncharted games. Onto Uncharted 4 just now and loving it.

Also been dipping in and out of Borderlands 2 since it was the free game a month or so ago.

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?
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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Mon 15 Jul 20:23

Days Gone, fixes in place it's a cracker, big open world well executed, very good story telling for an open world game without being linear...
The flaws have been way overstated.
Solid 8 of 10.

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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: TAFKA_Super_Petrie  
Date:   Fri 9 Aug 00:03


Rastapari, Mon 15 Jul 20:23

Days Gone, fixes in place it's a cracker, big open world well executed, very good story telling for an open world game without being linear...
The flaws have been way overstated.
Solid 8 of 10.

You finished it yet mate? Would you be for a swap if you have, quite fancy it?


"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."
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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Sat 10 Aug 10:16

Just done with Yakuza Kiwami and moved onto the free one this month Detroit: Become Human.
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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: Sammy_Must_Die  
Date:   Sun 11 Aug 21:35

Am enjoying Days Gone too...great looking game, plays well and is a much better game than the reviews suggested!!

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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: General Zod  
Date:   Tue 13 Aug 12:17

It took me so long to get really into days gone. The dialogue is sketchy and it’s a bit basic but after you move to the next map it becomes a lot better.
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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Fri 30 Aug 08:03


TAFKA_Super_Petrie, Fri 9 Aug 00:03


Rastapari, Mon 15 Jul 20:23

Days Gone, fixes in place it's a cracker, big open world well executed, very good story telling for an open world game without being linear...
The flaws have been way overstated.
Solid 8 of 10.

You finished it yet mate? Would you be for a swap if you have, quite fancy it?

Aye I'm done for now, you can borrow it if you want, could shout you next time I'm through that way?

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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Sat 25 Apr 14:42

Played Days Gone and completed it recently after recommendations on here, it’s very much a cross between RDR and The Walking Dead for me!

Onto Yakuza Kiwami 2 now and Unchartered 4 which happened to be one of the freebies this month.
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 Re: PS4 chat...
Topic Originator: KirklistonPar  
Date:   Wed 29 Apr 07:16

I’ve been having lots of fun playing NASCAR HEAT4 on PC (also available on PS4 & Xbox) It’s filled the gap of not being able to watch the races on tv. All the drivers & race cars are represented & the racing is kind of sim/arcade making it fun to play the minute you start playing. The career mode is fun to play & has you racing on dirt tracks before you progress onto trucks. I’ve put in about 18 hours so far and I’d recommend it to any NASCAR fan.
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