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Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 19:59

£600 million over budget and nine months late. Surely this will be seen as an act of incompetence by the government. Headlines in every newspaper. Opposition making political capital at every opportunity......surely ?

Post Edited (Fri 31 Aug 19:59)
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 21:07

More interested in watching the SNP eating itself..
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 21:35


Mario, Fri 31 Aug 21:07

More interested in watching the SNP eating itself..

Ha ha Mario you old dinasaur you
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 21:38

Pretty sure it's the anti Semitic Labour party that is imploding.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 21:48

Come on..anyone chipped into five pension Eck’s crowdfunding?
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 22:17

Nah I'm on Team Scotland's side.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 00:13

15 billion spent

You live in Scotland?
Take a look at yourself, and yer legacy
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 08:17

Aye ok...when the right people make the right money incompetence has nothing to do with it.

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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 11:01

I know where you are coming from Rasta. But I am sure the media and the opposition in Scotland accused the SNP of incompetence regarding the Queensferry Crossing. Maybe I imagined it ?
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 11:05

Topic Originator: Mario
Date: Fri 31 Aug 21:48

Come on..anyone chipped into five pension Eck’s crowdfunding?

Pretty sure he donated his Scot gov pension to fund a trust in the NE of Scotland for disadvantaged children. Over 100k I believe and that was years ago.

One of the most generous donaters to charities is AS
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 14:06


desparado, Sat 1 Sep 11:05

Topic Originator: Mario
Date: Fri 31 Aug 21:48

Come on..anyone chipped into five pension Eck’s crowdfunding?

Pretty sure he donated his Scot gov pension to fund a trust in the NE of Scotland for disadvantaged children. Over 100k I believe and that was years ago.

One of the most generous donaters to charities is AS

stop it. You're not allowed to mention his generosity in the same thread Mario commentated on.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 14:52

And a few more grand in donations for legal costs will see him pretty much quits.
Easy to be generous with your own cash when mugs can be fleeced of theirs.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 15:16

Crowd funding now closed with a total raised of £100,007.
All surpluses going to common good and other charity causes. Well done Wee Eck.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 16:44

Gets his legal costs paid by others and generously donates the rest of their money elsewhere. Nothing out of his own pocket.
What a guy, or should that be guiser.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 17:09


Mario, Sat 1 Sep 16:44

Gets his legal costs paid by others and generously donates the rest of their money elsewhere. Nothing out of his own pocket.
What a guy, or should that be guiser.

Guiser, no that's Brown with all our pensions.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 17:13

In this instance I don't see a problem with crowd funding.
It isn't a private case involving his harassment claims but simply a case against the system that meant he was named and shamed despite not knowing one detail about.
On top of that it was leaked to the Daily Record which was actually scandalous when you think about it.
No police charges as yet.
No complaints made to the SNP.
A trial by social media.
The leaking of this will actually be detrimental should it go to court.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 17:21

"No police charges as yet."

Only recently informed, eight months after the complaints made, why?
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 18:17

Because the Permanent secretary to the Scottish Government only concluded her report last week.
Secondly the complaints were made in January some 4 years after the alleged incidents took place due to a change in procedure in Holyrood which allows the 'victims' anonymity but also means the accused gets to know nothing about what he or she is charged with even before it goes to court and is named and shamed.

This is what Salmond is protesting about and I think he has a point. Nobody would like to be accused of a crime but not be given any details as to why, when or what about and on top of that the disgraceful leak by someone to the Daily Record.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

Post Edited (Sat 01 Sep 18:18)
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 19:43

Meanwhile a list as long as you arm of Tory and labour sexual predators and perverts all of them sitting MP’s is either covered up or any investigations put on the back burner until it all gets forgotten about.

AS is all over the news and it will be proven to be much ado about nothing.

Westminster is a cess pit and the sooner we are shot of it the better.

Little people like Mario who served his time as an Mod store man has pledged his allegiance to the rapists and paedophilles........sickening.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 22:29

Store man? Never in my puff. Even if I had been wtf has it got do with you or the subject anyway.
And whitaboot all you like, SNP could be wrecked by this.
Lay off the personal insults as well. Pathetic, grow up.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 23:15


Mario, Sat 1 Sep 22:29

Store man? Never in my puff. Even if I had been wtf has it got do with you or the subject anyway.
And whitaboot all you like, SNP could be wrecked by this.
Lay off the personal insults as well. Pathetic, grow up.

Hit a raw nerve there. If you like to dish it out you need to grow a pair and take it on the chin ya wee radge
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 23:59

So what's your job Tenruh and Desperado? C'mon if you like to dish out then grow a pair and start revealing some personal details.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 07:54

You can score Private Dicks off the list, they’ve exposed themselves..

But speaking of lists, be careful or you’ll be on it as well along with other traitors to the cause: those of impure Scots blood, or don’t even live here, MOD civvies or just No voters in general.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 08:39


The One Who Knocks, Sat 1 Sep 23:59

So what's your job Tenruh and Desperado? C'mon if you like to dish out then grow a pair and start revealing some personal details.

Er, no.

Post Edited (Sun 02 Sep 08:45)
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 10:43

Despy, you one of the twittertwats who was fuming that the Permant Sec is married to ex MI5 Chief Jonathan Evans?
Turns out her hubby is an SNP voter, member, campaigner and highly active activist. So that’s alright then. Absolutely hilarious.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 11:05

No I wasn’t. Don’t do twitter, it is for twits. You do presumably.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 19:14

Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sat 1 Sep 23:59

So what's your job Tenruh and Desperado? C'mon if you like to dish out then grow a pair and start revealing some personal details.

I remember a couple of years ago when there was a debate on here about the Scottish government raising income tax for the highest earners and I posted that I would be more than happy to pay a few hundred quid a year more.

I got shot down in flames from the likes of Mario for being a “ billy big boots”
and a few others who took my post as if I was bragging and nothing could have been further from the truth. I then posted what my job title was then.....and again derogatory comments from the usual suspect.

So I will pass on the personal info other than to say that as long as I am earning substantially more than Mother Theresa is I am happy......and willing to pay a bit more tax.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 19:48

Anyway, back to the original post
Being an indy supporter, but continually being reminded that unfortunately we are still part of rUK, its even more pathetic, that rUK supporters still try deflect the shambles of overspend etc on crossrail, rather than agree with any ctriticism of UK govt mismanagement (again)
'Supposed' union at any cost eh?

Salmond aint spending my money on taking on WM, but crossrail are
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 20:40

Care to comment on the Calmac ferries the Scottish Goverment have commissioned that are coming in over budget and late?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 21:31

Or the 150,000 failures on patient waiting times, legal rights as set by Scot Govt?
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Sun 2 Sep 21:54

How does 150k compare to the shambles dahn sath, or indeed cal mac ferries to planeless aircraft carriers? 🤔
Erstwhile we're being dragged to the brink, whilst the lack of north sea oil will keep 'us' afloat again back above 70$ i see, and new fields by the year !

My goodness, you really have been mugged
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 07:38

TOWK, you are too kind. You didn’t mention the ferry contract went to a Monaco residing millionaire chum of the FM. Despite his wealth he extracted a £30m loan to ease liquidity issues from Sturgeon as well.
As for mugs, 4000 of them have just been mugged by the former FM, another man of wealth. A fool from his dosh is easily parted indeed.
Wonder if the 150,000 breaches of the law in respect of 12 week waiting times were actionable? A more worthy cause than than Eck’s personal vendetta.

Post Edited (Mon 03 Sep 07:41)
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 11:05

Delta poll latest......After Salmond gate broke......looking good.

In a referendum on independence for Scotland held tomorrow, how would you vote?

For Scotland to remain as part of the United Kingdom: 50.6%
For Scotland to become an independent country: 49.4%
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 12:55

Good turnout on sat too, great to see all the smiling faces 😄
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 15:35

Looking good? You lose again..
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 16:19

The poll I saw said 52% for independence, 48% against if Brexit goes ahead.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 18:31

Topic Originator: Mario
Date: Mon 3 Sep 15:35

Looking good? You lose again..

This is before the campaign starts. At least 5% on top of those figures for Yes.

I wonder why Dark money Ruth keeps asking NS to rule out another referendum?

Is it because she knows they (Bitter together ) will lose next time?
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 21:53

Despy the question was how would you vote “tomorrow” so not much campaign time there...
Also the poll doesn’t give a figure for the don't knows. They are always apportioned 50/50 by the pollsters, but the majority always shy away from major change when it comes to the ballot.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 3 Sep 22:29

Like the brexit vote?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 10:00

The don’t knows, the switherers, the not sures..more complex in GE, but in much rarer referendums Pollsters can only apportion them between the two arguments equally, or exclude them. Looks like the stay at homers across the UK impacted the Brexit vote to the extent that virtually every poll bar John Curtice’s got the result wrong.
The Brexit turnout in Scotland was much lower at 67% than the Indy 84%. The apathy for the former was a surprise, but never got my head round the fact that 16% of folk up here couldn’t even be ersed about about the break up of the UK. Glasgow had a 25% drop out rate. Dear me.
And of course there was that poll exactly four years ago that had Indy running at 51%, a week and a half later ..boom!

Post Edited (Tue 04 Sep 10:09)
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 10:27

The only way you can stay in the EU is by voting no....

Scotland will remember being lied to and Labour sitting on their hands...
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 11:08

Glasgow was a low turn out in the Indy ref compared to the rest of the country.

If they had a turn out of say 80% then Yes would have won.

It will be key next time getting the people registered and getting them to vote.

Regardless the fact that the Yes vote is holding up and seems to be nudging higher is a good thing.

They have tried every dirty trick in the book and they still can’t shake us off.

Peak Nat ? Lol

SNP civil war...Lol

Worrying times indeed for bitter together.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 11:32

Surely the red foot soldiers, what's left of them anyway won't serve their blue masters at indy2.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 11:48

Your arithmetic for Glasgow is way out Despy
Another 5% have been about 25,000, which of course wouldn’t have all been for Yes. Proportion as per the actual vote it would have been less than 60% of that, not even 15,000.
Still 395,000 short...
If you were meaning 80% across the country, No votes would be higher in all local authority areas bar four, Glasgow plus the other mere three Yes voting local authorities would barely tickle it.

Post Edited (Tue 04 Sep 11:58)
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: aaaaaaaaaargh  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 12:45

Arithmetic won't help in trying to predict this.
It can be assumed that, for the Indy vote, the people who didn't vote would have been fairly neutral or possibly tending towards the status quo.
The EU vote has now changed everything and only another referendum will show what people really think.

I'm just sad that the Indy referendum happened before the EU one.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 13:47

Not trying to predict anything, just saying Despy’s abacus is a bit wonky. Job for the BBC Repair Shop methinks.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 15:12

Any chance the EU nationals may change their allegiance this time, would assume they would feel lied to before
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Opelfruitloops  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 18:11


Tenruh, Tue 4 Sep 15:12

Any chance the EU nationals may change their allegiance this time, would assume they would feel lied to before

Need to have the referendum before we're out the EU then. After those EU nationals may not have a vote. On the other hand many like me changed their minds and would now vote yes because of Brexit.

Be true to who you are
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 19:00

Aye fair play Mario my mental arithmetic was off there. Still the polls are nudging in the right direction.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Tue 4 Sep 21:44

Think there's something like 170000 EU nationals able to vote which is significant.
I doubt many of them would have voted Yes in 2014 given , at that time independence may have meant out of Europe.
The signals this time are positive that an Indy Scotland would get a sympathetic hearing from the EU even if it begins as just remaining in the Single market and Customs Union which would sway a lot of EU migrants for sure.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 07:30

Scotland can’t remain in any EU market/Union. Scotland is not in the EU as a member state, never has been, not a signatory, no treaty.
As for elibilty to vote, that would need to be agreed if the time comes. 12th of never maybe.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 07:44

Despy, mental arithmetic..remember it well getting hammered into you at school. Not even basic calculators then
Had a part time bar job, Pre decimal days, old tills, adding up price of a round of 5 or more different drinks, plus crisps, etc in your head. Had to get it right, the customers knew it down to the old penny.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 09:42


Mario, Wed 5 Sep 07:30

Scotland can’t remain in any EU market/Union. Scotland is not in the EU as a member state, never has been, not a signatory, no treaty.
As for elibilty to vote, that would need to be agreed if the time comes. 12th of never maybe.

Obviously Scotland isnt a member at the moment as still tied to the apron strings of the UK.
That's why in the event of independence, a treaty can be signed, either as a full member or as the Norway model.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 19:12

Getting an Indy Scotland prepped for joining the EU would be a doddle. Only Spain is going to have any real concerns about Scotland joining and even then it would unlikely be enough to block an application.

The hard part could be that depending on the Brexit settlement, joining the EU could create barriers in trading with our largest trading partner.

I'd want there to be a far more honest discussion from both sides than the Brexit shambles on trade.
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 19:31


londonparsfan, Wed 5 Sep 19:12

Getting an Indy Scotland prepped for joining the EU would be a doddle. Only Spain is going to have any real concerns about Scotland joining and even then it would unlikely be enough to block an application.

The hard part could be that depending on the Brexit settlement, joining the EU could create barriers in trading with our largest trading partner.

I'd want there to be a far more honest discussion from both sides than the Brexit shambles on trade.

The border question is important , not only for trade but for EU free movement of people.
It shouldn't mean restrictions of travel but giving each citizen new Scottish social security numbers that can't be applied elsewhere in the UK.
The Irish problem is going to be very pivotal as to how Brexit plays out and could be a template to Scotland and rUK

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 22:13

Virtually all of Scotland’s exports to the EU go via English roads, ports, the Chunnel. So do Ireland’s.
If all three nations are independent, the two who want to be in the EU would have a problem..
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 Re: Crossrail
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Wed 5 Sep 22:15


desparado, Sat 1 Sep 11:01

I know where you are coming from Rasta. But I am sure the media and the opposition in Scotland accused the SNP of incompetence regarding the Queensferry Crossing. Maybe I imagined it ?

Like I said...right money...right people ;)

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