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 Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 17:47

I see Craig Wighton is joint 9th top scorer in the Championship with a modest 5 goals from 14 appearances - not bad from a guy who found his level in League 1 last season according to some. Strikers who can be relied on to score every two games are quite rare in the Championship.

Hammy`s injury may save him from suspension as he already has 5 yellow cards and another by halfway would push him over the limit. Millen and Byrne of the Rovers are already on 7 and 6 respectively so presumably they are due a suspension - maybe against us?
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 17:53

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Jeffery  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 18:34

Seems an unnecessary pop at fellow pars fans tbh?
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Stanza  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 19:04

Wee eck draws plenty of criticism (IMO often uncalled for) from some Pars fans when he questions their statements!

It`s a sad characteristic of social media that so many threads descend into personal abuse rather than arguing about the subject matter.


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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 19:18

Good post Stanza .. wee eck is perhaps one of the most sensible posters on here .. and before he gets carried away .. I said perhaps

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 19:25

Sad to say, some fans prefer opinions that aren`t supported by the facts.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 19:39


Jeffery, Thu 28 Dec 18:34

Seems an unnecessary pop at fellow pars fans tbh?

Imagine people being called out on nonsense remarks with some facts šŸ«¢ Wighton is a goal scorer, with no pace. Some people think the guy should be like Mbappe and Haaland thoughā€¦
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 20:05

Wighton has scored a goal every 155 minutes he has played in the league this season which is up there with the best.It`s a better strike rate than Moult(183) and Paton(204) and only marginally worse than Brian Graham (145).Lewis Vaughan is best with a goal every 110 minutes.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 20:15

Great stat, parathletic, and no penalties amongst Wighton`s total.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Kozmano1  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:13

Considering 3 of them goals where against the mighty Arbroath. I donā€™t rate him, maybe in the seaside league. Oh and by the way it is ok not too dislike any football player you pay money to watch every week, regardless what the usual football academics say on here!!

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Kozmano1  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:29

Aye, heā€™s that prolific, he ainā€™t made the starting 11 the last 4/5 games, and we have been crying out for goals. What did your Google stats say about that ?

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:35

Yeah, let`s just count goals against teams we rate and let`s ignore games he misses through illness or doesn`t start because he hasn`t trained all week. If you`re going to rate a striker on goals scored then goals per minute played are as good a measure as any surely.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:37


parathletic, Thu 28 Dec 20:05

Wighton has scored a goal every 155 minutes he has played in the league this season which is up there with the best.It`s a better strike rate than Moult(183) and Paton(204) and only marginally worse than Brian Graham (145).Lewis Vaughan is best with a goal every 110 minutes.

The way you wrote that makes it sound like only Vaughan and Graham have a better minutes per goal rate than Wighton. Dowds, Fotheringham and Cudjoe also have better scoring rate than him.

I do like Wighton, he can be a clever player, however I always feel a wee bit disappointed in him, like I know he can be better than he shows us. He is probably a Premiership quality player on his day, as he has shown in the past. It just seems to not often be his day these days
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: pars4life1  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 22:37

Heā€™s got a decent enough record but I struggle to believe 9th in the league is something to shout about.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Socks  
Date:   Thu 28 Dec 23:44

Would it not be sensible to base half-season stats on a period actually covering half a season? Currently we seem to be discussing four-ninths-season stats.

As for goals per minute played - it`s a reasonable measure but needs to be read with caution and an eye on the context. It`s a measure that will always be more favourable towards forwards who regularly come on as a second half sub than those who regularly start games, and especially unfavourable towards a player who starts regularly but goes off in the second half. More goals are scored late in games than early, and a fresh forward coming on for the last 15 minutes will generally be up against a defence who have played the full game.

I don`t say that to make any particular point about Craig Wighton, where I find those who are relentlessly critical to be as tiresome as those who take the diametrically opposite view. I just find the misuse of statistical data, without context, to be irritating.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 00:04

Maybe I should have said `mid-season` stats but we`re only two games away from completing half our League programme. I just wanted to get a bit of a discussion going at a time when the forum seems to have gone a bit dead.

No stats are perfect but they are worth considering in relation to strikers and they are a bit more sophisticated now than the traditional `goals per game` that tended to be quoted at the end of a striker`s career. Substitutions have changed things a lot of course.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: da_no_1  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 00:36

I like Wighton I think he`s a very clever player. I just wish we had someone like Brian Graham playing for us as well. We need an out and out goalscorer.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Fri 29 Dec 00:36)
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 08:17

Out of interest whatā€™s the minutes per goal for our other strikers? Well no point in including jak tho I guess. Oā€™hallaron has one goal scored over 3 months ago.

I know a lot of people rate McCann for example but heā€™s scored 14 league goals in over 100 games for us (granted 44 as a sub) has 1 goal in the last 11 games. Heā€™ll likely beat his previous best season total at this level tho which would be 4 league goals.

Wighton is the best striker at the club, yes heā€™s slow and doesnā€™t run about constantly but heā€™ll easily out score the others in that position and thats the aim of the game isnā€™t it? Iā€™m not sure if heā€™s had knocks this season but should have started more games. His positioning and game intelligence is much better than the others.

My worry here is does mcpake know what a good striker looks like? 3 of these guys are signed up for next year too and if jak was deemed the quality required in the summer than we might well have the same 4 at the club next season.

Post Edited (Fri 29 Dec 08:38)
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 09:44

So we have the 9th top scorer in a 10 team league (joint 9th with 6 other players) - what a time to be alive.

Donā€™t really get why people either fawn over him or loath him. Heā€™s not particularly a favourite of mine but heā€™s the best we have so worthy of neither extreme and we are highly unlikely to attract better in the transfer window so I just accept and move on.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 10:14

Free-scoring strikers aren`t as common in this League as some fans seem to think. Vaughan and Graham are the only ones in the top 10 who average more than a goal every two games. Kevin Holt is on 6 goals and he plays centre back!

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 10:45

Since 2012 the only players to hit 20 goals in a Championship season were the following

Rory Loy 20 2013/14
Martyn Waghorn 20 2015/16
Lawrence Shankland 24 & Stephen Dobbie 21 2018/19
Lawrence Shankland 24 2019/20
Dipo Akinyemi 20 2022/23
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Jeffery  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 11:49

Nisbet managed 18 goals in just 25 games in 19/20, a brilliant return. Season was cut short too because of the pandemic.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: gwh18  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 12:17

Maybe get him back on loan šŸ˜‰

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 13:05

Thatā€™s a mental stat on nisbet. Shows the level he was at compared to what we have now.

Canā€™t see any of our strikers getting double figures, once bene back they wonā€™t even be on penalties although the one McCann took was a very poor effort so can why bene takes them.

Todd may well overtake everyone is he stays fit for the rest of the season.

Perhaps we can look at McCann as a winger and that might allow us to bring another striker in? Otherwise I canā€™t see us adding a striker although Iā€™m not convinced oā€™hallaran is really a striker either come to think of itā€¦.

Post Edited (Fri 29 Dec 13:12)
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: Westies squint kicks  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 13:41

"I see Craig Wighton is joint 9th top scorer in the Championship with a modest 5 goals from 14 appearances - not bad from a guy who found his level in League 1 last season according to some. Strikers who can be relied on to score every two games are quite rare in the Championship."

Fishing surely ?

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 13:43

Nisbet was a cut above anything we`ve had for years or since. That`s why he got a move to Hibs then Millwall and a Scotland call-up. He has that coolness under pressure that the top strikers have but it`s very rare at the level we`re at.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 18:18


Berkey, Fri 29 Dec 08:17

My worry here is does mcpake know what a good striker looks like?

Wow! Just WOW!!!

Maybe you should offer your services as a talent scout specialising in quality strikers, Berkey? šŸ™„šŸ˜ƒ

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 18:21

Berekey`s still trying to find that all-singing, all-dancing midfielder he`s been telling us we`ve been missing since AJ was in charge.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 20:20


wee eck, Fri 29 Dec 18:21

Berekey`s still trying to find that all-singing, all-dancing midfielder he`s been telling us we`ve been missing since AJ was in charge.

There`s a guy called Rodri who would definitely keep Joe Chalmers out of the starting line up and if McPake wants to increase our goals tally, he could do a lot worse than bring in a long-haired, blond , 6`5" Viking......

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 20:27

I like Wighton as a player but celebrating the fact he`s joint 9th top scorer with 5 goals is a wild thing to do. Especially if, as it reads, it`s meant as a "told you so" to his detractors.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 20:34

It was a simple statement of fact, not a celebration. Why did no one pick up on the other reference - to yellow cards - in my original post? It was just as worthy of discussion.
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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: pars4life1  
Date:   Fri 29 Dec 20:45

On cards, Hamilton was the closest to serving a suspension last year for accumulating them but he/the management dealt with that fairly well, i would have been reasonably confident heā€™d have been able to manage another 2 games if he needed.

Millen has already served his suspension and Byrne will serve his tommorow.

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: DunPar  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 06:49

I got slated for my views on wighton a couple of months back. I suggested he might be better spending a bit more time in gym and getting stuck in a bit moreā€¦ā€¦. We need a goal scorerā€¦ā€¦..a more physical bustling presence up front. If wighton isnā€™t the ideal man just now then we should be trying to give him the encouragement to build himself into thatā€¦ā€¦ā€¦we donā€™t have too many alternative options to sign other players so we need to make best use of what we have ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

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 Re: Half-season stats
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 31 Dec 09:04

I find that a bizarre suggestion. I think Wighton is 26 years old. Does it make sense to try to change his style of play at that age? Surely Jakubiak offers a physical, bustling style anyway and why is a player of that sort more likely to score goals?

Wighton and Jakubiak playing together yesterday was probably as effective a partnership as we`ve had up front all season. I thought they complemented each other quite well and both put a real shift in for the team.
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