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 North West
Topic Originator: dafc123  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 12:41

Close the section for the next game. Simple.

Far too many reprobates in that section who think people care about them. Dressing in black covering their faces, standing on chairs, using pyro....

I`ve lost count of the amount of time the club / police have said no pyro, yet this doesn`t stop them.

SNW does a lot of good for the club, organised displays, atmosphere etc. But it`s starting to boil over now, In most games over the past few seasons with Raith there has been trouble with SNW all over it.

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Jeffery  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 15:28

The flare thrown on the pitch after we scored was indescribably stupid. A time where we should have been keeping up the pressure to push for another, just robbed away.
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Andrew283  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 15:30

If that stand want to keep being idiots we really need to police it better.
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 15:30

The board have done it before, lets see them do it again…..only way to get through to people in the section. Maybe if they closed the full stand then others would start to take action too.
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: parsfan  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 16:29


Dave_1885, Wed 3 Jan 15:30

The board have done it before, lets see them do it again…..only way to get through to people in the section. Maybe if they closed the full stand then others would start to take action too.

That section`s already overcrowded as it is, now you want squeeze in a couple of hundred more from sections J &K to make them behave?

Just like the suggestion of blaming the season ticket holder for the behaviour of anyone else in their space this would only make matters once. In one case it will just cause aggro between our own fans and in the other it gives licence for the wee fannies to do the very thing you`re trying to prevent - chuck stuff on the pitch with no consequences as they`re going to punish someone else.

People should be held to account for their own behaviour, collective punishment isn`t the answer.

A large part of the problem with that corner is that they`re allowed in there two or three to a seat. All they need to do is enforce one person per seat and most of it will stop. As Andrew says earlier, "police it better". The stewarding at present is useless - from at the turnstiles to inside the ground.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 16:35


parsfan, Wed 3 Jan 16:29


Dave_1885, Wed 3 Jan 15:30

The board have done it before, lets see them do it again…..only way to get through to people in the section. Maybe if they closed the full stand then others would start to take action too.

That section`s already overcrowded as it is, now you want squeeze in a couple of hundred more from sections J &K to make them behave?

Just like the suggestion of blaming the season ticket holder for the behaviour of anyone else in their space this would only make matters once. In one case it will just cause aggro between our own fans and in the other it gives licence for the wee fannies to do the very thing you`re trying to prevent - chuck stuff on the pitch with no consequences as they`re going to punish someone else.

People should be held to account for their own behaviour, collective punishment isn`t the answer.

A large part of the problem with that corner is that they`re allowed in there two or three to a seat. All they need to do is enforce one person per seat and most of it will stop. As Andrew says earlier, "police it better". The stewarding at present is useless - from at the turnstiles to inside the ground.

We can`t blame folk on minimum wage because some of our fans can`t behave. Self police the section. Get a few guys which will identify the ones who are ruining it for others.

I actually feel for Jason who tries to create atmosphere and creates a decent display which has been forgotten because a few idiots can`t stop throwing stuff on the pitch.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 16:38

"As Andrew says earlier, "police it better". The stewarding at present is useless - from at the turnstiles to inside the ground."

believe most matches these days are still police free. If you`ve ever been near the section youll see the abhorrent and vile abuse stewards get for asking people to even keep a stairway clear cant imagine the abuse if they tried to enforce 1 person per seat. Sections J and L were less than 50% full yesterday in what is a "sold out" stand so must be plenty of folk from there in sections G and H. Why should the club pay additional staff to deal with jumped up idoits... close the section is more cost effective.

Look at what Celtic done with the Green Bridage and look to do simliar. Bans on blocking of stairways, bans for groups of people identified responsible for assisting others from outwith the section into the designated sections of the stadium, Ban on face coverings to assist with identifying persistant trouble makers. Empahsis on self policing or closure of section permenantly.

There needs to be a real open diaglogue around those with tickets in this section of the ground and the club as a matter of urgency

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 16:46

Well said Jeffery.
Napoleon said “ never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake” - never ruddy interrupt the play to give your opponents a break!

Post Edited (Wed 03 Jan 16:49)
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 17:44

The morons who use pyro are bad enough - but the absolute numptie who threw the explosive device on to the pitch is a complete and utter cretin.

Had it detonated prematurely and/or failed to clear the fans in front of him there could have been really nasty injury.

I don`t envy the club having to address the NW problems, however robust measures are clearly needed.

Post Edited (Wed 03 Jan 17:47)
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 17:50

Serious comversation needs to take place with the security company also. They’re “letting” folk in with this crap.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 17:58


buffy, Wed 3 Jan 17:50

Serious comversation needs to take place with the security company also. They’re “letting” folk in with this crap.

Serious question Buffy would you ask a mouthy teenager to search them for minimum wage ?

c'mon the pars
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:03


cammypar 1995, Wed 3 Jan 17:58


buffy, Wed 3 Jan 17:50

Serious comversation needs to take place with the security company also. They’re “letting” folk in with this crap.

Serious question Buffy would you ask a mouthy teenager to search them for minimum wage ?

Surely the point is they`re not doing their job regardless of wage? May as well not bother.
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:06


jake89, Wed 3 Jan 18:03


cammypar 1995, Wed 3 Jan 17:58


buffy, Wed 3 Jan 17:50

Serious comversation needs to take place with the security company also. They’re “letting” folk in with this crap.

Serious question Buffy would you ask a mouthy teenager to search them for minimum wage ?

Surely the point is they`re not doing their job regardless of wage? May as well not bother.

No the point is these things can be as small as a £2 coin. Surely the fact is this isn`t new and it`s still happening is more of a concern.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: rikaka  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:11

What`s the CCTV coverage and quality like? A couple of quality cameras focusing on the areas would surely help capture/deter?
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: 45YearPar  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:18

Getting them to sit in their own seats would be a start or turn that section in to a proper modern standing section that can be monitored easily would help.

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:18

What’s their wage got to do with it? It’s their job to search people for anything remotely dangerous and eject / take it off them. If they’re not capable of doing that then they shouldn’t be there in the first place.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:18

You would think when you’re getting booed by your own fans they would know it’s time to nip it in the bud.

How hard can it be to put a net up to reduce stuff being thrown on the field? The children that occupy the NW that are playing at being ultras would love it as most European stadiums I’ve been to with actual ultras are netted off anyway.

Can bin the Tifos as well as every single time they conclude they are balled up and lobbed onto the pitch anyway

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:26


buffy, Wed 3 Jan 18:18

What’s their wage got to do with it? It’s their job to search people for anything remotely dangerous and eject / take it off them. If they’re not capable of doing that then they shouldn’t be there in the first place.

These things can be as small as a £2 coin and concealed on areas where searches can`t be searched.

Surely we should be identifying the folk that are throwing stuff on the pitch which aren`t just flares it has been the case of coins and vapes in the past instead of blaming the folk who get pelters on a weekly basis ?

I just noticed you said remotely dangerous can you describe remotely dangerous ? As mentioned above coins vapes have been used as potentially dangerous items so should these perfectly legal items be taken off people?

c'mon the pars

Post Edited (Wed 03 Jan 18:28)
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 18:26

The net idea is a good one. I think Stenny have a net? But it would mean another cost to the Club, and what happens if the people throwing things then sit elsewhere to get around it?

I don’t agree getting rid of the TIFOs. Jason and his team are excellent with the arrangements and it’s great to see each display in the NW.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 20:09


parsfan, Wed 3 Jan 16:29


Dave_1885, Wed 3 Jan 15:30

The board have done it before, lets see them do it again…..only way to get through to people in the section. Maybe if they closed the full stand then others would start to take action too.

That section`s already overcrowded as it is, now you want squeeze in a couple of hundred more from sections J
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 20:14

A £2 coin flare?! They look a lot bigger when lobbed on the pitch. It`s pretty obvious that no checks are being done and no recording is taking place.

Agree a net could help but what would help most would be if people started having a word with the idiots doing it and/or reporting them to the stewards. Instant cancellation of season tickets. It`ll only take a couple to be banned before they start behaving.
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 20:25


jake89, Wed 3 Jan 20:14

A £2 coin flare?! They look a lot bigger when lobbed on the pitch. It`s pretty obvious that no checks are being done and no recording is taking place.

Agree a net could help but what would help most would be if people started having a word with the idiots doing it and/or reporting them to the stewards. Instant cancellation of season tickets. It`ll only take a couple to be banned before they start behaving.

If you Google "small smoke bombs" you can get ones that are sized like £2 coins.

I dont think a net helps as they will still throw councils and vapes it`s really simple so much so you mentioned it 😹

c'mon the pars
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Athletico  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 20:28

Only ever issues when it`s a box office fixture/big crowd. Partick game the other week, the section was half empty and a library for the first 20mins, before one of them had enough and hammered the drum like a sailor on shore leave to finally get them going.

Its going to have to be a case of self Police or risk getting shut down/dispersed - I imagine this will be the rhetoric from the club, as they`ve forced their hand now, with the national news coverage.

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: PARadise  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 20:57

Aye shut the Norrie as well while your at it, bridie bag and an orange bouncy ball chucked at rovers players pre match. Tarring everyone with the same brush as usual, the NW do a great job but let’s just all sit on our hands in the main stand for the rest of the season
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 21:04

The stand should not be closed.
The club need to do more to find ways of dealing with any issues that arise. Decent fans in that area with season tickets should not be persecuted.

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 21:08


NW 1966, Wed 3 Jan 21:04

The stand should not be closed.
The club need to do more to find ways of dealing with any issues that arise. Decent fans in that area with season tickets should not be persecuted.

Or the folk who are causing the issues mainly from that stand learn how to behave at a football game ? Not sure this is a responsibility of the club.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 21:17

Two solutions both which will cost money but I think needed especially for big games.

1. Proper police numbers and stewards to inspect tickets on stairwells and where fans are meant to sit and direct them there.

2. Fine meshing to prevent most objects reaching the pitch.

What happens outside the stadium is not the club’s responsibility but if arrests made, give them a ban.

Shutting the NW down only moves the problem elsewhere and to be honest the vast majority love the atmosphere and behave ourselves in there.
Let’s not forget flares were set off in the Raith end either.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: NW 1966  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 21:18

Nobody is saying there`s no personal responsibility regarding behaviours, there is. However why persecute the majority of fans by suggesting shutting the stand. My season ticket is in that section, along with hundreds of other fans, why should I be denied access to a game? The fact is I shouldn`t, or are you going to tell me otherwise.
Regardless in any circumstance an element of responsibility also sits with the club for controlling supporter behaviour. So unfortunately it`s a combination of the clubs responsibility, personal responsibility, collective responsibility, self policing and legal processes to improve the situation.

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 21:19

After the club being embarrassed on tv/social media and twitter these wee twats will think twice about bringing pyro in? I have a feeling our next home game there won’t be half of the supporters in the NW.

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend  
Date:   Wed 3 Jan 21:38


NW 1966, Wed 3 Jan 21:18

Nobody is saying there`s no personal responsibility regarding behaviours, there is. However why persecute the majority of fans by suggesting shutting the stand. My season ticket is in that section, along with hundreds of other fans, why should I be denied access to a game? The fact is I shouldn`t, or are you going to tell me otherwise.
Regardless in any circumstance an element of responsibility also sits with the club for controlling supporter behaviour. So unfortunately it`s a combination of the clubs responsibility, personal responsibility, collective responsibility, self policing and legal processes to improve the situation.

Good post

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: parsmad123  
Date:   Thu 4 Jan 08:57

The majority of issues happen at the high profile games and naturally this is where most of closet "fans" appear who are most likely to cause bother.

I don`t understand why they can`t have 3 or 4 plain clothed police officers standing in amongst it all to try and identify any offenders - even if it becomes obvious they are there for that reason, it would act as a strong deterrent.

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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 4 Jan 09:14

Probably the same reason they don`t put plain clothes officers in Ibrox/Celtic park.
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 Re: North West
Topic Originator: EastEndTales  
Date:   Thu 4 Jan 09:23

Where`s PC Smith?

Ep.17 of East End Tales is out now with Andrius Skerla

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