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 Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 17:58

Just listened to JMcP. Never heard a manager so demoralised, who had no idea what to do to get us out of this situation. Says the players are giving their all and that literally means expect nothing better! When will we win a game? Will we even manage to score a goal?

I think the owners have been totally naive. Have no idea how to run a club. This was their experiment and it has failed so they will go down and take us with them. No interest in DAFC only interested in their little hobby!

It’s up to the fans to save the club and demand change now. I have never felt so pessimistic about our club as I do now and don’t see any desire by the owners to change things!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Bannockburn Par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:01

He sounded completely down trodden. No medical cover..doesn’t know why. We need answers and fast as too the direction under the out of touch German regime.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:03

After the farce with the goalkeeping situation we now have no doctor at the game and JMcP doesn’t know why! It’s beyond a joke, incompetence, mismanagement and a total don’t give a f*** attitude by all at the club!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:05


summeragent, Sat 3 Aug 18:03

After the farce with the goalkeeping situation we now have no doctor at the game and JMcP doesn’t know why! It’s beyond a joke, incompetence, mismanagement and a total don’t give a f*** attitude by all at the club!

Surely we can`t accept this any longer what a farce get cook and co out.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: 87Par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:08

Maybe time to lay aff James a bit then eh folks. Least he`s being honest and along with the fans he seems dejected aswell. Which shows he gives a toss about our club.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: hudza  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:10

The Tifo next week should be a message to invest in the first team or get out the club.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: OorWullie  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:16

Let’s have an interview, Mr Cook, but let’s ask the pertinent questions this time.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:18

Ref. the TIFO suggestion -

Total waste of time and effort, as well as money IMO.

The board would need to be living on another planet to be unaware of the widespread unrest among the support.

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 18:20)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:19

Can I ask if there was no Physio there today to treat players when injured?

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: grelin  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:20

I agree McPake sounded a broken man and albeit passively, he vented his frustration regarding the size of the squad. I`m not convinced he has the abilty, experience or contacts at this point in time. It is obvious our problem for years has been scoring goals and that looks like it wont have changed.
Having said that I dont think it is the time to be calling for his head, we seem to be holding out for the loan market so I think we should wait until that market has closed then make the decision. Besides I can`t think of a suitable available replacement that would excite the fans.
I think we need to be careful about speculating about no medical cover, I imagine there would be a reciprocal agreement with the home team should our doctor not be available. This cover would be an administrative issue and perhaps McPake wasn`t informed.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:21

87par, I won’t lay off mcpake, he’s not a victim in this. He signed the likes of o’hallaran and resigned chalmers and wighton all on good money but no good enough to get in the first 11 of a team floundering with very little quality.

Blame on both sides but mcpake hasn’t helped himself in the slightest…he’s as guilty as they are.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:23


hudza, Sat 03 Aug 18:10

The Tifo next week should be a message to invest in the first team or get out the club.

I’m absolutely raging after hearing JMcP interview!

I hope that we fill the stadium against Falkirk and protest against the owners, demand they put the club up for sale, demand Cook goes!

I hope there are protests / boycotts every home game until they are gone!

I feel for JMcP but honestly feel he has been dealt a bad hand and can’t recover.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: RossF  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:23

The way it’s going I’m terrified we won’t have a club in the next few years. We are the worst run club in Scotland (Inverness fans may argue this) and have been a shambles for some time now. We were in a fairly good place before this group came in and it’s been a downwards spiral since they took over. It genuinely looks like they have no interest in making the club be successful and we can’t wait 7-8 years for our youth plan to take off (and I seriously doubt it will even get to that stage anyway). McPake doesn’t help matters with tactics and contract extensions but he surely must be having some honest conversations with Cook and Meggle about lack of signings, the strength of the squad and the worry for this season. Do they care though? Doesn’t look like it at the moment.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:23

There was a physio alter ego, no doctor through. Fisher was needing stitches.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Parfect69  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:23

The board are absolutely making us a laughing stock
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: cammypar 1995  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:23

I wonder when the next supporters meeting will be ? Fans deserve answers not just from cook but meggle and co.

c'mon the pars
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Never10yairds  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:26

Whilst mcpake is by no means perfect, I have a huge amount of sympathy for him in this his situation. I wouldn’t want to be in his position right now.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:27


hudza, Sat 03 Aug 18:10

The Tifo next week should be a message to invest in the first team or get out the club.

These guys need to put the club up for sale. I am sick of the lack of information, amateurish running of the club and lack of interest in the team and fans.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:29


hudza, Sat 03 Aug 18:10

The Tifo next week should be a message to invest in the first team or get out the club.

I think James McPake has been too weak with them. I know he has commitments like us all but if he had resigned citing the shambolic stewardship of the club, then things may have changed. No one would want to be be our manager under these idiots!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:38

Even though Id like to defend McPake in this, he is complicit in it - his dire tactics and team selections are costing us points, and could cost him his job. People saying he hasn’t been backed when he has made plenty of signings and contract renewals doesn’t hold much weight.

Not sure what we do to change it though - maybe needs a new manager and money thrown at it, but we done that with Hughes and ended up in League One…..

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 18:39)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Alf  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:39

How can we go to a game without a Dr? The manager must have known that there was no team Dr on the bus? Why hasn`t he questioned that before the game started?
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:40

"I hope that we fill the stadium against Falkirk and protest against the owners, demand they put the club up for sale, demand Cook goes!

I hope there are protests / boycotts every home game until they are gone!"

Can`t protest at a match if you boycott though.

The latter will certainly concentrate minds at board level, if walk up fans vote with their feet.

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 18:40)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:41

Mcpake will never resign, where would his next job come from?

Someone else said he lacks the formation, tactics and contacts to get us out of this and I couldn’t agree more. Very little evidence he has what’s required.

Still he’ll eventually get a handsome payoff….

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:43

A serious question - how much would be needed to buy out the current board and how much additional income is needed to support the club?

It feels to me we should be sacking all these supposed professionals who have come in to run the club as they`re in no way worth their wages.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:47


Dave_1885, Sat 03 Aug 18:38

Even though Id like to defend McPake in this, he is complicit in it - his dire tactics and team selections are costing us points, and could cost him his job. People saying he hasn’t been backed when he has made plenty of signings and contract renewals doesn’t hold much weight.

Not sure what we do to change it though - maybe needs a new manager and money thrown at it, but we done that with Hughes and ended up in League One…..

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 18:39)

Only one way to go now and that is for new owners. We need our club back!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:48


jake89, Sat 03 Aug 18:43

A serious question - how much would be needed to buy out the current board and how much additional income is needed to support the club?

It feels to me we should be sacking all these supposed professionals who have come in to run the club as they`re in no way worth their wages.

They should put the club up for sale and see what offers come in. Otherwise it needs to be fan owned.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:50


Alf, Sat 03 Aug 18:39

How can we go to a game without a Dr? The manager must have known that there was no team Dr on the bus? Why hasn`t he questioned that before the game started?

It makes me think we are in dire straits financially! Otherwise whoever arranges for the doctor to be at the game should be fired. Cook should be fired for the goalkeeper fiasco! It feels like the club is going to rack and ruin under these idiots!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:50

Another few months we might available as a going concern for a quid.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:51


veteraneastender, Sat 03 Aug 18:40

"I hope that we fill the stadium against Falkirk and protest against the owners, demand they put the club up for sale, demand Cook goes!

I hope there are protests / boycotts every home game until they are gone!"

Can`t protest at a match if you boycott though.

The latter will certainly concentrate minds at board level, if walk up fans vote with their feet.

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 18:40)

I don’t like boycotts as it takes income from the club. But honestly feel that something drastic needs done by the fans urgently, hopefully v Falkirk!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: GJS93  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 18:54

there have been a few times over the McPake reign where the doctor has not been at an away game, that isnt new.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:02

If we lose to falkirk I would think the Germans and Cook will get the direct message.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:03


Par, Sat 03 Aug 19:02

If we lose to falkirk I would think the Germans and Cook will get the direct message.

Regardless of the result I hope they get the message…
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: buffy  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:07


summeragent, Sat 3 Aug 18:48


jake89, Sat 03 Aug 18:43

A serious question - how much would be needed to buy out the current board and how much additional income is needed to support the club?

It feels to me we should be sacking all these supposed professionals who have come in to run the club as they`re in no way worth their wages.

They should put the club up for sale and see what offers come in. Otherwise it needs to be fan owned.

It was fan owned before but it wasn’t sustainable. You can’t expect fans to continually put their own money in and get nothing back.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:26

Fan ownership wasn`t working to achieve the position that supporters aspired DAFC to attain - how would going back to that model change reality ?

There are no sugar daddy figures around to "invest" significant money in a club of our status.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:37


Berkey, Sat 03 Aug 18:41

Mcpake will never resign, where would his next job come from?

Someone else said he lacks the formation, tactics and contacts to get us out of this and I couldn’t agree more. Very little evidence he has what’s required.

Still he’ll eventually get a handsome payoff….

This could end up badly for McPakes CV tbh. He would have to consider his longer term job prospects when making his decision.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:38


jake89, Sat 3 Aug 18:43

A serious question - how much would be needed to buy out the current board and how much additional income is needed to support the club?

It feels to me we should be sacking all these supposed professionals who have come in to run the club as they`re in no way worth their wages.

Clearly the figure is £1 million a year which is where our losses were 2 years ago and seemingly still are. They need to sell the club to a group who are willing to invest in the 1st team if they aren’t unable or don’t see fit to
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:39


veteraneastender, Sat 03 Aug 19:26

Fan ownership wasn`t working to achieve the position that supporters aspired DAFC to attain - how would going back to that model change reality ?

There are no sugar daddy figures around to "invest" significant money in a club of our status.

Honestly I think we need new owners. I’m starting to get the feeling that we may be in dire financial straits with the current owners/idiots. All that can be done is to put the club up for sale and hope for the best.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: The Boss  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:41

McArthur has to take some of the blame. He brought them in. Through his tenure he made some absolutely terrible decisions.

Fans should be worried. This is on the same level as Masterton.

I like black and white (dreaming of black and white)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Alter Ego  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:42

Ah so Fisher got a cut and the club doctor needs to be there to put stitches etc in to get him back out on the pitch?
So no 2nd goalkeeper and now no club doctor for injuries… it’s not looking good is it?

Mon the Pars!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:44

Who is going to acquire the club in its current state ?

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: parsfan97  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:47

‘You can’t expect fans to continually put their own money in and get nothing back.’

Isn’t that was happening right now? Fans back with season tickets merchandise etc and we get absolutely nothing in return. First team squad at the bare bones first game in

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:47


veteraneastender, Sat 03 Aug 19:44

Who is going to acquire the club in its current state ?

It definitely not going to keep going in its current state so put it for sale and hope someone bites. Do you have a suggestion?
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 19:53

There is no easy answer - going back to fan ownership in the hope that some unknown entity is prepared to acquire the club is unrealistic IMO.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:18


veteraneastender, Sat 03 Aug 19:53

There is no easy answer - going back to fan ownership in the hope that some unknown entity is prepared to acquire the club is unrealistic IMO.

I agree that fan ownership is probably unrealistic. What we know is that the current owners are destroying the club.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:21

I`ve said this on the administration thread but it seems to me that something isn`t adding up here. Prior to the Germans coming in we were very much pay cheque to pay cheque and relying on funds from directors. It wasn`t great but it sure as hell wasn`t as bad as this! Where has all the money been going? How many other clubs have 8-900 people giving £20 per month on top of 3000 season ticket holders?
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:24

"I agree that fan ownership is probably unrealistic. What we know is that the current owners are destroying the club."


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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:24

Where has the money gone, is money being taken out of our club?

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: JamesAndrew74  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:29


jake89, Sat 3 Aug 20:21

I`ve said this on the administration thread but it seems to me that something isn`t adding up here. Prior to the Germans coming in we were very much pay cheque to pay cheque and relying on funds from directors. It wasn`t great but it sure as hell wasn`t as bad as this! Where has all the money been going? How many other clubs have 8-900 people giving £20 per month on top of 3000 season ticket holders?

Because the Germans have overloaded the club with overhead we never had previously. Nearly every club at our level relies on funding from directors but it seems the Germans have put theres in and won’t do anymore. Hence of these unable they need to sell the club
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: The Boss  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:32


Par, Sat 03 Aug 20:24

Where has the money gone, is money being taken out of our club?

Been saying this for a while. Year on year our season tickets up in price as well.

I like black and white (dreaming of black and white)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Dave_1885  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:39

The money has literally gone into Cooks back pocket, along with the 2 other “managers” he brought in to do big parts of his job.

Think this is starting to become evident that we have hired full time positions to replace volunteers and absolutely shot ourselves in the foot.

ETA - season ticket prices going up, early birds removed, walk up prices increased, lack of signings - all hint towards dire straits financially in themself.

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 20:40)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 20:54

"there have been a few times over the McPake reign where the doctor has not been at an away game, that isnt new."

There are 2 issues here I think - not having a doctor isn`t great (especially given the serious injuries we`ve suffered and the stuff with Mehmet down at Ayr) but I think the major issue is thst it seems nobody told McPake that would be the case. Presumably that has been communicated in the past and again shows how bad we are at communicating either to fans, sponsors or even their own staff.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 22:17

Can someone tell me why EEP is so much more expensive to run that other grounds in our league , alot of work is done free or by volunteers, I asked this to Mr Cook at supporters meeting got a deflected this is our home ground , we won`t move , no answer to why it costs so much to run.
If we are in financial difficulties CEO and marketing managers go save us 200k .

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Par4ages  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 22:21

No doctor, so what livi had one and I am very sure he or she would treat a pars player as well as one of his own. Why McPake is making a thing about this only shows he is feeling the pressure.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: saltonsgonagetu  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 22:28


Par4ages, Sat 3 Aug 22:21

No doctor, so what livi had one and I am very sure he or she would treat a pars player as well as one of his own. Why McPake is making a thing about this only shows he is feeling the pressure.

I`m sure the clubs we played in the League cup had a second keeper , that doesn`t mean we don`t have to have one .

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: parathletic  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 22:30


Par4ages, Sat 3 Aug 22:21

No doctor, so what livi had one and I am very sure he or she would treat a pars player as well as one of his own. Why McPake is making a thing about this only shows he is feeling the pressure.

What happens if one of our players collides with one of the opposition?
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Jeffery  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 22:49


saltonsgonagetu, Sat 3 Aug 22:17

Can someone tell me why EEP is so much more expensive to run that other grounds in our league , alot of work is done free or by volunteers, I asked this to Mr Cook at supporters meeting got a deflected this is our home ground , we won`t move , no answer to why it costs so much to run.
If we are in financial difficulties CEO and marketing managers go save us 200k .

Fair question re: the ground running costs.

I`ve no idea what the ceo and marketing guy get paid. Purely from my own experience I found the `marketing guy` (sorry I don`t know his name) great. You`d also imagine he had a key role in the fanzone event which hopefully turned a profit.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Par4ages  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 22:54

Left back goes off injured moves comrie (a right back) to left back instead of moving otoo to LB who played for Celtic B there, making it easy to move comrie to his best position at right back leaving a back 4 all in their best positions. Instead we get the usual bring on Breen move comrie and we are back to a back 5 with Hosler staying at right wing back.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sat 3 Aug 23:15

"No doctor, so what livi had one and I am very sure he or she would treat a pars player as well as one of his own. Why McPake is making a thing about this only shows he is feeling the pressure."

Firstly "No doctor" is a breach of the licence conditions (page 23 of the licencing handbook) and can see us fined if no extenuating circumstances.

Secondly, it looked like Fisher went to our bench, then to the Livingston bench or to the tunnel area at least before going off. So it`s possible the other doctor didn`t want to/didn`t feel the need to do stitching.

Thirdly, the issue to McPake seems more to do with the coaching staff not being aware of the situation. We all know communication from the club is poor but you`d like to think that the board, staff, etc would all talk to each other?

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Berkey  
Date:   Sun 4 Aug 09:18

It’s funny, chalmers started out as a left back and could have been tried there.

He’s prob not got the pace for it but we sit so deep and negative he’ll have got support with livi’s wide players.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: arpar  
Date:   Sun 4 Aug 09:50


kelty_par, Sat 3 Aug 23:15

"No doctor, so what livi had one and I am very sure he or she would treat a pars player as well as one of his own. Why McPake is making a thing about this only shows he is feeling the pressure."

Firstly "No doctor" is a breach of the licence conditions (page 23 of the licencing handbook) and can see us fined if no extenuating circumstances.

Secondly, it looked like Fisher went to our bench, then to the Livingston bench or to the tunnel area at least before going off. So it`s possible the other doctor didn`t want to/didn`t feel the need to do stitching.

Thirdly, the issue to McPake seems more to do with the coaching staff not being aware of the situation. We all know communication from the club is poor but you`d like to think that the board, staff, etc would all talk to each other?

Club doctors are only a requirement at home fixtures under Silver and Bronze licenses. The home club should be aware if the away club does not have a doctor prior to the match.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: kelty_par  
Date:   Sun 4 Aug 12:20

"Club doctors are only a requirement at home fixtures under Silver and Bronze licenses. The home club should be aware if the away club does not have a doctor prior to the match."

Point 6.4 would seem to disagree. Silver now needs club doctos for both sides. Bronze still is home club only.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: RMGpar  
Date:   Sun 4 Aug 12:52

Considering we had a player collapse on the pitch last season, I am very surprised we have took the risk not to bring one

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Malcolm Canmore  
Date:   Sun 4 Aug 18:55

SFA Licensing rule 6.4 says “It is acceptable for the Home and Away clubs to arrange, prior to the match, for one Doctor to be available on the day of the match”.

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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: summeragent  
Date:   Sun 4 Aug 21:46


Malcolm Canmore, Sun 04 Aug 18:55

SFA Licensing rule 6.4 says “It is acceptable for the Home and Away clubs to arrange, prior to the match, for one Doctor to be available on the day of the match”.

I wonder why JMcP is not made aware of the arrangement at Livingston.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 00:27

Mcpake already knows there is no doctor at away games,he`s just looking for excuses for his poor management and signings
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Rigger Al  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 01:18


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 00:27

Mcpake already knows there is no doctor at away games,he`s just looking for excuses for his poor management and signings

No ,he is letting us know the BS the club is in ,no reserve keeper ,no doctor ,now simple parstv away games due to cost ,wake up ,
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: Back_oh_the_net  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 06:11


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 00:27

Mcpake already knows there is no doctor at away games,he`s just looking for excuses for his poor management and signings

Tbf the club doctor may well have been on call at the weekend but who knows
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 08:04


Rigger Al, Mon 5 Aug 01:18


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 00:27

Mcpake already knows there is no doctor at away games,he`s just looking for excuses for his poor management and signings

No ,he is letting us know the BS the club is in ,no reserve keeper ,no doctor ,now simple parstv away games due to cost ,wake up ,

I think no pars away games because they can`t control the facilities at away games so when they put out a bad service,they get criticised on here, they can`t win.

McPake knows they hardly ever have a doctor at away games but he claimed he didn`t know. It`s excuses to get pressure off his back

Post Edited (Mon 05 Aug 23:51)
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 10:37


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 08:04

McPake knows they hardly ever have a doctor at away games but he claimed he didn`t know. It`s excuses to get pressure off his back, he`s lying to us.

And you`re 100% certain of that, Nick? Cos if you aren`t you need to delete that post. Maybe you think it`s no big deal to label someone a liar on a public forum while you hide behind an anonymous username?


Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: nick_dafc1  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 10:40


GG Riva, Mon 5 Aug 10:37


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 08:04

McPake knows they hardly ever have a doctor at away games but he claimed he didn`t know. It`s excuses to get pressure off his back, he`s lying to us.

And you`re 100% certain of that, Nick? Cos if you aren`t you need to delete that post. Maybe you think it`s no big deal to label someone a liar on a public forum while you hide behind an anonymous username?


You`re telling me the manager doesn`t know if he has a doctor with him at games? Next he won`t know if he`s got subs.

There was a doctor at about 3 away games last season so it`s hardly surprising there wasn`t one there on Saturday.
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 Re: Club Being Destroyed
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Mon 5 Aug 12:12


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 10:40


GG Riva, Mon 5 Aug 10:37


nick_dafc1, Mon 5 Aug 08:04

McPake knows they hardly ever have a doctor at away games but he claimed he didn`t know. It`s excuses to get pressure off his back, he`s lying to us.

And you`re 100% certain of that, Nick? Cos if you aren`t you need to delete that post. Maybe you think it`s no big deal to label someone a liar on a public forum while you hide behind an anonymous username?


You`re telling me the manager doesn`t know if he has a doctor with him at games? Next he won`t know if he`s got subs.

There was a doctor at about 3 away games last season so it`s hardly surprising there wasn`t one there on Saturday.

Was the manager not asked if he knew why we didn`t have a doctor at the Livi game and he said he didn`t? That doesn`t necessarily mean he was lying....

Not your average Sunday League player.
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