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 The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Wed 11 Dec 09:27

88% of Tory ads found to be untrue.
0% of Labour's found to be intrue.

You vote for Boris, you no longer get to express sadness at a death on the street, you helped caused it by voting for the lie.

Relative bankrupt and dying in the newly American NHS, cry your crocodile tears in private, you helped kill them.

Children homeless, keep smirking scumbags.

We are entering Orwellian times and you paved the way by being complicit in accepting the most fraudulent election of our lives so far.

You should be reviled by society but it seems there's a lot of evil, selfish and wholly cruel people out there.

You are all that and more...for what....greed.

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 Re: The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: Mario  
Date:   Wed 11 Dec 10:18

Tune into Channel Four. Fake news with fake subtitles.
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 Re: The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Wed 11 Dec 11:09


Mario, Wed 11 Dec 10:18

Tune into Channel Four. Fake news with fake subtitles.

These are adverts commissioned, paid for and distributed by the parties themselves, not some media clown making a balls up.

The Tory party lies in 88% of their ads and that's nothing short of an attack on democracy.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Wed 11 Dec 18:14

This is without doubt the biggest collection of vile, odious, uncaring, supercilious, members of the Tory Party in my life time
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 Re: The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Thu 12 Dec 07:19

[Post Deleted] - Reported as abusive
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 Re: The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: Parsbilly  
Date:   Thu 12 Dec 07:51

i would never vote for them myself, but find the current trend of telling people who they should vote for uncomfortable.
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 Re: The Tories and fake news...
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 12 Dec 09:06

The issue is that in England there's no real alternative to the Tories or Labour.

The Tories are seen as toffs and Labour as Marxists but really it's coming down to Brexit or no Brexit.
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