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 I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 13:39

So here's a link instead. What a bunch....

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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: sammer  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 14:46

This is old hat for eugenics has always lurked around right wing political parties.
Here's an excerpt from the infamous Keith Joseph speech from October 1974. You'll notice that the rubbish could just as easily have been written today save for a few minor cultural blips. Joseph wasn't all hard hearted though, for after he escaped the effects of the Brighton Bombing he consoled a teenage boy who happened to be next to him.

''The balance of our population, our human stock is threatened. A recent article in Poverty, published by the Child Poverty Action Group, showed that a high and rising proportion of children are being born to mothers least fitted to bring children into the world and bring them up. They are born to mother who were first pregnant in adolescence in social classes 4 and 5. Many of these girls are unmarried, many are deserted or divorced or soon will be. Some are of low intelligence, most of low educational attainment. They are unlikely to be able to give children the stable emotional background, the consistent combination of love and firmness which are more important than riches. They are producing problem children, the future unmarried mothers, delinquents, denizens of our borstals, sub-normal educational establishments, prisons, hostels for drifters. Yet these mothers, the under-twenties in many cases, single parents, from classes 4 and 5, are now producing a third of all births. A high proportion of these births are a tragedy for the mother, the child and for us. .

Yet proposals to extend birth-control facilities to these classes of people, particularly the young unmarried girls, the potential young unmarried mothers, evokes entirely understandable moral opposition. Is it not condoning immorality? I suppose it is. But which is the lesser evil, until we are able to remoralise whole groups and classes of people, undoing the harm done when already weak restraints on strong instincts are further weakened by permissiveness in television, in films, on bookstalls
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 15:19

Racism at its worst, shouldn't be allowed within 100 miles of Downing Street!

What's next KKK being enrolled??😡😡😡
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 17:44

If Andrew Sabisky a pal of Dominic's did say that then they have to sack him with immediate effect

Boris has so far not visited any of the flood areas ( Just thought I'd add that )
The same man who had a change of costume for every visit leading up to the election
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: donj  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 17:44

Not even just racism this time.
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 18:16

I can't see Johnstone caring.

Why, from his point of view, should he?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 18:41

Of course he doesn't. His position is secure for another five years. If something like this happens as the election cycle nears its end then the advisor gets fired. Johnson must still be laughing his socks off that the opposition gave him that general election.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

Post Edited (Mon 17 Feb 18:45)
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Mon 17 Feb 20:03

He has now quit. Good. Fud.
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 Re: I've run out of words.....
Topic Originator: londonparsfan  
Date:   Tue 18 Feb 11:34

The fact he was hired and then allowed to quit still speaks volumes.
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