Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 17 Oct 16:29
Nice to see all us yacht owners get a wee bit of relief :-
British yacht owners with boats moored in the Mediterranean have been thrown a temporary lifeline after the UK government delayed plans to force them to pay a double tax bill on their vessels after Brexit.
Complex customs rules meant owners of boats moored in the EU for at least three years would have to return to UK waters before New Years Day or pay the VAT twice.
However, after the Financial Times contacted HM Revenue & Customs, the government publicly announced it had pushed back the date by which boats would need to return to the UK to avoid paying VAT again to December 31 2021
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 17 Oct 17:38
Gosh! That's a relief. I thought I was going to have to sell one of mine.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Sat 17 Oct 19:20
It means you can keep your tan topped up for a wee while longer jake89
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 17 Oct 19:45
I too am relieved.
I can keep my sunseeker ocean for another year.... Wasn't looking forward to having to bring her back to Port Edgar.
Mon the yachties
Topic Originator: red-star-par
Date: Sat 17 Oct 21:10
Good to see HMRC getting their priorities right. What Ho old chap
Topic Originator: OzPar
Date: Mon 19 Oct 01:20
Have you guys any idea how difficult it is to obtain a berth in the Monte Carlo Marina? There.s a five-year waiting list because most of the berths have been taken by those noisy Russians. They know how to party!
If I have to take my yacht back to the UK, then I will lose my place and that.s just not fair!!!
Please show a little bit of consideration for those of us who have to deal with these challenging issues every day.
And don.t forget to vote Tory.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 19 Oct 09:12
The Government has just announced that this does not effect all the Brummie.s and Scousers who won a speed boat on bullseye
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 19 Oct 09:41
OzPar, Mon 19 Oct 01:20
Have you guys any idea how difficult it is to obtain a berth in the Monte Carlo Marina? There.s a five-year waiting list because most of the berths have been taken by those noisy Russians. They know how to party!
If I have to take my yacht back to the UK, then I will lose my place and that.s just not fair!!!
Please show a little bit of consideration for those of us who have to deal with these challenging issues every day.
And don.t forget to vote Tory.
A few points:
If your accountant hasn't found out how you are exempt from this or can't somehow offset it against your earnings then you should feed him to the hounds immediately.
If there really is no tax deduction here then simply set up an off shore Ltd company similar to what your accountant has done in the past and market yourself as a provider of PPE. This should entitle you to a Government contract of X millions which should hopefully cover the VAT payment and leave a tidy profit.
If neither of those options work simply pay the VAT from loose change down the back of your sofa. Administrative burdens such as these are for peasants to be concerned about. Why waste days moving boats when there are Russian hookers to be partying with?
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak
Date: Mon 19 Oct 10:58
londonparsfan, Mon 19 Oct 09:41
Why waste days moving boats when there are Russian hookers to be partying with?
Russian hookers?
Right, how do I go about getting a yacht?
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 19 Oct 12:46
I think its all round to Oz's for a party with his neighbours by the sound of it.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 19 Oct 19:16
If neither of those options work simply pay the VAT from loose change down the back of your sofa. Administrative burdens such as these are for peasants to be concerned about. Why waste days moving boats when there are Russian hookers to be partying with?
Great to see Russian Hookers getting a mention on here .... They are the sleeping Giant of world rugby :)
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were