Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Tue 6 Apr 11:21
Scottish Yes Tories are urging their members to vote Alba on the list.
With Alba support rising -6% now and likely to be much higher come May 6th, they will probably win a fair number of seats and the super majority will be won or at least very close to being won (2/3) total seats held by pro independence parties.
With 40% Labour voters in Scotland supporting independence, then it really seems that the writing is indeed on the proverbial wall for the Union.
Of course there are still plenty of brain dead British Nationalist dinosaurs, full of cringe that will never be won over.....but the tide is definitely turning.
Tick Tock
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Tue 6 Apr 12:42
...hickory dock.
Analysis of the 2014 result showed that the more intelligent voters predominantly voted No. You are are a prime example of a not very bright loser
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 6 Apr 12:51
It never helps when either side resorts to name calling. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are justifiable reasons for voting yes and also for voting no. As long as people are making an informed decision there should be no issue.
Where the issues arise are those who would vote a particular way no matter what. Like voting Yes even if it clearly meant disaster or voting No just because you like the Queen.
Let's try and keep it civil... except for Tory voters 😂
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Tue 6 Apr 12:56
Don’t worry Jake, whenever they start kicking you and not the ball... you know you’re winning game!
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Tue 6 Apr 13:44
..hickory dock.
Analysis of the 2014 result showed that the more intelligent voters predominantly voted No. You are are a prime example of a not very bright loser
And right on cue the epitome of a BDBND overflowing with Cringe...…..
Loser you say? Well yes a battle in 2014, but I have a feeling I will be on the winning side in the not too distant future. Please hang around to witness it...….
Can you show us a link regarding the study which showed that "more intelligent voters predominantly voted No "
Or did you just make that up.
Tick Tock...….
Topic Originator: hurricane_jimmy
Date: Tue 6 Apr 15:07
Can`t help but wonder if the Scottish Yes Tories is a rather clever troll account...
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Tue 6 Apr 15:11
Possibly, but the more votes than go to pro indy parties the better, providing it results in seats won of course...…….
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Tue 6 Apr 15:17
Isn`t `Scottish Yes Tories` an oxymoron?
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Tue 6 Apr 15:50
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Tue 6 Apr 12:42
...hickory dock.
Analysis of the 2014 result showed that the more intelligent voters predominantly voted No. You are are a prime example of a not very bright loser.
I hope you are not wasting valuable time looking for something that does not exist...…
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Wed 7 Apr 14:08
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Tue 6 Apr 12:42
...hickory dock.
Analysis of the 2014 result showed that the more intelligent voters predominantly voted No. You are are a prime example of a not very bright loser
Not found it yet PB ?? ……….Surely you must have it in with all your Daily Heil clippings ? Try that old biscuit tin in the cupboard, the one you kept as a souvenir of the Queens Coronation. Maybe you saved it on your Hard Drive along with all the rest of the 1,235,789 SNP Baaaad stories.... :-)
Topic Originator: desparado
Date: Wed 7 Apr 21:56
Oh I give up....it looks like you lied....Well who would have thunk it ? An anti Scotland, anti Scottish, British nationalist , telling bare faced lies........there’s a turn up for the books eh?
I hope you don’t have that silly Labour board up in your garden this year....
Topic Originator: Parboiled
Date: Thu 8 Apr 12:00
The decisive factor was the votes of those in the £20k - 30k earnings bracket, which was 56% No to 44% Yes.
Common sense, intelligence ...
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Thu 8 Apr 12:26
Think you're trolling now, Parboiled.
Topic Originator: Tenruh
Date: Thu 8 Apr 13:08
jake89, Thu 8 Apr 12:26
Think you're trolling now, Parboiled.
He's been trolling from the start , just breaking up any conversation he can...