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 without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 12:13

pishin` in the wind.

It`s no gonna work unless it`s inclusive. Would`ve been better to hold COP 26 in Russia or China. What chance they would accept an invitation to Glasgow? Come to our western lecture!

Post Edited (Mon 01 Nov 12:15)
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 Re: without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 12:36

China more than double co2 emissions than the USA

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 12:44

I`m startin` to think it`s all a sham. I looked on the net and it says Biden`s disappointed that Russia and China won`t be attending.

They`re gonna have to work hard at diplomacy, it`s no use insultin` folk if you want them on your side. If the world was ablaze and what`s needed is everybody lendin` a hand, would they still be hands in pockets trading insults east v west?

Post Edited (Mon 01 Nov 12:46)
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 Re: without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: parsmad68  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 12:48

Right now China factories are government mandated to close for 1 week in 4 due to energy shortages. This is also due to China’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions not being aligned to the closures in the coal plants they have.
This has been a problem for China since the 90’s. I remember reading the Shanghai post in the 90’s with their plans to reduce the carbon emissions by winding down coal fired plants.
This brought me to a thought about Boris Johnsons smugness yesterday and I started thinking about the mix of a countries economy. If you make more stuff then it is likely your emissions would be higher was my thought.
I would be interested if anyone has any thoughts on that generic statement and if there is any validity in it?
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 Re: without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 12:58

The China argument is daft. We make almost nothing here and import it from China then point at China for polluting the planet!

The solution needs to be a global one. Stop buying plastic crap or covering food in plastic for no reason. Stop importing from thousands of miles away rather than buying locally. Move to seasonal produce - we shouldn't have strawberries in December! Rather than focussing on rebates for electric cars, focus on nationalising public transport and providing it at a fair price. I was up in Leven recently. The place is a tip and a lot of effort is going into the new railway line. That line will be of little use if it costs £10 return to get to Kirkcaldy and only runs hourly.
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 Re: without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: onandupthepars  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 13:02

I said to my wife, "Johnson`s reported as sayin` about climate -`it`s one minute to midnight`. I said, "He`s no interested in climate change he`s just thinkin`- `I`ve been goin`down in the polls lately, I think I`ll have a go wi`climate, see if I can boost my ratings.` "

She said, "Yeh, there was a climate scientist on the telly said, `You`re too late Boris, it`s not one minute to midnight it`s five past!`"

Yeh I said, "Johnson`s just a big spout-off garbage bin!" 😂

Post Edited (Mon 01 Nov 13:22)
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 Re: without Russia and China, COP 26...
Topic Originator: Rastapari  
Date:   Mon 1 Nov 13:53

Thank God we have the rich and powerful flying in on private jets with fleets of electric cars being juiced by diesel generators getting together to tell us what freedoms they are going to remove from us to save the planet.
Not to mention the beacons of everything green that voted to pump raw sewage and s***e into our rivers piping up with their "two minutes to midnight" rhetoric.
I said on the covid thread that foreign travel for plebs would be gone by 2030, at this point you'll laugh...in the next 5 - 9 years I genuinely think I won't be far away.
Wait until they announce the real big stuff....
But not to worry because Greta...right?

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

Post Edited (Mon 01 Nov 14:08)
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