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 The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 12:26

How often has Wings been wrong ?

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 12:42

Like it..

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 12:56

Those comments are something else 😂
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 13:22


jake89, Mon 26 Jun 12:56

Those comments are something else 😂

let`s hear what you`ve got to say.
Point out anything that is factually false.
Let us know what the most read Scottish blogger has got wrong in his fact based article .

Post Edited (Mon 26 Jun 13:49)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 13:23


Parboiled, Mon 26 Jun 12:42

Like it..

Knew you would, but it wasn`t put up to cheer you up but to highlight the major failings in the Independence movement.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 13:27

The more the failings the cheerier I get.

On a more serious point, wouldn’t this chap be better getting involved at the coal face so to speak, rather than poking the fire?

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 13:28


So what`s changed since 2014 ?

Still going with the begging bowl to London.

Assume it's the payroll doing the clapping 👏 👏 👏

Post Edited (Mon 26 Jun 13:48)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 13:49

I see on your link Ian Macwhirter is not half putting the boot in as well. Never read anything by him since he left the Herald, for reasons I forget, under a cloud for something.
He used to be quite a fan of the ex FM. Him and Brian Taylor like a pair of love rivals in their fawning devotion to her!

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 15:00


Tenruh, Mon 26 Jun 13:22


jake89, Mon 26 Jun 12:56

Those comments are something else 😂

let`s hear what you`ve got to say.
Point out anything that is factually false.
Let us know what the most read Scottish blogger has got wrong in his fact based article .

Have you read the comments on that article?

Edited to add: It looks like someone is deleting the potentially libelous and crackpot comments as a fair few are now gone. Still a very serious allegation made about Humza Yousaf that could land the site owner in bother.

Post Edited (Mon 26 Jun 15:05)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 16:09


jake89, Mon 26 Jun 15:00


Tenruh, Mon 26 Jun 13:22


jake89, Mon 26 Jun 12:56

Those comments are something else 😂

let`s hear what you`ve got to say.
Point out anything that is factually false.
Let us know what the most read Scottish blogger has got wrong in his fact based article .

Have you read the comments on that article?

Edited to add: It looks like someone is deleting the potentially libelous and crackpot comments as a fair few are now gone. Still a very serious allegation made about Humza Yousaf that could land the site owner in bother.

Yes of course, the comments can be as interesting as the article itself. Unfortunately they are often infiltrated by let`s say a yoon based element.
BTW once posted the only person that can remove them is the site owner.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 26 Jun 22:31

Douglas Chapman not standing for re-election.

Probably jumping before he`s pushed.

Not sure what his achievements have been as an MP other than awakening some to the lack of transparency re the nuSNP accounts.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 00:26


Tenruh, Mon 26 Jun 22:31

Douglas Chapman not standing for re-election.

Probably jumping before he`s pushed.

Not sure what his achievements have been as an MP other than awakening some to the lack of transparency re the nuSNP accounts.

When he was initially selected he said it would just be for 1 full term. So he has kept to his word. No conspiracy nonsense to see there.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 06:39


sadindiefreak, Tue 27 Jun 00:26


Tenruh, Mon 26 Jun 22:31

Douglas Chapman not standing for re-election.

Probably jumping before he`s pushed.

Not sure what his achievements have been as an MP other than awakening some to the lack of transparency re the nuSNP accounts.

When he was initially selected he said it would just be for 1 full term. So he has kept to his word. No conspiracy nonsense to see there.

Here`s me about to start an conspiracy by suggesting he may or may not have done 3 full terms.

My favourite conspiracy nonsense was Nicola' secret plan for Independence.How many in the nuSNP still believe that one ?

Today's one Lol


Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 06:59)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 07:02


Tenruh, Tue 27 Jun 06:39


sadindiefreak, Tue 27 Jun 00:26


Tenruh, Mon 26 Jun 22:31

Douglas Chapman not standing for re-election.

Probably jumping before he`s pushed.

Not sure what his achievements have been as an MP other than awakening some to the lack of transparency re the nuSNP accounts.

When he was initially selected he said it would just be for 1 full term. So he has kept to his word. No conspiracy nonsense to see there.

Here`s me about to start an conspiracy by suggesting he may or may not have done 3 full terms.

My favourite conspiracy nonsense was Nicola` secret plan for Independence.How many in the nuSNP still believe that one ?

Elected in 2015, early election called in 2017 so not a full parliamentary term, again an early election in 2019. With the fixed term parliament act stating the duration of a parliamentary term should be 5 years he still hadn`t done a full term. This is first time since being elected and serving 5 years that he will have had the opportunity to stand down and he has.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 09:18

Another two who won`t be MPs after the next general election are MacAskill and Hanvey.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 09:35

Are Alba making a push or have they accepted being largely unelectable?
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 09:47


The One Who Knocks, Tue 27 Jun 09:18

Another two who won`t be MPs after the next general election are MacAskill and Hanvey.

Don`t disagree with that, but Alba standing in Kirkcaldy will let Labour in again unfortunately
NuSNP will take a pasting this next election.

Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 09:49)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 09:54


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 09:35

Are Alba making a push or have they accepted being largely unelectable?

Alba are trying to form an Independence alliance with all the other parties ,partly to save the nuSNP`s skin as they`ll take a trouncing to Labour otherwise.
That`s the situation at the moment .


Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 09:57)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 11:37

An Indy alliance, you must be joking ..the Greens got a massive 28122, 1% of the votes in the last GE and Alba would get what? And their votes would come from ooooh…let’s see, pissed off SNP voters?
That’ll do it!

Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 11:39)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 12:58

Makes you wonder why the unionist parties won`t countenance a referendum.

Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 13:51)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 14:43

Alternatively, Alba will dilute the nationalist vote. What`s their plan for independence? I`m struggling to see what is different between them and the SNP. This just my view, but it feels like Alba are just SNP people who don`t agree with the clique running the SNP.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 15:10


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 14:43

Alternatively, Alba will dilute the nationalist vote. What`s their plan for independence? I`m struggling to see what is different between them and the SNP. This just my view, but it feels like Alba are just SNP people who n`t agree with the clique running the SNP.

If the nuSNP don`t want to work with other parties that`s their problem. The reason there`s new independence parties to vote for would indicate something has gone wrong over the last 9 years. Anyone any thought`s on what`s gone wrong ? Anyone got any conspiracies.

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 15:37

But what is different between the SNP and Alba in terms of politics?

My understanding is Alba are seeking a more immediate approach to independence but I can`t see any detail on how they would achieve this. What am I missing?
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 16:12


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 15:37

But what is different between the SNP and Alba in terms of politics?

My understanding is Alba are seeking a more immediate approach to independence but I can`t see any detail on how they would achieve this. What am I missing?

Alba are Transphobic bigots in the guise of protecting women.
They are Alex Salmond lovers who don`t see a problem with inappropriately touching women in a way that would get you sacked from your workplace but doesn`t go as far a breaking the law. (So not protecting women)

I spent around half an hour trying to get an answer from some Alba members as to their plan for achieving independence. Basically they don`t have one.....but trans people are "sexual deviants"

The number of people involved with Alba who are conspiracy theorists is also quite worrying, one I spoke to was a climate change denier and antivaxer.

I will never campaign alongside anyone from Alba. I want independence to make Scotland a fairer more equal country. Not the hateful place many of Albas members want.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 16:21


sadindiefreak, Tue 27 Jun 16:12


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 15:37

But what is different between the SNP and Alba in terms of politics?

My understanding is Alba are seeking a more immediate approach to independence but I can`t see any detail on how they would achieve this. What am I missing?

Alba are Transphobic bigots in the guise of protecting women.
They are Alex Salmond lovers who don`t see a problem with inappropriately touching women in a way that would get you sacked from your workplace but doesn`t go as far a breaking the law. (So not protecting women)

I spent around half an hour trying to get an answer from some Alba members as to their plan for achieving independence. Basically they don`t have one.....but trans people are "sexual deviants"

The number of people involved with Alba who are conspiracy theorists is also quite worrying, one I spoke to was a climate change denier and antivaxer.

I will never campaign alongside anyone from Alba. I want independence to make Scotland a fairer more equal country. Not the hateful place many of Albas members want.

Ha ha ha.....total tosh....its all coming crashing down and you`ll blame anyone but yourself......Great rant, suspected it was going to blow off sometime.



Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 16:45)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 16:31

After reading sadindiefreaks post I might need to give some consideration to this ALBA party, they sound alright. I think the SNP went a bit too far with their gender recognition stuff, not really an issue that many people truly believe that strongly about, despite what they say in public
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 16:53

Why would a party fighting for independence put a devisive bill through the pretendy parliament and throw away 50% of their support?


Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 17:17)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 17:43

So apart from disagreeing on a single issue (trans rights), what`s the difference? Alba disagree with the SNP route to independence so what is their route?
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 17:58


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 17:43

So apart from disagreeing on a single issue (trans rights), what`s the difference? Alba disagree with the SNP route to independence so what is their route?

That’s the answer that is never given.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 18:14

Anytime Tenruh has been asked that question he has said it`s not his place to work out the route to independence. His job is to stand on the sidelines and moan at the SNP for not delivering it. He`s like a kid who didn`t get what he wanted for Christmas and can`t understand why.

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 18:27


wee eck, Tue 27 Jun 18:14

Anytime Tenruh has been asked that question he has said it`s not his place to work out the route to independence. His job is to stand on the sidelines and moan at the SNP for not delivering it. He`s like a kid who didn`t get what he wanted for Christmas and can`t understand why.

Fill yer boots

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 18:43


Tenruh, Tue 27 Jun 18:27


wee eck, Tue 27 Jun 18:14

Anytime Tenruh has been asked that question he has said it`s not his place to work out the route to independence. His job is to stand on the sidelines and moan at the SNP for not delivering it. He`s like a kid who didn`t get what he wanted for Christmas and can`t understand why.

Fill yer boots


Where exactly is their road to independence?
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 19:15


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 18:43


Tenruh, Tue 27 Jun 18:27


wee eck, Tue 27 Jun 18:14

Anytime Tenruh has been asked that question he has said it`s not his place to work out the route to independence. His job is to stand on the sidelines and moan at the SNP for not delivering it. He`s like a kid who didn`t get what he wanted for Christmas and can`t understand why.

Fill yer boots


Where exactly is their road to independence?

Think the link above is their starting point?
Have I misread what you`re after ?
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 20:34

Alba are not satisfied the with SNP approach to gaining independence.

I am asking what approach Alba are suggesting instead.

So far yet to get an answer.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 20:47


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 20:34

Alba are not satisfied the with SNP approach to gaining independence.

I am asking what approach Alba are suggesting instead.

So far yet to get an answer.

Well I cannot find you anything else other than the link I've attached from their website above.
Did you click on "An effective electoral strategy " it clear what their objective is there.

Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 20:52)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 21:02


So the suggestion is that returning a majority of independence MPs should result in independence. Except that isn`t supported by Westminster either and won`t be recognised by anyone internationally. It`ll also probably result in splitting the independence votes and allowing unionist parties to take advantage.

Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 21:02)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 21:15

Isn`t that what was put forward at the SNP conference at the weekend?

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 21:57


wee eck, Tue 27 Jun 21:15

Isn`t that what was put forward at the SNP conference at the weekend?

Nobody knows what was put forward because nothing was voted on.The members are going to decide in October the route to chose ? Obviously it`s not the secret plan that everyone thought Sturgeon had.
9 years of slurping and the members fed false promises.

Post Edited (Tue 27 Jun 22:07)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 22:06


jake89, Tue 27 Jun 21:02


So the suggestion is that returning a majority of independence MPs should result in independence. Except that isn`t supported by Westminster either and won`t be recognised by anyone internationally. It`ll also probably result in splitting the independence votes and allowing unionist parties to take advantage.

No option acceptable to the Indy movement will be accepted by our Overlords.

What Independence vote will it split ?Do you think a party which has promised a referendum for the last 9 years has any credible standing , they`re only interested in discussing Independence 6 weeks before an election.
All they`ve done is bleed the members dry take their wages and pensions from Westminster and Holyrood and give us nothing back...sit in both places like little sheep.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 23:36

Tenruh, I`ve always found your posts confused and confusing and you`re still at it.

You say `No option acceptable to the Indy movement will be accepted by our Overlords.` Then in your next sentence you blame the SNP for not delivering a referendum.

I don`t get it.

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Tue 27 Jun 23:39

Aren`t you contradicting yourself? You`re saying the "overlords" won`t allow a referendum then stating the SNP have had 9 years to have one. So they`ve had 9 years to have a referendum they can`t legally have?

The alternative being proposed by Alba (and the SNP) is to get one by having a majority of independence seeking MPs. Westminster can simply ignore that.

Westminster has been asked repeatedly what Scotland`s route to independence is and had no legitimate response. That is unacceptable no matter which side of the argument you`re on.

My point about splitting votes is pretty simple. Say there are 10,000 voters in Dunfermline. Current votes are like:

SNP: 4000
Labour: 3000
Lib Dem: 2000
Green: 1000

Introduce Alba and you potentially have:

Labour: 3000
SNP: 2000
Alba: 2000
Lib Dem: 2000
Green: 1000

Meaning Labour are elected and SNP and Alba are crying into their Scottish Blend.

I can see why Alba exist - people are frustrated. But then Alba are just an SNP clone. Surely they should be seeking direct action by asking Westminster AGAIN what the route to independence is and then taking that to international court if Westminster refuse to answer?
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 00:04

I saw Jamie Hepburn, the Minister for Independence, being interviewed on STV last night. He was repeatedly asked why should Westminster change their mind if confronted by a majority of SNP seats at the next General Election. His answer was that this was a question for the unionist parties to answer.

After the Supreme Court judgement that Holyrood couldn`t hold a referendum without Westminster`s consent there was a brief period when the media were asking the unionist parties what the democratic route to a referendum was. They just stonewalled the question and, of course, the media have just stopped asking it. I think the independence movement should keep pressing for an answer because that`s basically anti-democratic.

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 06:23

Why did the nuSNP go to the Supreme Court last year when they could have gone there 9 years ago?
After so many Independence promises since 2014 I believe that was their only option.

NuSNP fully intend following the same road as before , asking for a referendum and getting the same answer GTF...but it`s a win win for the party officials and the payroll but not the members and electorate.
Nothing changes in October as the management have a firm grip on the controls of the party so they`ll decide the indy route to follow.

Don`t think for a minute that they will get anywhere near the votes they`ve previously enjoyed as the GRR Bill and the Green support are toxic, members and the public are deserting them in droves. Membership 2016, 126,000+ now 75,000 ( allegedly) only 50 000 members voted in the continuity fix.

Regarding splitting the vote , so what political parties come and go voting nuSNP back in to power will just produce another 5 years of the same so no loss in my opinion.
Ask yourself why other parties are forming, I`d suggest it`s because the nuSNP have lost their way, odd that they`re challenged the SC decision on the Grr bill but not the Referendum Bill. Have the members forgotten why the original SNP were formed.

Alba want to treat every election as a vote for Independence as the referendum option is now dead because of the SC decision.
What that achieves time will tell...

One thing is for sure like Winnie Ewing none of us are likely to see an independent Scotland.

Post Edited (Wed 28 Jun 06:38)
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 06:45


wee eck, Wed 28 Jun 00:04

I saw Jamie Hepburn, the Minister for Independence, being interviewed on STV last night. He was repeatedly asked why should Westminster change their mind if confronted by a majority of SNP seats at the next General Election. His answer was that this was a question for the unionist parties to answer.

After the Supreme Court judgement that Holyrood couldn`t hold a referendum without Westminster`s consent there was a brief period when the media were asking the unionist parties what the democratic route to a referendum was. They just stonewalled the question and, of course, the media have just stopped asking it. I think the independence movement should keep pressing for an answer because that`s basically anti-democratic.

Westminster won`t encourage any option for Independence. Scotland has to find a way to achieve it itself.
There`s only going to be 57 seats in the next election so if the nuSNP wins 29 of them with say 40% of the electorates vote, asking for a referendum will be futile.
Nothing changes other than the payroll will benefit.
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 07:43

There you go again. The SNP are going about it the wrong way but you can`t tell us what the right way is.

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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 08:21


wee eck, Wed 28 Jun 07:43

There you go again. The SNP are going about it the wrong way but you can`t tell us what the right way is.

Why would I know the way to independence when a party who we voted in 16 years ago haven`t achieved it.
You have a go at telling me what the nuSNP have achieved towards Independence over their 16 years in power...
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 08:34

The party voted in 16 years ago was led by the current Alba leader and all he managed was to throw away the greatest chance for independence any of us will ever see in 2014.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: The Burning House
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Wed 28 Jun 08:48


The One Who Knocks, Wed 28 Jun 08:34

The party voted in 16 years ago was led by the current Alba leader and all he managed was to throw away the greatest chance for independence any of us will ever see in 2014.

So where did he fail and what do we do going forward?
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