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 The great faith debate
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 10 May 08:20

Greer (who suddenly decided to come out yesterday), states he can`t support Forbes because of her religious beliefs but *checks notes* had no issue voting with Humza Yousaf? He might find the Free Church isn`t all that different to Islam in many respects 🤦‍♂️
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 10 May 13:29

I always think faith should be rather like sexuality, kept to yourself.

Folk can be who they want to be and believe what they want to believe, but I don`t really see the need for people to shout it from the rooftops or ram it down your throat
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 10 May 14:25

So you don`t think folk should be allowed to, say, hold hands with their partner in public Red Star? What about wedding photos? Presumably those should be taken in indoor private spaces only? Although maybe a waiter in a restaurant could be offended by the blushing bride ramming her heterosexuality down his throat, so maybe wedding photos should not be taken, and folk in wedding dresses should be transported to the church in blacked out vehicles in case some sensitive soul is offended by her blatant display of her sexuality?

Seriously though, how are you defining "ram it down your throat" (a sexually charged statement if ever I read one) in this context? Does it apply to all expression of sexuality, or just some?

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

Post Edited (Fri 10 May 14:27)
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 10 May 14:38

Possibly referring to gay pride marches maybe? I don`t know, Red Star will clarify his own thoughts if he wishes.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: JTH123  
Date:   Fri 10 May 17:27


Wotsit, Fri 10 May 14:25
Seriously though, how are you defining "ram it down your throat" (a sexually charged statement if ever I read one) in this context?

I don`t know what he meant any more than you do but you need to have a word with yourself if that`s what came to mind when you read that very well worn phrase.
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: Buspasspar  
Date:   Fri 10 May 18:00

Wotsit .. I think you have seriously lost it there .. Genuinely hope you are OK

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Fri 10 May 18:04

Yeah, I don`t mind if folk are doing a bit hand holding, wedding photos etc, any kissing with tongues should be behind closed doors though. What I`m talking about is, I have found more and more lately that some people seem to think that their sexuality is the first thing they need to tell you about as soon as they meet you. Especially in my workplace, even when interviewing people for jobs, it`s like if you are having a conversation with someone and learning about them, then that`s their opening gambit. I don`t know if they think divulging this information will help them get ahead in an equal opportunities employer

Personally, I couldn`t care less what they are into, but I don`t see the need to be shouting it from the rooftops
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 10 May 22:17

I work for a touchy-feelly charity and have genuinely never experienced anybody telling me their sexuality at work. It can be implied - for example a colleague mentioning their wife/husband - but not once has anyone told me their sexuality in anything approaching a direct way, let alone the first time I meet them. It would definitely make me uncomfortable if that happened at my workplace and it sounds like you may need to talk to HR Red Star, because that is pretty inappropriate work chat imo.

Having a wonderful time, but thanks for your concern Busspass.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

Post Edited (Fri 10 May 22:18)
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak  
Date:   Sat 11 May 03:26


red-star-par, Fri 10 May 18:04

Yeah, I don`t mind if folk are doing a bit hand holding, wedding photos etc, any kissing with tongues should be behind closed doors though. What I`m talking about is, I have found more and more lately that some people seem to think that their sexuality is the first thing they need to tell you about as soon as they meet you. Especially in my workplace, even when interviewing people for jobs, it`s like if you are having a conversation with someone and learning about them, then that`s their opening gambit. I don`t know if they think divulging this information will help them get ahead in an equal opportunities employer

Personally, I couldn`t care less what they are into, but I don`t see the need to be shouting it from the rooftops

They are clearly telling you that because you are so handsome Red Star. They weren`t gay when they turned up for the interview, only after they laid eyes on you.
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 11 May 09:28

Pretty much agree with RSP. I don`t care how people live their lives provided it`s not harming anyone, but don`t make it your whole personality and preach to me about it (pun intended). You`re not going to convert me to attending your place of worship nor do I need to know who you`re shagging (this applies to ALL people regardless of sexual orientation).

Back on Kate Forbes, it does feel rather odd that Greer is so upset about Forbes and the views of her religion yet had no issue with an Islamic FM.

Both faiths consider the following to be sinful:

- sex before marriage
- same sex relationships
- abortion

Yet Greer has decided he can`t work with the SNP due to the DFM following a religion with these beliefs. Isn`t this a tad hypocritical?

I`m sure his, and others, views will all come out as the gender recognition act is reviewed. UK gov won`t allow it through so the obvious solution would be to discuss with the likes of Labour who supported it too, to make appropriate concessions to get through. Maybe needs considered that, like gender itself, self-ID isn`t a binary yes or no answer?
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 Re: The great faith debate
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 11 May 12:35

Islam and Christianity are both a wide set of beliefs from which various sects pick and choose aspects to make up their particular canon.

You get people who claim Presbyterian faith in Scotland who never go to church and who love to watch netflix on Sunday, just like you get other Presbyterians who take a more literal interpretation of the bible and feel that switching on your telly on a Sunday is a sin. And that`s just the different Presbyterian faiths: one subcategory of Protestantism.

There is a similar spectrum within Islam I understand. Some people who say they`re Muslims might only pray on Friday, or never at all. Some go to the pub after mosque on a Friday then get a pepperoni pizza on the way home.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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