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 Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 10:03

Either way Scotland looks like it`s drifted back to devolution rather than Independence . What a difference 9 years makes...


Post Edited (Thu 13 Jun 14:17)
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck to neck
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 10:16

I thought the same poll had found that there was a majority in favour of independence now. For some reason that isn`t included in that report.

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck to neck
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 10:58


wee eck, Thu 13 Jun 10:16

I thought the same poll had found that there was a majority in favour of independence now. For some reason that isn`t included in that report.

The poll had the Greens 💚 at 3% and Alba at 1%, that was the 2 independence parties showing.

I think support for independence is polling at around 50% but only a small % of them look like voting on the day, there's obviously a lot still believing the SNP are an Independence party then you'll also have the stay at homes.
Very few moving over to The Greens 💚 or Alba...

Post Edited (Thu 13 Jun 11:06)
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck to neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 16:11

You`ve got to laugh about some of the nonsense. SNP independence as item 1 on their manifesto and get "single issue party" and "don`t care about anything other than independence at any cost.". SNP don`t mention independence and get "they`ve forgotten about independence" and "accept it`s dead in the water".

Regardless of your views on independence, you should vote.for which party will do best for you and your area. So likely SNP, Labour or an independent.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 16:42

Poor eck, he keeps referring to polls that favour independence but can never produce them.
Imagination playing tricks?

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 16:58

Poor Parboiled. Despite endlessly trawling the internet for SNP stories he never seems to find any good news for them.

From Ipsos`s website -

Ipsos’ first Scotland poll for STV News since the General Election was called indicates a very close race between the SNP and Labour in Scotland

Scottish Independence

Among those likely to vote either Yes or No in an immediate referendum, 51% say they would vote Yes and 49% No.

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 17:04

Ipsos survey from yesterday…….51% yes for independence.

Labour held a 10 point lead over SNP on May 20th, now they are neck an neck…

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 18:00


desparado, Thu 13 Jun 17:04

Ipsos survey from yesterday…….51% yes for independence.

Labour held a 10 point lead over SNP on May 20th, now they are neck an neck…

Never believed that they were neck and neck in the first place!
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 18:21

Labour 1/7 to win the most seats in Scotland at the bookies. SNP are 4/1.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 19:17

Labour are doing a Raith and completely bottling it. The Tories left them with a massive open goal and they`re about to knock it wide in Scotland. In England it`s largely a binary option of Tories or Labour but Scotland has a viable third option.

Sarwar appears to have cocked it up by declaring no austerity under Labour whilst the UK party says different.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n` neck
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 20:39

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n` neck
Topic Originator: red-star-par  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 21:29


Tenruh, Thu 13 Jun 20:39


This part was interesting, looks like unionists would willingly change from voting from the Red Tories to the Blue Tories or vice versa just to try and keep the SNP out.

If there is a willingness for them to do this then anyone thinking of voting Greens or ALBA need to vote SNP to ensure a MP with Scotland`s interests at heart is elected

"Tactical voting is also on the rise, according to the survey, with nearly a quarter (23%) saying they would vote for a party to stop another winning, rather than because it is the party they most prefer.

The numbers represent a ten-point increase in likely tactical voting compared with Ipsos’ poll in the run-up to the 2019 general election, when just 13% said they were voting to keep another party out.

The likelihood of tactical voting is higher among those who intend to vote Labour (34%) and Conservative (27%) than among those who intend to vote SNP (11%)."

Post Edited (Thu 13 Jun 21:29)
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: desparado  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 21:38

Just one of the many reasons why FPTP is a ridiculous system.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Thu 13 Jun 22:26

desparado wrote:

> Just one of the many reasons why FPTP is a ridiculous system.

FPTP may not be the best system for electing a government, but it’s the best system for getting rid of a government. And that’s what matters most.

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 05:47

Attached below why Westminster is the wrong route to independence and a waste of time going there.


The amount of votes the SNP get on the constituency vote at the 2021 Scottish election meant around 1m votes were wasted in the regional vote, Alba offered to work with the SNP to gain a super majority but the SNP declined the offer which let around 30+ unionist party candidates to get elected.

Post Edited (Fri 14 Jun 06:41)
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 07:25

If it’s a toss up between a poll commissioned by ScotNat TV and the bookies I know who I’d put my dosh on...

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 08:16


Parboiled, Fri 14 Jun 07:25

If it’s a toss up between a poll commissioned by ScotNat TV and the bookies I know who I’d put my dosh on...

Appreciate you often struggle with the concept, but STV has reported what are known as "facts". These were a result of an independent poll run by a well known and respected polling company based in London. Of course, and as always, don`t let the facts get in the way of a good old Parboiled moan.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n` neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 08:19


Tenruh, Fri 14 Jun 05:47

Attached below why Westminster is the wrong route to independence and a waste of time going there.


The amount of votes the SNP get on the constituency vote at the 2021 Scottish election meant around 1m votes were wasted in the regional vote, Alba offered to work with the SNP to gain a super majority but the SNP declined the offer which let around 30+ unionist party candidates to get elected.

No, what Alba did was take votes of away from the SNP allowing other parties to win the seats. There was no chance of a super-majority with Salmond behind it all.

And it`s not exactly news that there are 10x the number of seats in England. Would you believe England is more than 10x the size of Scotland? Who knew?!
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Parboiled  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 08:50

It’s a fact that Indy won’t be on the ballot paper.
It’s a fact it was in 2014.
It’s a fact that on the eve of that vote bookies paid out early on bets for No
It’s a fact that bookies know their onions and one poll of Weegies for Weegies TV ain’t worth a spit

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n` neck
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 09:34


jake89, Fri 14 Jun 08:19


Tenruh, Fri 14 Jun 05:47

Attached below why Westminster is the wrong route to independence and a waste of time going there.


The amount of votes the SNP get on the constituency vote at the 2021 Scottish election meant around 1m votes were wasted in the regional vote, Alba offered to work with the SNP to gain a super majority but the SNP declined the offer which let around 30+ unionist party candidates to get elected.

No, what Alba did was take votes of away from the SNP allowing other parties to win the seats. There was no chance of a super-majority with Salmond behind it all.

And it`s not exactly news that there are 10x the number of seats in England. Would you believe England is more than 10x the size of Scotland? Who knew?!

SNP wouldn`t have gotten any further seats in the list vote....on the last paragraph "Union of Equals " that`s what we`re constantly getting told....until it`s in England`s interest.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 11:22


Parboiled, Fri 14 Jun 08:50

It’s a fact that Indy won’t be on the ballot paper.
It’s a fact it was in 2014.
It’s a fact that on the eve of that vote bookies paid out early on bets for No
It’s a fact that bookies know their onions and one poll of Weegies for Weegies TV ain’t worth a spit

No-one is disagreeing with the first three fact. The fourth one is just usual dribbling though. It was a Scotland-wide poll by one of the UKs biggest research companies.

Bookies get their data in a similar way. It`s pretty basic data analysis.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n` neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 11:23


Tenruh, Fri 14 Jun 09:34


jake89, Fri 14 Jun 08:19


Tenruh, Fri 14 Jun 05:47

Attached below why Westminster is the wrong route to independence and a waste of time going there.


The amount of votes the SNP get on the constituency vote at the 2021 Scottish election meant around 1m votes were wasted in the regional vote, Alba offered to work with the SNP to gain a super majority but the SNP declined the offer which let around 30+ unionist party candidates to get elected.

No, what Alba did was take votes of away from the SNP allowing other parties to win the seats. There was no chance of a super-majority with Salmond behind it all.

And it`s not exactly news that there are 10x the number of seats in England. Would you believe England is more than 10x the size of Scotland? Who knew?!

SNP wouldn`t have gotten any further seats in the list vote....on the last paragraph "Union of Equals " that`s what we`re constantly getting told....until it`s in England`s interest.

It`s a union of equals in terms of per head population. But you`re correct that it`ll always be what England wants...because the decisions impact on 10x more people. That`s why an independent country would make sense.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: Tad Allagash  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 23:03

And yet the nationalists are keen to join the EU where an ‘Indy’ Scotland would have less than 2% of the seats in parliament. Does that sound like a union of equals?

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 14 Jun 23:11

But no other country would have a majority of the seats either?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sat 15 Jun 13:05

Allegations of special handshakes involving the Dunfermline SNP candidate and Humza when he was Health Minister.
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 15 Jun 13:34

If there were any handshakes then they certainly don`t seem to have been very special as this guys firm didn`t obtain any government contracts. That said it`s not as transparent as it should have been and the optics aren`t great for this particular candidate.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: wee eck  
Date:   Sun 16 Jun 12:11

I just heard psephologist Prof Ailsa Henderson on Radio Scotland saying that, based on the most recent Scotland-only polling, the gap between Labour and SNP is very close. She said that, now that it seems clear Labour will win the UK election without needing a big batch of Scottish seats, fewer SNP voters are likely to switch their votes to Labour to get rid of the Tories. I presume if this trend continues until 4 July the SNP might retain their majority of Scottish seats at Westminster.

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 Re: Scottish Labour & SNP neck n' neck
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Sun 16 Jun 12:20

RT has been banned from our screens. Think about all those dodgy politicians who were on it. What were their names again?
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 Re: Scottish Labour
Topic Originator: Luxembourg Par  
Date:   Sun 16 Jun 20:57


jake89, Fri 14 Jun 08:19


Tenruh, Fri 14 Jun 05:47

The amount of votes the SNP get on the constituency vote at the 2021 Scottish election meant around 1m votes were wasted in the regional vote, Alba offered to work with the SNP to gain a super majority but the SNP declined the offer which let around 30 unionist party candidates to get elected.

No, what Alba did was take votes of away from the SNP allowing other parties to win the seats. There was no chance of a super-majority with Salmond behind it all.

Let’s not get squabbles in the way of the truth.

What Alba offered was to not stand in marginal seats, allowing no split of the Indy vote, and SNP to suggest voting Alba for the list/regional votes.

As mentioned above, over 1m SNP2 votes earned ZERO list mps due to the de Hondt method of allocation.
If those 1m votes had been
SNP 1 Alba 2
There would definitely have been a so-called ‘super majority’ of Indy SMP’s at Holyrood.

Unfortunately the SNP leaders were too pig headed about having anything to do with Salmond to put Independence above petty personal grudges.

Post Edited (Sun 16 Jun 20:59)
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 Re: Scottish Labour
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Mon 17 Jun 06:30

Agreed Lux, just a shame it was salmond at the head of it as many people I know has tuned into the concept of using the second vote, but just couldn’t hold their nose to vote for Alba - which I think explained the surge for the greens as another indy supporting party

Post Edited (Mon 17 Jun 06:30)
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 Re: Scottish Labour
Topic Originator: Tenruh  
Date:   Mon 17 Jun 15:48

We`ve fell for it hook line and sinker.....the grifters We`ve elected are going to hold on tight to their salaries and perks and independence is firmly on the backburner .

No wonder we hear Indy mentioned 6 weeks before an election

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