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 DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Sun 20 Jun 23:05

"DAFC.net" intially started 26 years ago, but the name only came into existance 21 years ago this march.

I`m looking at seeing where DAFC.net is going in the next 21 years.


if you have ideas, suggestions, able to help then please get in touch.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Mon 21 Jun 14:55

Hopefully we get a few sensible posts about the way forward. Making images easier to post would be 1 way of improving

Let`s try making it till Christmas
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Mon 21 Jun 17:05

yes, have that in hand Dave,
as well as the login issues.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: AdamAntsParsStripe  
Date:   Mon 21 Jun 17:51

Yeah pics and news links that are easy to cut and paste onto the forum would be great.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 10:27

[Post Deleted] - Deliberately provoking fellow DAFC.net poster(s)
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 15:51

I really didn`t provoke anybody.

I merely questioned the need for this site`s admin to use generic passive-aggressive and confrontational [post deleted] messages.

It is telling that a wildly inappropriate one was used to delete that very post.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 16:02

It is telling that a wildly inappropriate one was used to delete that very post

No it IS appropriate

Let`s try making it till Christmas
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 20:43

Aside from the fact that we clearly have wildly different definitions of "provocative" the word "deliberately" is tied in with my intentions, which is not something that admin could possibly know.

It is, in itself, provocatively confrontational.

I, when invited and in the appropriate place, made a tongue in cheek post to highlight the fact that I perceive some of the generic post deleted messages are, in my view, a bit inappropriate if the aim is to reduce confrontation.

So here we are with me pointing out that there was, in my view, no provocation and furthermore I am stating categorically that it is false to claim that there was deliberate provocation.

Post Edited (Fri 25 Jun 20:44)
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 23:10

Well you hurt my feelings

Let`s try making it till Christmas
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 23:21

Seriously though. We have a limited remit on why posts get removed. So if you have some reasons that can be used. Feel free to suggest them

Let`s try making it till Christmas
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Fri 25 Jun 23:57

Why are we even discussing this random stuff that is off topic to this thread.

It was deliberate provocation.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 26 Jun 06:39

It is literally the topic of the thread Brian.

I made a suggestion about how moderators report the results of their moderation to website users in a thread where you requested ideas for the future of the site.

The heavy handed moderation response is what has drawn it off topic, although it's not really off topic now given that we are still discussing the future of the website.

In case you are still in doubt, I would like to suggest less harsh, confrontational and passive-aggressive [post deleted] messages as I feel that some of the current ones encourage an "us and them" situation which is not great for reducing conflict.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 26 Jun 10:53

I think Wotsit is making a very reasoned argument though I appreciate the point Dave makes about the limited remit they have. I assume the mods select from a pull down menu of potential generic reasons and have to use their best judgement when choosing. The one I most dislike is the [post deleted] Uttter Bollox statement. That takes moderation into the realms of censorship of opinion and let`s be honest that is how it is usually used. If we look at some of the misinformation, and let`s face it downright reckless lies, that have been posted about covid and the vaccine over the past twelve months then its peculiar that Utter Bollox deletion hasn`t been used frequently on that subject. I`m glad though as I much prefer those lies to be exposed for what they are through debate and that has been what is happening. Why though isn`t that allowed to happen on other subjects is anyones guess.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sun 27 Jun 11:49

On a more structural level, I am always keen for community resources such as Dot Net to be run and managed by the communities they serve.

The formation of a constituted charity (perhaps with a Social Enterprise element to handle the commercial side) would be a good way to achieve this I think.

Ideally the charity would have a two tier structure with members electing a board of trustees at an AGM each year and most of the day to day running done by the board, allowing people to give as much or as little time to the project as they are able.

There is a great resource of amazing people on this site and it would be fantastic to get them properly working together, as a real community project, to support our club into the future.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Mon 28 Jun 07:27

I shall accept your latest post is very constructive :o)

and is more of the ideas we are looking for

Post Edited (Mon 28 Jun 07:55)
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: theparsman1885  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 08:46

Genuinely if you want this site to survive and thrive then you will need to do a lot more to encourage younger people to join, including a much better social media presence.

Not stifle debate, and certainly not be sanctioning racist, misogynistic and homophobic articles! The damage that has done to the reputation of this site should not be ignored.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 10:29

social media presence provides no advertising revenue (which helps the club and groups around the club and pays for a lot of things)

the idea of this thread is to ask people what needs done, so far there has not been a lot of constructive ideas. people like a good moan though.

one issue I have with the site is that people post anonymously and to be honest I don`t really trust those posts.

the subject you mention has been discussed and explantion provided, you may disagree but you can tell once but no need to be constant with it.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: par-adise  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 10:46

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: MikeyLeonard  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 11:00


brian, Thu 1 Jul 10:29

social media presence provides no advertising revenue (which helps the club and groups around the club and pays for a lot of things)

the idea of this thread is to ask people what needs done, so far there has not been a lot of constructive ideas. people like a good moan though.

one issue I have with the site is that people post anonymously and to be honest I don`t really trust those posts.

the subject you mention has been discussed and explantion provided, you may disagree but you can tell once but no need to be constant with it.

Oh, here we go again . .blame the punters on here for moaning.

Listen Brian, this site was responsible for allowing the two articles to be posted, not us 'moaners'.

Typical of you when things hit the fan.
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: theparsman1885  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 11:46

“ Topic Originator: brian like | nolike
Date: Thu 1 Jul 10:29

social media presence provides no advertising revenue (which helps the club and groups around the club and pays for a lot of things)

the idea of this thread is to ask people what needs done, so far there has not been a lot of constructive ideas. people like a good moan though.

one issue I have with the site is that people post anonymously and to be honest I don`t really trust those posts.

the subject you mention has been discussed and explantion provided, you may disagree but you can tell once but no need to be constant with it.”

Not listening or reading. No point asking for ideas then literally shooting down the ideas received. Continually close threads and delete posts cutting down any opportunity for debate because don’t agree with it. It wasn’t discussed to a conclusion unless forum owner has determined it so, and that’s not the purpose of a forum. As for anonymity, some social media platforms are much easier to manage than forums.

The closed attitude to social media shows a complete lack of understanding and inability to think differently and look at the bigger picture. Digital marketing has almost exclusively moved to social media platforms, and you are asking how .net moves forward. With such a poor presence on those platforms, you literally have NO CHANCE of improving numbers going to the site, and with it kills any advertising revenue in the future as current audience continues to die, OR a competitor starts up and further fragments the audience you do have.

Ive given a constructive idea. Been chosen to ignore it and have a dig. That’s the choice taken

This forum will end up with the product it deserves.

*edited to amend language to depersonalise

Post Edited (Thu 01 Jul 11:57)
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 16:14

DAFC.NET is also on Facebook. Another social media platform

Post Edited (Thu 01 Jul 16:48)
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 19:05

My mind is not closed to social media as Dave has pointed out.

.net is run on limited resources and hence people not available constantly to use Facebook Twitter, etc especially as most come to the forum to chat. I would rather people use a social media platform where revenue is raised for the benefit of DAFC than what`s his face who owns Facebook.

I guess your reference to constant closing of threads is just a little exaggeration (well, I mean a huge exaggeration). Very few threads have been closed or deleted

I can assure you the numbers are increasing.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: theparsman1885  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 19:28

The tone of both of your condescending replies further exacerbate the issue for me. Do you not think that people read this and look at your behaviours and make choices about how they want to interact with you? Reap what you sow?

Every single business has several presences across a number of social media platforms that drive traffic. Stay in the dark ages, and like I say you’ll get the result you deserve. You could of course choose to ask people to help you with your limited resources, but with that attitude that you collectively have then don’t be surprised at the reaction.

There were several posts deleted. At least 3 threads closed and moved (I think more if you count the ones that were moved) - that’s a lot on any forum within space of a week.

This forum has a wider impact than you realise on the reputation of the club. And it’s within that spirit I urge you all to think about recent events, take corrective action to improve the reputation of this site on issues of homophobia, racism and misogyny. If not then don’t be surprised if your traffic continues to die as the content becomes ever more tiresome.

Up to you of course.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: brian  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 19:50

I`m always very reticent in getting involved in such dialogue as it never ends up good.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: widtink  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 20:25

As already said.... There is a dafc.net facebook page... Although I haven't updated it for a while now.. I will however endeavour to post regularly come the start of the new season.

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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Milos Drizzle  
Date:   Thu 1 Jul 23:06

I think folks underestimate the efforts and skillset needed to have a significant social media presence. This forum is run by a small, hardy band of folks. It's a forum, pure a simple, and has stood the test of time. I have no doubt it will be here in 21 years time, with or without a curated presence elsewhere.

This is my signature

Post Edited (Thu 01 Jul 23:08)
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 Re: DAFC.net 21 years on
Topic Originator: Wotsit  
Date:   Sat 3 Jul 13:04

I`m always very reticent in getting involved in such dialogue as it never ends up good.

That is wholly dependent upon your point of view.

"Bad for me" and "bad in general" are different things.

Sometimes the greater good requires that something which is embarrassing for one or more individuals be fully and painfully exposed, and many users of this site feel that such an instance occurred recently.

Many posters have a desire to address something which is important to those for whom social freedom is an issue and which is a burning passion for anybody who has experienced or witnessed the removal of those social freedoms in a damaging way.

The bottom line is that this website chose to post articles which initiated (eventually) an impassioned discussion on the topics of feminism, sexuality and racism. It then also chose to deny the opportunity to continue the discussion when it became obvious that the general consensus very much disagreed with the opinions shared in the articles.

My personal take on it is that the debate became inconvenient for individuals, so despite the importance of seeing it out now that it had been initiated (by this website`s decision) it was shut down and all trace removed or hidden with a non-apology tacked on for lipservice.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.
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