Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Fri 6 Jul 08:08
Topic Originator: TKF
Date: Fri 6 Jul 11:14
I would welcome the creation of Thought Police if it meant no longer having to read your thoughts.
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Fri 6 Jul 12:03
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 6 Jul 12:10
It's actually an interesting question.Why would God create an angel with the ability to start a rebellion.
It doesn't explicitly say but Satan fell as did Adam,so the implication is there was a choice involved.
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Fri 6 Jul 12:48
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 6 Jul 13:40
More the father of it.
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 13:51
Satan is misunderstood imo...decent fella unfairly tarred by religious zealots.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Fri 6 Jul 13:54
Yeah but Jesus is a decent chap too...
He built my hotrod 😂
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 6 Jul 13:55
He does exist then.Some are not so open to the possibility.
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 15:25
widtink, Fri 6 Jul 13:54
Yeah but Jesus is a decent chap too...
He built my hotrod 😂
Ah...one of my favourite songs...I've taken acid with Gibby who sang on that fine tune.🤘
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Fri 6 Jul 16:52
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 6 Jul 17:08
The reason for the flood?Genesis 6:5.
Another good question.Why does God allow evil to continue?Rather than eliminate it at the source?One reason(and probably the best) is it serves his purpose.
Although not the author of evil,it will be used for a greater good.Namely exhibiting all the qualities of God,not in the least killing his own son for mankind's redemption.
The initial creation knew nothing of evil.That changed through the actions of one man.
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Fri 6 Jul 17:13
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 6 Jul 17:19
No.I said when it was introduced through by man,it will be used for good.
I assume you mean,babies children, you are correct they are innocent and provision is made for them not knowing good or evil.
Let me ask you a question.Why do you think the world is the way it is?Obviously evil exists...How did we get here?
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 18:12
richie5401, Fri 6 Jul 17:19
No.I said when it was introduced through by man,it will be used for good.
I assume you mean,babies children, you are correct they are innocent and provision is made for them not knowing good or evil.
Let me ask you a question.Why do you think the world is the way it is?Obviously evil exists...How did we get here?
It sure as **** didn't come from an errant apple....
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Fri 6 Jul 18:20
i agree.It doesn't specify.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Fri 6 Jul 18:45
Rastapari, Fri 6 Jul 18:12
richie5401, Fri 6 Jul 17:19
No.I said when it was introduced through by man,it will be used for good.
I assume you mean,babies children, you are correct they are innocent and provision is made for them not knowing good or evil.
Let me ask you a question.Why do you think the world is the way it is?Obviously evil exists...How did we get here?
It sure as **** didn't come from an errant apple....
What has an apple got to do with anything?
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 19:49
PARrot, Fri 6 Jul 18:45
Rastapari, Fri 6 Jul 18:12
richie5401, Fri 6 Jul 17:19
No.I said when it was introduced through by man,it will be used for good.
I assume you mean,babies children, you are correct they are innocent and provision is made for them not knowing good or evil.
Let me ask you a question.Why do you think the world is the way it is?Obviously evil exists...How did we get here?
It sure as **** didn't come from an errant apple....
What has an apple got to do with anything?
Bird eats apple from snake we all die...was it not?
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Fri 6 Jul 20:57
Topic Originator: DRFC_no1
Date: Fri 6 Jul 21:05
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sat 7 Jul 02:13
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Sat 7 Jul 09:43
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Sat 7 Jul 12:19
Yep,he deems it ok to use something he didn't create for good.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 7 Jul 12:29
Alllllrighty then....
Another god thread....
Never get tired of these 😏
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Sun 8 Jul 01:46
Ref: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 19:49
<<<Bird eats apple from snake we all die...was it not?>>>
Hi Rasta
Just thought I'd help you out if I can.
Parrot and Rich were dismissive of your point about the apple because the Bible doesn't say it's an apple. It just says it's 'fruit'. Have a read of Genesis chapter 3.
It's a bu**er to get caught out on something as simple as that. Makes it easy for folk to be dismissive, if they're that way inclined. It's happened to me before - something you take for granted all your life then - blimey! Always better to check facts eh?
These Christians can be rather naughty 😊
OK chaps - fight clean now!
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 8 Jul 03:29
Nearly right oautp.
It wasn't a fruit at all.
It was "The Fruit"
As in the fruit of your labour.
The bible talks about The Fruit of the spirit. What comes from accepting and receiving the spirit.
Tackle it from there.
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Sun 8 Jul 08:46
onandupthepars, Sun 8 Jul 01:46
Ref: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 19:49
<<<Bird eats apple from snake we all die...was it not?>>>
Hi Rasta
Just thought I'd help you out if I can.
Parrot and Rich were dismissive of your point about the apple because the Bible doesn't say it's an apple. It just says it's 'fruit'. Have a read of Genesis chapter 3.
It's a bu**er to get caught out on something as simple as that. Makes it easy for folk to be dismissive, if they're that way inclined. It's happened to me before - something you take for granted all your life then - blimey! Always better to check facts eh?
These Christians can be rather naughty 😊
OK chaps - fight clean now!
I have a bible in front of me that says "forbidden apple" guess that's what happens when made up stories are rewritten all over the world for different kings and cultists.
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Sun 8 Jul 10:40
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Sun 8 Jul 12:38
Yes.Genesis 1:31."saw everything that he had made and it was very good"
So what happened?
How was evil introduced?
A set of instructions were given to the first humans"Eat of every tree,except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,for if you eat you will die"
So when the tree was made it must have been God's intention an it was deemed good as everything "Was good"
Man(and Angels) were given a capacity to choose.Eve was deceived,Adam chose willingly and immediately a change had occurred(Genesis 3:7)
The best way to explain evil would be it's an action,an action that fails to meet a required standard of goodness.
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Sun 8 Jul 12:50
Ref: Rastapari
Date: Fri 6 Jul 19:49
<<<I have a bible in front of me that says "forbidden apple" >>>
O what a bu**er! I've had that happen to me as well Rasta. Spent ages trying to fathom the meaning of 'heaven' as opposed to 'heavens'.
I never knew there was a translation that actually says apple
Well that's 'God's word' for you. Strange why he'd not just make one language and one version. (O dear I'm gonna get skelpit for that!)
Post Edited (Sun 08 Jul 13:26)
Topic Originator: onandupthepars
Date: Sun 8 Jul 13:23
Ref: PARrot
Date: Sun 8 Jul 03:29
<<<It wasn't a fruit at all.
It was "The Fruit"
As in the fruit of your labour.
The Bible talks about The Fruit of the spirit.>>>
That's interesting, because in my Bible it doesn't say those things, at least not in Genesis 3.
(Thinking cap on:) Does it say those things elsewhere in the Bible? Or are you referring to a particular denomination's interpretation ? If so, what is your denomination, Parrot, if you don't mind me asking?
It's interesting because I have a good friend who is Christian and I'm curious to know his views but I don't ask because, face to face, friends can fall out easily. But on this forum I think that's less likely - we say what we think and I find that we don't take the huff or give the cold shoulder. Not for long anyway, so far!
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Mon 9 Jul 09:29
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Mon 9 Jul 11:57
Yep,with the full knowledge of the consequences.
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Mon 9 Jul 13:29
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Mon 9 Jul 13:43
Adam blamed God as well,primarily for putting women with him. "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat,but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,thou shalt not eat,for in that day that thou eat ,you will surely die"
Are you still blaming God?
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Mon 9 Jul 14:45
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Mon 9 Jul 15:13
WORST, Mon 9 Jul 13:29
At least you now admit your god is a murder, Richie. That makes you no better than the followers of Charles Manson etc.
Thats a bit strong WORST.
Calm doon min.
The sun got to you? 🤔
Topic Originator: richie5401
Date: Mon 9 Jul 22:13
So you are blaming him for Adam's decision to disobey.I think what you mean is God should have removed any possibility of death/sin and made an automaton.
Was 120 year warning enough time to repent?