Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Thu 23 Aug 18:10
Parked in the bank carpark. Motorbike on my left. I look behind and both ways....nothing coming. Reversed out slowly and bump.
The motor cyclist reversed out and swung behind me as I was pulling out.
Moving very slowly so no damage other than a scuffed mirror cover and scratched crash protector thingies that look like doorstops.
My original reaction was it was my fault and I was concerned he was hurt but he was fine he just wants a couple of hundred quid to replace the mirror and crash protector thingies.
Now I've calmed down I'm thinking wait a minute he reversed behind a moving car. I couldn't have guessed he was going to do that. It was actually his fault or bump for bump at most as we both moved off at the same time. Now he knew I had to move straight back. I had no idea he was gonny reverse behind me from the left.
Should I pay or tell him it was bump for bump.
Thing is....he told me hes dropped his bike before. So were the scuffs new or old ?
Post Edited (Thu 23 Aug 18:14)
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Thu 23 Aug 18:47
How goods your insurance
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Thu 23 Aug 18:53
Insurance will say bump for bump. I'm more interested in what's fair.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Thu 23 Aug 19:36
For all you know he might do this regularly to fleece folk...
Play safe... Contact your insurers
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Thu 23 Aug 20:09
Folk are at it. Woman drives into me at roundabout. I was stationary. She admits complete liability. Her bloke then phones me and tells me he wants to avoid insurance. I say no thanks. At which point it's all my fault for stopping quickly. Insurance folk had hear d it all too often.
I'd say whats fair is that if you think it wasn't your fault then it's not your fault.
You might need to be careful about reported but not claimed on your insurance. No doubt someone on here will know better but I think this could.affect your premium based on insurer.
Post Edited (Fri 24 Aug 06:19)
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Thu 23 Aug 20:51
I dont think hes completely at it but when I reckon he could have admitted it was as much his fault...if not more so. I told him to get receipts if he buys anything and get back to me. Meanwhile I would speak to my insurers. Im sure you do have to report incidents regardless of claims.
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Thu 23 Aug 23:07
Drop it into the hands of the insurance companies - they know what they are doing.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Fri 24 Aug 00:14
Lol. Ill talk to the insurance. He seems like a decent enough guy but he's text me with a bill. I've given him time to think and do the decent thing but seems like he thinks it was my fault or maybe he just thinks I'm soft enough to pay up. Ill see what the ins co say. If they say it was my fault ill settle if not ill send him a polite text.
Post Edited (Fri 24 Aug 00:18)
Topic Originator: Parplod
Date: Fri 24 Aug 06:27
Always reverse into a parking space.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Fri 24 Aug 08:41
Good advice
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Fri 24 Aug 10:01
Yep beepers but he wasn't there when i started moving. He was adjacent left....passenger side. I just got in the car and My engine was running so he must have known i was going to reverse out but he moved off at the same time and reversed behind me. I was moving very slowly so he had time to get behind me. It wasnt really a bump. I just touched him and knocked him off balance. No bumps or bruises.
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak
Date: Sun 26 Aug 10:27
See if there is CCTV of the car park.
If you can view the incident would certainly clear up who is to blame.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 26 Aug 14:00
I asked there isn't. Pity.
I'm chatting amicably with him.
Probably sort it out ok.
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Sun 26 Aug 15:31
maybe i'm missing something but if you reversed into him then that means he was behind you?
i don't ride bikes anymore, but can assure you they're not easy to lug around in a car park (especially if you're sitting on them) so doubt he could pounce into place for a dodgy insurance claim... in fact, there's no way you could back out a space quicker than a car reversing (even reversing slowly), so IMHO I doubt you both set off at the same time
obviously nobody here saw the incident so can't really comment on blame, but that's just my view from the description and being a long time car driver and motorcyclist...
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 26 Aug 20:35
I think you are right enough DBP.
He said he pushed the bike behind me then was getting on it when I moved.
He defo isn't dodgy. I just thought it was bump for bump.
I'm more inclined to see things his way after subsiquent chats.
I checked mirrors and didn't see him. Bike was right behind me and below window level so I couldn't see it. Dunno how I missed him but I just must have.
Just one of these split second things.
Glad nobody is hurt...that's the main thing. Still a wee bit sore about paying for replacement parts that dont really need replaced or may have been already scratched.
Topic Originator: Bouncer
Date: Wed 29 Aug 00:04
From experience PARrot, I have been in a car when you have reversed and never seen the minibus behind you.
Just saying :-)
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 29 Aug 00:07
Bouncer, Wed 29 Aug 00:04
From experience PARrot, I have been in a car when you have reversed and never seen the minibus behind you.
Just saying :-)
Shhhhhhhh. Martin could be reading this lol.
I contacted the guy today. Im gonny pay for the damage. I believe him more than I believe me.
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak
Date: Wed 29 Aug 00:44
If you pray really, really hard maybe it will fix itself.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 29 Aug 09:15
Some people actually believe that.
I just talk to God. He always hears and he answers. Sometimes we dont like the answer- just as it is with an earthly father.
How do you pray hard?
Why would you need to?
I know you were kidding but it is one of my bugbears watching exhibitionists pray. Nae need for theatricals.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 29 Aug 11:36
That's the thing. I pulled out very slowly but no beeping. However, i think he would need to be superman to push his bike behind me so quickly even if I was going slow. I dont know how I didn't see him. Main thing is nobody got hurt. I dont think he's lying but who knows. At least my conscience will be clear.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Wed 29 Aug 11:53
It's a toughie. Imagine someone struck your vehicle. You said 'look what you did!" and he replied 'Nah that dent,scratch,broken light was like that already, you'll have to prove to me that wasn't there before I hit your vehicle".
Maybe he is taking the mick maybe he isn't. One thing is for sure Parrot isn't taking the easy way out and coming down with Slopey Shoulders Syndrome. He believes that the other guy was the wronged party and he is taking care of the consequences. A principled stand that requires good character.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 29 Aug 13:39
Thanks for all your input.
I think the reason I posted was because I didnt want to get diddled but I felt bad about not taking responsibility if he was telling the truth. I reckon I was looking for confirmation it was ok not to pay.
Bottom line after reflection and comments from him and from here, is I dont feel good about it and that won't go away if I dont pay up.
At least ill get peace lol.
Might have been different if he seemed a bit dodgy but he's been a gent.
Thanks again, this site is more than just a rantfest.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Wed 29 Aug 14:52
How very dare you sir.....
This is the rantiest place out of all the rant places I'll have you know 😂
Post Edited (Wed 29 Aug 16:42)
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 29 Aug 15:07
I stand corrected.
Topic Originator: petrie_pants
Date: Thu 30 Aug 20:15
Sounds like 50/50 to me. I'd let the insurance come to a decision.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Thu 30 Aug 21:18
I reckon he knows better than me what happened given that He knows where he was and I didn't see him. It boils down to trust. Do I believe him or is he a chancer. In honesty he comes over as an honest guy so I have opted for trusting him. I've offered him the cash so that probably means I've admitted liability. He says fine but he's just waiting to see what his Ins. Co. Say.
Could be a wee sting in the tail yet.
Post Edited (Thu 30 Aug 21:18)
Topic Originator: MikeyLeonard
Date: Thu 30 Aug 22:41
If you've offered him cash, why is he involving his insurance company ?
Post Edited (Thu 30 Aug 22:43)
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 2 Sep 13:50
Thinking about it....did you not hear the bike?
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sun 2 Sep 14:21
Most bikers will reverse without starting their engine.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Sun 2 Sep 14:37
Ah....Thought it was the other way around after a few reversed around me today (all with engines running)
Topic Originator: Thaipar
Date: Sun 2 Sep 15:27
Over here I see hundreds a day and none start engines until turnt
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 2 Sep 16:15
Nah he said he pushed the bike behind the car and he was getting on when I reversed. My sensors should have been screaming.
I'm not sure I did the right thing but I sent him the cash.
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Sun 2 Sep 20:52
Always worth contacting your insurance. Even if no damage. Just in case
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 2 Sep 21:39
I did.