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 Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 08:00

If you live in a two storey house, the chances are your bedrooms are on the upper level. This may traditionally be down to people feeling safer in their beds at night, but it doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of comfort.

As everybody knows, hot air rises (no wisecracks please.) This means that, whether it's due to central heating or heat from the sun, upstairs tends to be warmer. It's extremely obvious in my house, both first thing in the morning and last thing at night, when I get up or go to bed.

This can lead to a situation where you can either feel too cold in your living room or too hot in bed (again, no wisecracks.) You have to wonder why more two storey houses are not designed with downstair bedrooms and living quarters on the upper floors.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: Sierra Nevada  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 08:32

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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: ipswichpar  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 09:35

Because you can't make the light fittings below swing in a ground floor bedroom.

Hope that clears that up.
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 13:10

I think it's because traditionally we think of the bedroom as a private space and therefore makes more sense to be on the floor above, whereas visitors and guests will come in through the ground floor, and socialising in the living room or eating and cooking in the kitchen are seen as less private and more social.


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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 15:48


Sierra Nevada, Fri 31 Aug 08:32

You retired by any chance? Try golf GGR ;)

You jealous, SN? Being retired is OK, but it comes at a price - you have to be old and while I enjoy being retired, I'd go back to work if I could magically half my age and retain the wisdom I've acquired in the intervening years.

Golf? No thanks, far too frustrating, although I once went round a putting green in level 2s, when I was 19. I'll stick to running. I always feel great when I'm finished and showered. 😊

Eta. I once visited a friend in Dalgety Bay whose bedrooms were downstairs at the back of the house, because there was a drop there. The kitchen, living room and dining room were still on the ground floor at the front.

Not your average Sunday League player.

Post Edited (Fri 31 Aug 15:52)
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 16:43

If bedrooms were downstairs where would you have the kitchen, toilet, living room and dining room (if appropriate) ?

Imagine getting up in the middle of the night to go upstairs for a piddle ?

Must be a flaw in that somewhere !!!
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: renegade master  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 19:32

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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: veteraneastender  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 20:57

Bett's new bungalows of the 1960s had unfloored space above ground floor level to allow conversion into upstairs rooms - invariably two bedrooms were added.

Not sure if any builder does similar these days.
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: back oh the net  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 21:55

Our house has one bedroom downstairs and three upstairs and I known most of the houses in the collydean area of glenrothes have the kitchen and one bedroom downstairs and two bedrooms and the living room upstairs

Come on ye pars ⚽️
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 22:05

Aye a number of houses in Glenrothes have an unorthodox layout. Some of the three level houses South Parks/Rimbleton upstairs kitchens I'm sure.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 22:28

Perhaps cos as you said, heat rises, but so does damp?
So, I'd rather have my sleeping quarters warm and damp free? Going back a generation or 2 of course regards building, but makes sense?
Old houses had open fires in higher floors cutting into same chimney as lower, there was no insulation to keep heat in back in the day ?
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 22:33

Or, so you could hear bairns sneaking when you were downstairs?
I remember my mates folks had an upside down house down tranmayer? beside rugby club, they never had a scoobie what was going on downstairs just inside the front door😂🍺🕺
Happy days indeed
Always respect tho🤐
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: donj  
Date:   Fri 31 Aug 23:07

Glenrothes have them up near Markinch,can't remember the estate name,if I remember correctly.
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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: Thaipar  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 08:34

The ones in Touch have 1 bedroom downstairs.

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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: Mr Mac  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 08:42

Proper 'reverse plan' homes are amazing, particularly if the site has good views; can even be the key to making them available.

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 Re: Why are bedrooms upstairs?
Topic Originator: calpar  
Date:   Sat 1 Sep 09:46

No need for it, middleclass sh@t

"Oh, how I aspire to a townhouse with the bedrooms below, I'll never hear Archie or his pal Alfie play "
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