Topic Originator: hurricane_jimmy
Date: Sat 13 Oct 00:08
Was wondering if any dot-netters could offer some advice here?
I've got an MP4 file that has corrupted - I suspect a missing codec from when the camera wrote the file - and from investigating the error code I know that you can get software that recovers corrupt files using a sample file from the same device. There are a lot when you fire it into Google so I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this and have any software recommendations?
Thanks in advance! :)
Topic Originator: KirklistonPar
Date: Sat 13 Oct 03:17
If you stay near Edinburgh then there is a data recovery shop on leith walk that obviously specialise in this area. Not sure of anywhere in Fife though. Good luck.
Topic Originator: hurricane_jimmy
Date: Wed 17 Oct 15:16
Thanks - will take a look in there when I get home next time! I live in Sweden though, so not sure exactly when that will be! :)