Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 14 Oct 14:24
Did you know that, despite the protestations of many a Scot in England, Scottish banknotes are not actually legal tender in England. In fact Scottish banknotes are not even legal tender in Scotland. Nor are English banknotes for that matter. In Scotland only coins produced by the Royal Mint are legal tender.
Of course legal tender has no real meaning in everyday transactions of trade but I still found that interesting.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: Berry
Date: Sun 14 Oct 14:27
The One Who Knocks, Sun 14 Oct 14:24
Did you know that, despite the protestations of many a Scot in England, Scottish banknotes are not actually legal tender in England. In fact Scottish banknotes are not even legal tender in Scotland. Nor are English banknotes for that matter. In Scotland only coins produced by the Royal Mint are legal tender.
Of course legal tender has no real meaning in everyday transactions of trade but I still found that interesting.
I didn't, remember arguing with a taxi driver down south when he wouldn't initially accept my scottish notes...
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 14 Oct 14:45
Legal tender and legal currency are very different.... It's all very interesting but a bit confusing.
Give it a Google (like I did).... and you'll still be none the wiser 😉
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 14 Oct 14:48
In reality anything can be used to settle a debt between two parties engaging in a transaction. Settling a bill using a debit card isn't even using legal tender but they are accepted by retailers every day. Legal tender is just a form of payment that cannot be refused when being offered to settle a debt.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 14 Oct 14:50
In that case Widtink you may have read about the one hundred million pound notes that the UK treasury issues to Scottish banks to underpin their own banknotes!
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 14 Oct 14:55
Nope I never seen that.... Doesn't surprise me though... I did say that I found it all a bit confusing. 🤔
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Sun 14 Oct 17:01
I'm down south regularly for work. When I hand over a note and it gets examined, normally about 2 inches from the person's face, I warn them to be careful in case the ink's still wet.
Normally they get a bit embarrassed, mumble a bit and stick it in the till.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 14 Oct 17:25
Well they are under no obligation to accept your monopoly money. To be safe you should carry around a large cashe of coins which most be accepted anywhere. Be warned though, 1p and 2p coins are only legal tender for settling transactions of no more than 20p in value.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Sun 14 Oct 17:28
I actually did know that but I still use the argument anyway 😀
Topic Originator: parsfan
Date: Sun 14 Oct 18:30
As much as we like to moan about our money not being accepted in England, how many of us are happy at receiving N Irish notes in change or payment?
The universe is ruled by chance and indifference
Topic Originator: SAP PAR
Date: Sun 14 Oct 20:55
I work in England and live in Scotland and have done for the past 10 years. Whether it’s London, York or Newcastle I pay for drinks, meals and taxis with Scottish bank notes every week: I have yet to have someone question them never mind not accept them.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Sun 14 Oct 21:08
When I was with Bowlplex were doing a training stint in Bristol. I was working behind the bar and a guy showed me a Clydesdale twenty. He was worried because it was his round and it was all he had. He asked if I would take it. I replied, "Do I sound like I would refuse it"?
Dont think he's ever been so happy to hear broad Scots accent.
I have never had any concern about taking NI notes.
O even rook Canadian dollars in the cab once as it was all the erse had left. I just paid it into my account. I took a wee bit extra to cover the charge.
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Mon 15 Oct 03:11
SAP PAR, Sun 14 Oct 20:55
I work in England and live in Scotland and have done for the past 10 years. Whether it’s London, York or Newcastle I pay for drinks, meals and taxis with Scottish bank notes every week: I have yet to have someone question them never mind not accept them.
To be honest you've been pretty lucky then. Taxi drivers are particularly bad about not accepting them in London . I've had the argument loads even though as I said above I know it's not legal tender. The further north you are in England the less likely you are to have an argument about it but quite a few places in London aren't happy taking Scottish notes because they feel they have to take them to a bank to change them for English notes because they aren't legal tender and can't pass them off to their English customers which on some level is fair enough.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Mon 15 Oct 03:20
It isn't fair enough at all. It isn't like we just introduced them with devolution.
They want a union so they should act like it and stop being twats. There isn't a business in the UK that doesn't know Scottish notes will be honoured by any bank in the Uk for the same value as English notes. They are simply being wide.
If a taxi driver refused my money I'd switch my phone on and record him saying he was refusing to take then I'd say fine and walk out the cab.
It isn't taxi fraud if you offer to pay and he refuses tender that is accepted by the banks. It becomes a civil matter and I would love to see any taxi driver let that go to court at his expense, because he would lose.
Topic Originator: WORST
Date: Mon 15 Oct 07:57
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Mon 15 Oct 08:48
I once filled up my car on the M6 and offered to pay with Scottish banknotes and was told they didn't accept these. On replying that the guy could take the petrol out of my tank again, he decided he could accept the notes after all....😃
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey
Date: Mon 15 Oct 11:35
bought a drink down south with a scottish £20 and got an Irish £10 back in the change :(
Topic Originator: Big Marcus
Date: Mon 15 Oct 18:03
I take northern Irish notes no problem. They just get papped into the tesco self scanning machines.
Topic Originator: calpar
Date: Tue 16 Oct 00:39
Bar in Manchester last month didnt like my Clydesdale note, had it loads dahn sath, Coventry & London to name a couple
Never in issue in Newcastle or Liverpool
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Tue 16 Oct 19:51
do people still use money? - genuinely can't remember the last time i paid cash for anything (in fact, the only time i remember that couldn't actually buy something and pay from my phone was at stephens in the main stand! but as i never carry cash i had to do without the bridie)
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Tue 16 Oct 21:54
DBP, Tue 16 Oct 19:51
do people still use money? - genuinely can't remember the last time i paid cash for anything (in fact, the only time i remember that couldn't actually buy something and pay from my phone was at stephens in the main stand! but as i never carry cash i had to do without the bridie)
Did you enjoy the bridie your majesty?
Topic Originator: Big Marcus
Date: Wed 17 Oct 08:27
You're an idiot if you don't carry cash. Simple as that.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 17 Oct 16:30
Big Marcus, Wed 17 Oct 08:27
You're an idiot if you don't carry cash. Simple as that.
Well it wont be long before we are all idiots.
Topic Originator: Big Marcus
Date: Wed 17 Oct 16:52
Not all of us. Good way of flushing the morons out.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Wed 17 Oct 18:03
I believe cash will disappear soon. No need for it.
Topic Originator: GG Riva
Date: Thu 18 Oct 19:18
PARrot, Wed 17 Oct 18:03
I believe cash will disappear soon. No need for it.
Funny, I remember you accepting some banknotes from me without as much as a murmur, Parrot. ☺
Not your average Sunday League player.
Topic Originator: PARrot
Date: Thu 18 Oct 19:25
GG Riva, Thu 18 Oct 19:18
PARrot, Wed 17 Oct 18:03
I believe cash will disappear soon. No need for it.
Funny, I remember you accepting some banknotes from me without as much as a murmur, Parrot. ☺
Not enough of them.