Topic Originator: parforthecourse
Date: Thu 8 Nov 13:04
You are forgetting that if guns were banned, the killer would have knifed them all, driven over them, or planted a bomb.
Topic Originator: Rusty Shackleford
Date: Thu 8 Nov 17:26
I suppose the key difference there is that there is the collective will in this country to do something about it.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Thu 8 Nov 18:04
Hardly think the media are ignoring stabbings since I have seen loads of news reports on that very subject. In fact there was one this week where they compared down south with Glasgow’s approach to gangs.
However it’s disingenuous to try and imply that UK stabbings are comparable to US shootings.
First comparison on google states;
“So, how does the US and the United Kingdom compare when it comes to gun and knife crime?
We looked at murder rates from both weapons over a five-year period.
There were 34 firearm homicides in the US per million of population in 2016, compared with 0.48 shooting-related murders in the UK.
Knife murders are also higher stateside: there were 4.96 homicides “due to knives or cutting instruments” in the US for every million of population in 2016.
In Britain there were 3.26 homicides involving a sharp instrument per million people in the year from April 2016 to March 2017.”
Topic Originator: DRFC_no1
Date: Thu 8 Nov 18:47
Topic Originator: parsfan
Date: Thu 8 Nov 19:06
renegade master, Thu 8 Nov 16:45
I would like to see the likelihood statistics of being stabbed in London and being shot in a mass shooting in US.
Vanishingly small, but if nothing is done about the problems in both places it'll happen to someone eventually.
The universe is ruled by chance and indifference
Topic Originator: Opelfruitloops
Date: Thu 8 Nov 23:54
Police budget cuts and fewer police are not helping in the UK
Be true to who you are