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 Suggestions for buying second hand mobile
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Sat 6 Apr 11:14

one of my kids has lost their phone, but has a really good SIM only deal that i'd like to keep (£11 per month for unlimited calls, texts and 25GB data).

normally the kids get my or my wifes hand-offs but cant this time so i'm looking to buy a second hand, unlocked, phone (they want an apple 6 or above)

...any ideas where's the best place to go for one that would work, good returns policy if not happy, etc?

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 Re: Suggestions for buying second hand mobile
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sat 6 Apr 11:18

Try the likes of CEX or Game. Bought our oldest an iPhone from CEX and there was an issue with the battery but after doing a short test on it they exchanged the whole phone like for like without delay.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: Suggestions for buying second hand mobile
Topic Originator: NikNakPar  
Date:   Sat 6 Apr 18:49

Some decent deals on gumtree but you don't have the fall back if something goes wrong with it. Get a refurbished one from a bay with warranty.
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