Topic Originator: Hail2Crail
Date: Tue 25 Jun 21:16
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Wed 26 Jun 08:33
Hail2Crail, Tue 25 Jun 21:16
Now that dvds are extinct, thought id better clear out the endless amounts i have hoarded.
Anyone know any sites/alternatives that buy DVDs - music magpie etc but ones that offer more than 13p and a bumming for a full season of Deadwood.
You could try CEX but I think the prices you will get are much the same. After all DVD's are so last decade.
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Wed 26 Jun 09:34
I'd box them up and keep them in the loft. When the Internet falls you'll have something to watch.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Wed 26 Jun 11:46
Like vinyl they will be back.... Then you'll regret getting rid of them... Like I did with my massive vinyl collection 😕
Topic Originator: Berkey
Date: Wed 26 Jun 12:00
what's a DVD?
can't the doc give you cream for it?
The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!
Topic Originator: average white par
Date: Wed 26 Jun 13:40
I agree with the Widtink... I also punted my large vinyl collection, untouched for 25 years, and it's a decision I now deeply regret...
Keep them, if only to amaze and astonish your grandchildren..
Topic Originator: londonparsfan
Date: Wed 26 Jun 16:05
If you are going to go down the sale route then the best value is likely to be naming your own price on Ebay or Gumtree but you've then got the hassle factor of having to sell everything individually or in job lots.
I'm in the keep them camp too 😉
Topic Originator: moviescot
Date: Wed 26 Jun 17:06
I doubt DVD's will come back. I never ever bought one. Vinyl is back because cd's were a music con. The actual difference in sound quality in vinyl and cd never justified people changing. It was a great marketing con.
Post Edited (Wed 26 Jun 17:06)
Topic Originator: NikNakPar
Date: Wed 26 Jun 21:08
Give them away on a selling site or hand them to a charity shop. Unless you have thousands not really worth your while selling.
Topic Originator: evo!
Date: Fri 28 Jun 21:00
You could try Ziffit. Down load app on phone. I got rid of quite a lot of books, old comp games and dvds last year. Cant remember how much, one big box full. Think box probably about size a microwave would come in maybe, which got me £75 odd quid.
you use the app to scan the barcode on the items selling, it rejects or allocates a price to them and then you box them and get courier to collect them, and once at the depot they transfer you the money. As you scan the items you get a running total on the app, which you can save and add to later
Topic Originator: Hail2Crail
Date: Sat 29 Jun 12:16
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 29 Jun 13:15
Frodge freezers come in differing sizes... Just saying 🤣