Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Fri 5 Jul 21:56
Read the story on said pages.That is the saddest story I have heard in my life.I can't imagine the grief the parents are going through. Shed a tear reading it.I would have emptied my bank account,if it could have helped .Unfortunately his mother never knew what he was going through.
Post Edited (Fri 05 Jul 23:33)
Topic Originator: ParsAreTheLoveOfMyLife
Date: Sat 6 Jul 00:12
Heartbreaking. Unfortunately, more and more people are getting into serious debt, trying to keep up with the expectations of modern society.
I genuinely believe there are 3 things that have played a direct role in the massive suicide rate over the past few years:
Social media
Reality TV
Payday loans/easy to access credit
All the above make us unhappy about what we have, and wish for more. We compare our lives to others, and unfortunately it plays a massive role in what's going on right now. For myself into a lot of serious debt a number of years ago, but luckily for me I had a good support system around me who intervened at the right time. I genuinely believe I would have ended up like that poor lad if I never sorted myself out, with the help of loved ones.
It's never too late.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Sat 6 Jul 20:10
Yet there's comments on an adjacent article about William Hill branches being an example of the nanny state. People don't appreciate just how easy it is to get in debt nowadays.
Topic Originator: General Zod
Date: Sun 7 Jul 07:18
Don’t go on social media
Don’t watch tv
Don’t buy things you can’t afford
It’s easy really 🙃
Topic Originator: Raymie the Legend
Date: Mon 8 Jul 06:20
I’ve just read the article. I knew him pretty well as he was the same age as my daughter and they went to school together. I have also known his dad since I was an apprentice
It’s a terribly short waste of a life. I can confirm that he was a lovely lad and a very decent footballer.
What happened to him is by no way unique. It seems to be more commonplace or is it just me that thinks that?
I do hope that the article does some good and prevents a repeat because, as Laura says, it can’t ever be that bad?
It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Mon 8 Jul 18:42
General Zod, Sun 7 Jul 07:18
Don’t go on social media
Don’t watch tv
Don’t buy things you can’t afford
It’s easy really 🙃
On your third point, my grandad used to always say, "save now, buy later" which I've kinda followed (mortgage aside)
Means you never have the flashiest of cars, holidays, etc,... but never worried about bills etc coming through the door
Post Edited (Mon 08 Jul 18:42)
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 8 Jul 20:56
There's no magic solution but the studies show your most likely to take your own life if you're a male of working age. All the new campaigns promoting the support available are targeting men.
The thing I do know is how easy it is to get into debt. If I'm ever off in the week and turn on the TV its filled with pay day loan adverts. You have to think who is typically at home during the day and it doesn't take long to work out who they're trying to attract.
I've always felt social media is to blame but someone told me recently that studies showed there was little effect on mental wellbeing. All I know is that I stopped using the likes of Facebook years ago and felt better for ditching it.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Mon 8 Jul 21:25
I got into a hellova lot of debt through gambling a long long time ago long before social media came along.
It's miserable being deep in debt...dreading letters and phone calls etc...
But eventually I was forced to deal with it or I was going under. Luckily I was working so still earning and managed to pay it all off although it took nearly half my wage per month to turn it around in 3 years.
Now been debt free for over 10 years.
No credit card... No overdraft... No tick...all by choice. I'll never be in debt again I can guarantee you that.
It's a terrible feeling.
Can't say I ever thought of "ending it all"... But everyone's different and I can certainly see why folk do contemplate suicide.
It's far too easy to get into debt these days but it's big business.
3 bookies in a place like Rosyth is asking for trouble imo.
Lenders target council streets like the one I'm in... I chase them.
The provy... Greenwoods... And real dodgy loan sharks... I've chased them all away fae my door lol
Post Edited (Mon 08 Jul 21:41)
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Mon 8 Jul 23:31
Check out all the bingo sites on TV. Gala bingo .They have happy smiling families, but the reality is totally the opposite. They should be banned. No different to bookies.I know people who spend all day on these sites They win a pound, and that drives them into debt.
Topic Originator: DBP
Date: Tue 9 Jul 08:42
jake89, Mon 8 Jul 20:56
I've always felt social media is to blame but someone told me recently that studies showed there was little effect on mental wellbeing. All I know is that I stopped using the likes of Facebook years ago and felt better for ditching it.
Agree with that, had a brief dabble on Facebook not long after it started (for keeping in touch with family in Ireland) and all it was (and seems to have gotten worse) was picture perfect life photos and commentary / fancy dinner photos etc...
Decided I'm more a mince and tatties kinda guy and wasn't going to compete or really that interested in the fancy stuff others were having for their tea and deleted my account. The only social media I have now is what's app group with my mates and that's all I need so perfectly happy with that.
So totally agree and wish others would do the same to release the gold or seems to have on so many