Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sat 5 Oct 18:51
Anyone else fed up with celebrity shows ?Fed up watching them,lining their pockets, in the name of so called charities. In my humble opinion, they don't give a toss for the cause. Jobs for the boys. I know that sounds cynical, but that's all you see,way too often.
Topic Originator: JTH123
Date: Sat 5 Oct 19:15
Cheap tv.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sat 5 Oct 19:22
Garbage TV....
But there is always the option of changing the channel.
Mind you.... It's all pretty much guff these days 😏
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sat 5 Oct 19:25
I read that they get more money for their appearance than the charity get.
Also peed off with their world travel trips!
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sat 5 Oct 19:59
Agree with lochgellyalbert.
Post Edited (Sat 05 Oct 20:00)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sat 5 Oct 20:11
Although Billy Connolly's was pretty decent.
Topic Originator: twin par
Date: Sat 5 Oct 20:42
Still feel they are in it ,for their own interests.Parasites.
Post Edited (Sat 05 Oct 20:43)
Topic Originator: LochgellyAlbert
Date: Sat 5 Oct 20:58
Terry Wogan really took the biscuit, was paid thousands every year for presenting "Children in Need "
Then said he knew nothing about it as payment went through his management company.
Topic Originator: Jbob
Date: Sat 5 Oct 21:07
But Wogan made large donations anonymously.
Bobs of the world unite
Topic Originator: wee eck
Date: Sat 5 Oct 21:43
I've always found the idea of watching people who are good at doing something (allegedly), doing something else they're not good at, a bit strange but maybe some folk like watching 'celebrities' making fools of themselves. I think it all started with Pro-Celebrity Golf from the States.
Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV
Date: Sun 6 Oct 13:11
Altho I dont watch a lot of celebrity tv, it doesn't matter how much the celebs pocket, surely all that matters is charities getting money they wouldn't have got if the celebs hadn't went on t.v. and made an bottom of themselves.
East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.