Topic Originator: Berry
Date: Sun 6 Oct 19:18
How was their live show? Unfortunately wasn’t able to make any of them this time around although went to the others.
Next door neighbours went and said they were a bit let down, not as good as the previous ones, too much singing and dancing?
Topic Originator: Playup_Pompey
Date: Mon 7 Oct 11:51
Maybe just me but havent enjoyed any of the live shows at all, glad gave this one a miss.
Topic Originator: RossF
Date: Fri 11 Oct 21:04
I quite enjoyed it to be honest. SPOILER - they’re dead, which they announce at the beginning and they are waiting to Boabby to clock it so they can all go to heaven (or hell). It’s very random but I thought there were a lot of laughs in it. There were a few chewin the fat throwbacks which I enjoyed also. Karen Dunbar makes an appearance as one of her iconic characters. Me and my wife enjoyed it (both agree it was quite random in parts) but it was a decent send off to one of my favourite shows on the tele (even though the last season was poor!)