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 When is Rape not Rape?...
Topic Originator: GG Riva  
Date:   Sun 3 Nov 11:08

When the girl being raped is unconscious, of course.


Sometimes the law is indeed an ass.

Not your average Sunday League player.
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 Re: When is Rape not Rape?...
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 3 Nov 13:42

The law in Spain will likely be changed soon I'd imagine to rightly define rape as sex without consent. Was surprised to read that in many European nations that isn't the case or has only very recently been the case.
Worth noting however that the scumbags in this Spanish case, while only found guilty of the 'lesser' charge of sexual abuse were then sentenced to at least 10 years in prison. It would appear that in Spain they punish these cretins more harshly than we do in this country.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: When is Rape not Rape?...
Topic Originator: average white par  
Date:   Sun 3 Nov 13:49

This is not going down well over here I assure you... they've just jailed 9 Catalan politicians for between 9-13 years for alleged "sedition" merely for trying to instigate a well established (in most countries) democratic process, yet these filthy bastrds get off with a slap on the wrist...
Despite the recent relocation of his human remains it would appear that Franco's horrific legacy is alive and well in this neck of the woods...
I'll stop now before I start..

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 Re: When is Rape not Rape?...
Topic Originator: DBP  
Date:   Sun 3 Nov 14:17

She doesn't need to be unconscious... Just not actually fight back... They're was another recent case where 5 men hang raped a young girl in Spain, but as she just lay there it wasn't counted as rape either
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 Re: When is Rape not Rape?...
Topic Originator: QPR_Par  
Date:   Sat 9 Nov 00:13

Not only are they rapists, they're paedophile rapists. The article in the link doesn't mention any charges for the victim being below the age of consent which is just as astonishing as the reduced severity of the charge.
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