Topic Originator: parfection
Date: Tue 24 Mar 16:58
I read this story too. I don’t think anyone can fail to be moved by it. I’m not a man of faith in any religious sense, but here is a man who was impelled to do what he felt was right. The most selfless act any of us can make and I too salute this man.
Topic Originator: sadindiefreak
Date: Thu 26 Mar 12:20
shrek par, Thu 26 Mar 10:15
Would bring a tear to a glass eye that story. The true definition of a selfless act.
Apart from the fact that he didn't give up his respirator for a younger person at all.
Sad that he has died but the story about the respirator is not true.
Something that did cheer me up was the Italian priest who set up video conferencing to deliver a sermon for his congregation but somehow activated filters on it.
I had tears running down my cheeks when I saw the video.