Topic Originator: General Zod
Date: Tue 31 Mar 11:08
my Company is now forcing me to go into what I consider an unsafe working environment after accepting an offer of furlough. The paperwork was signed and sent to HR before I was then told I can’t get furlough as my reason for refusing to work in an unsafe environment wasn’t a good enough reason. We have been told we have to get our own PPE with money from petty cash. I have been told now that if I go home I won’t be paid anything. This is after accepting their offer of furlough that was then withdrawn. This is the just of things really and I was wondering if any legally knowledgeable people on here know just what companies can get away with here as I feel as though a gun is being held against my head.
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Tue 31 Mar 11:50
Are you a union member?
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Tue 31 Mar 11:53
If you’re having to provide your own PPE and the company aren’t following the strict rules ie 2 metres social distancing then contact HSE.
Post Edited (Tue 31 Mar 11:54)
Topic Originator: shrek par
Date: Tue 31 Mar 11:55
Ask for a copy of risk assessment for your role pertaining to covid 19 that they have obviously done ;). Citizens advice may be a starting point.
Topic Originator: General Zod
Date: Tue 31 Mar 11:57
Not a member of a union. Also, the company aren’t providing PPE but have told us to take money from petty cash and get it ourselves which puts us under unnecessary risk again. My role isn’t one that can be done from home and after being threatened with no pay I feel I’m now being forced to do something I’m not comfortable with. No risk assessment has been done.
Post Edited (Tue 31 Mar 11:58)
Topic Originator: allparone
Date: Tue 31 Mar 12:09
We’ve been through it already with our union lawyers, company lawyers etc. We’ve been told we can’t work from home so must come to work. The company must adhere to the social distancing laws etc but providing they are there isn’t much that can be done.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 31 Mar 12:18
HSE good advice IMO. They might suddenly realise it is a lot less effort to act as a responsible employer.....
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Tue 31 Mar 12:51
If the task hasn't been risk assessed then you're quite within your rights to refuse to do it...Don't let them away with it... They know they're in the wrong and are "at it".
Citizens advice helped me on a number of occasions with a past employer and I'd recommend them.
No appointments though... You just go there and wait to be seen.
Another way to think about your situation... If you do the task and anything does go wrong... You will be the one that they hang out to dry... Health and safety is the responsibility of everyone... Not just the employer.
Topic Originator: General Zod
Date: Tue 31 Mar 13:14
I’ll need to ask about the risk assessment thing. I definitely think something isn’t right about how we’ve been treated. The goal posts are being moved constantly. As I said, we signed the furlough documents that they sent us then told us that me or another guy have to stay as our jobs need done. Or go home and don’t get paid anything. It was ok one minute then because they couldn’t get anyone to replace us suddenly they changed the rules.
Topic Originator: dave67
Date: Tue 31 Mar 14:14
Zod. Do you have any health conditions?
GP should be able to give you forms to give to your employer
Topic Originator: General Zod
Date: Tue 31 Mar 14:22
I had cancer when I was little that affected my lungs as well as other things. This involved radio and chemotherapy. That’s the only thing I can say in regards to the virus. I’ve asked my GP for medical records but they said they aren’t doing paperwork at this time. It was 34 years ago so I don’t know if it matters.
Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Tue 31 Mar 15:18
On reflection, I think CAB is best bet on first instance. Someone will need to check over what you've signed.
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Tue 31 Mar 21:15