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 O2 and Disney Plus
Topic Originator: auldpar  
Date:   Sun 12 Jul 10:38

Renewed my O2 contract yesterday and 6 months free Disney Plus comes with it. Is it worth downloading? Contract says you can view on a number of devices but I don't think my TV is up-to-date enough.
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 Re: O2 and Disney Plus
Topic Originator: P  
Date:   Sun 12 Jul 10:44

Great if you have kids but not a massive amount of new content on it yet, mandalorian was decent. There’s loads of recent films though with all the marvel and Pixar stuff. Frozen 2 is just released on it if you want to torture yourself

If you have sky the app is on their boxes or you can get a fire stick/Roku etc. You can have it on multiple devices anyway.

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 Re: O2 and Disney Plus
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks  
Date:   Sun 12 Jul 11:09

I took the offer up as well and Netflix has nothing to worry about at present. Very kid oriented. I'm enjoying watching classic Simpsons from the 90s but that's about it. Hey its free though and I have set a reminder on my phone to cancel it in January.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
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 Re: O2 and Disney Plus
Topic Originator: auldpar  
Date:   Mon 13 Jul 07:31

Thanks. I'll download it and give it a try.
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