Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 25 Apr 20:57
Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Sun 25 Apr 21:04
I`d imagine most of the people who haven`t been vaccinated will be the ones working in these establishments or working elsewhere on a Monday. Most of the people using these establishments will be the vaccinated.
And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Sun 25 Apr 21:13
EEP, Sun 25 Apr 20:57
The problem I have is that most of the people going will be the age group that have not had any vaccine
That's a bit of a bold statement ... I'd like to see your data on that.
Or did you just make it up? 🤣
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Sun 25 Apr 21:28
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Mon 26 Apr 00:17
FFS they're only going to the shops. As long as they follow the guidelines who cares?
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: stereo
Date: Mon 26 Apr 14:08
It’s quite a conclusion to jump to.
I walked past my local pub about an hour ago and it was clearly over capacity and filled exclusively with grey haired white males - and not a even an attempt to social distance.
On the balance of probability, it will be the people in the queues at Primark that have suffered the most through the past year. From losing their jobs, not being able to attend school, university or college, unable to socialise and mix with friends, managing full time work with home schooling all for a virus that in all likelihood, will do them very little to no harm.
On the contrary, the older generation will have had little impact on their financial situation, will have had their vaccines and, at least in my experience, are the group who treat the guidance with more disdain than any others so will be most likely to dis-regard the rules on the basis they’ve had their vaccine.
..other than that, yes, when the numbers start to increase again, it will be the folk in Primark’s fault.
Topic Originator: Frank Butchers LoveHandles
Date: Mon 26 Apr 14:32
EEP, Sun 25 Apr 21:28
Well I would say the 19-49 year olds will be the percentage of people shopping and going for something to eat tomm and they have not had any vaccine?
Widtink I don’t work for WHO.
Load of p@sh. What you got to back that up with? Guarantee a large proportion of people in pubs/shops today will be retired and not working.
Awight Pat!
Topic Originator: PARSpars
Date: Mon 26 Apr 15:28
reporter from the Dunfermline Press was live on Facebook mid morning in the town and apart from the queue at primark the town looked empty as normal.
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 26 Apr 16:22
The queue at Primark probably last 2 minutes and only looked long due to 2m spaces between people. No doubt it was daft lasses wanting to do selfies for social media to show how crazy they are by getting up early to get a Primark fix. Each to their own...
Town centres will be suffering still as the offices are still largely empty. No people nipping out at lunch or before/after work.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 26 Apr 16:30
Topic Originator: PARSpars
Date: Mon 26 Apr 16:31
spot on jake89, think the queue after the other shops next to primark opened started at the top of the new row so wasnt blocking other shops and with the spaces between them was probably only half of what you would prob see in the shop at a busy time.
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Mon 26 Apr 17:12
Five cheap undersized Chinese T-Shirts for £10 is pretty hard to resist for some mind :-))
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 26 Apr 17:27
BigJPar, Mon 26 Apr 16:30
jake89, Mon 26 Apr 16:22
The queue at Primark probably last 2 minutes and only looked long due to 2m spaces between people. No doubt it was daft lasses wanting to do selfies for social media to show how crazy they are by getting up early to get a Primark fix. Each to their own...
Town centres will be suffering still as the offices are still largely empty. No people nipping out at lunch or before/after work.
At least you don't pre judge people
Sure enough, they had all suffered through being unable to procure £2 t-shirts from elsewhere.
Topic Originator: P
Date: Mon 26 Apr 17:52
Lockdown has been a pretty miserable time so if folk want to queue for Primark then it’s clearly something they enjoy so if that gives them happiness then good for them.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 26 Apr 17:57
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 26 Apr 18:21
I did say "each to their own". Take it some of you were in that queue then? 😂
Topic Originator: buffy
Date: Mon 26 Apr 19:50
I can only see myself queuing up if it’s Covid protocol and after acquiring a wee part time job (on the back of three years on UC) I’m looking forward to buying some essential clothes for the office. I’ve gone to Primark in the past and found it to be a great place for those of us on small / limited budgets. We can’t all afford Next, M&S or any other high end clothes shops.
I’m going to miss Debenhams a lot ~ it was also a good place for limited budgets.
”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”
Topic Originator: Pars232
Date: Mon 26 Apr 21:18
Nice one Buffy, great news re job :)
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 26 Apr 21:56
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Mon 26 Apr 21:59
Topic Originator: EEP
Date: Mon 26 Apr 22:19
Topic Originator: veteraneastender
Date: Mon 26 Apr 22:37
"On the contrary, the older generation will have had little impact on their financial situation, will have had their vaccines and, at least in my experience, are the group who treat the guidance with more disdain than any others so will be most likely to dis-regard the rules on the basis they’ve had their vaccine."
What experience is that ?
As I`ve seen things, the older generation have been diligent in following the guidance.
Opinions differ, as is the norm.
Topic Originator: widtink
Date: Mon 26 Apr 22:50
EEP, Mon 26 Apr 22:19
You can just see most of the people posting on this thread have had their vaccine and typical selfishness when people have not.... typical .net old gits again!
Trying far too hard 🤣
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 27 Apr 07:12
BigJPar, Mon 26 Apr 21:59
I take it you're about 13 Jake?
Username should probably give it away...
I take it I've hurt your feelings? Sorry if that's the case.
Well done on the job, Buffy!
Topic Originator: Rastapari
Date: Tue 27 Apr 08:07
da_no_1, Mon 26 Apr 00:17
FFS they're only going to the shops. As long as they follow the guidelines who cares?
It's terrifying getting a little freedom back....
Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.
Topic Originator: BigJPar
Date: Tue 27 Apr 08:44
Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Tue 27 Apr 08:48
You seem quite upset tbh. Happy to talk off the forum if you'd prefer. Email in profile.
Topic Originator: da_no_1
Date: Tue 27 Apr 09:08
BigJPar, Tue 27 Apr 08:44
jake89, Tue 27 Apr 07:12
BigJPar, Mon 26 Apr 21:59
I take it you're about 13 Jake?
Username should probably give it away...
I take it I've hurt your feelings? Sorry if that's the case.
Well done on the job, Buffy!
No hurt me 1 bit. Just can't be doing with immature morons who look down and sneer at folk.
See post at 8.07
"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"
Topic Originator: Buspasspar
Date: Tue 27 Apr 09:34
Good post buffy and good luck with the job
We are forever shaped by the Children we once were
Topic Originator: eastendalloapar
Date: Tue 27 Apr 18:16
As long as the people in the queue are following protocol, are wearing masks and are 2m apart there should be no problems. The biggest worry is the the crowds who drink in the street and hug each other without wearing masks. Personally my wife and I are going to Stirling on Thursday, we will probably only go into our favourite jewelers and then to our favourite restaurant for a lunch. The only time that my mask will be off is when I'm eating.
matt forsyth