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 Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 12:52

See they are moving covid jags to there. My youngest got her letter and that`s where she has to go

Let`s try making it till Christmas
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: jake89  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 12:56

There's a joke there somewhere 😂
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 17:42

Probably being petty but she doesn’t ‘have to go’.

Only go if it’s the right decision for her and you as her parents.
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 17:44


Berry, Thu 30 Sep 17:42

Probably being petty but she doesn’t ‘have to go’.

Only go if it’s the right decision for her and you as her parents.

Yes, silence would have been better than being 'petty'........
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 17:45

Not really, think it’s an important clarification.
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 17:47

Well why did you think you were being petty ?
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 18:02


Post Edited (Thu 30 Sep 18:35)
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 18:16


Berry, Thu 30 Sep 18:02

Petty is perhaps the wrong word, pre-empting folk like you that equally didn’t have to post.

This is what annoys me though, all I did was point out that it’s not mandatory, stating the obvious yes, but still thought worth clarifying, people will think I’m stirring the pot, alas not to worry.

Did I say don’t take the vax
Have I ever encouraged anyone not to take the vax
Have I criticised anyone for taking the vax

The judgement always stems from the vaccinated that believe they are bigger and better than others because they jumped straight in the queue for the jab as soon as that invite popped through the door.

Damn those people that have reservations, they must all be anti-vax loons.

His youngest kid got an appointment to go to an old warehouse in the town centre to get a vaccine that they don’t necessarily need. Vaccine Centre or not, you’d think they’d have a better environment to jab the kids no?

Whether anyone decides to take it or not, really is none of my business, wish others thought like that.

Whoa whoa whoa,
Didn't mean to touch a nerve as I have no qualms with your stance on your views on the vaccination, in fact I am well impressed with the details and the reasons you put forward for not having it.

My point is that dave67 posted a public information post about where the vaccination centre was.

Do you know dave67's views on the vaccination?
Do you know his child's?

But you felt the need to correct his post without understanding the reason to which he posted , which in your words, you didn't need to do.

I am only pointing out the fact that you felt the need to put your views across on vaccinating children on a post that was merely telling people where the vaccination centre was.

And then you take the view that I am judging your viewpoints ???

Debating is about understanding the subject that is being put forward, not making it about your views on something that is connected to that subject...
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: Berry  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 18:35

Apols alwaysapar, touched a nerve indeed. Will remove my posts!
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: alwaysaPar  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 18:36

Lol, no worries, we all do it !! 👍
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 Re: Old DW sports shop in kingsgate
Topic Originator: dave67  
Date:   Thu 30 Sep 19:33

Berry she`s still undecided about going for it. It`s her choice even though I`m on the vulnerable group. I won`t force her to go for it if she doesn`t want to.
It was more a heads up that they seem to be moving from the conference centre to the Kingsgate.

I`m getting my booster this weekend still at rosyth for me

Let`s try making it till Christmas
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